Harry comes back from the army

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Before I start , I apologize if I get anything wrong , in my country it doesn't really work like that .

⚠️ Warning - this one sucks


"He should be here any minute soon , sweetheart ." Anne smiled at Louis , and he smiled back at her .

They were at the airport with Gemma , Robin , the twins and Felicite , waiting for Harry . He had gone to Military a year and three months ago , and they all missed him like crazy .

Louis bit his lip and his knee was jumping , when Daisy sat on his knee and placed her small hands on his cheeks . "LouLou , why are you so nervous ?"

He smiled and places a kiss to her forehead , hugging her waist , "I'm just really excited . I'm going to see Harry again . You know how much I love him , right ?"

She nodded and kissed his cheek , "He loves you too , LouLou ." Louis bit his lip and sighed .

"Hey , Dee ," he started , catching her attention , "Do you remember the cuddles I give you , whenever you're sad ?" The little girl nodded , a bit confused to why he brought it up , "Can you give me one of those cuddles ?"

Daisy smiled and cuddled her brother , when another two pairs of hands joined , Phoebe's and Felicite's . Louis smiled and bit his lip , "Thank you girls , I really need it ."

They sat there , cuddling , when a high pitched scream rang through the airport , "HARRY !" Gemma lunged forward and ran for her life , clutching Harry tightly in her arms . Harry grinned at her and hugged her tight , rubbing her back .

Anne ran towards them and Gemma moved , letting her hug him too , Robin right after her . Louis felt tears pricking at his eyes and the girls removed themselves from him , letting him stand up .

Gemma took off Harry's hat and placed it on her head , when Harry spotted Louis . His grin got wider and tears gathered at his eyes , when he opened his arms , inviting Louis in .

Louis took off running , smiling widely , he literally jumped into his arms , legs wrapped aroung Harry's waist and his arms tightly around his neck . Harry spinned them around to balance himself , causing Louis to giggle madly , with him following .

"I missed you so much ," they said at the same time , causing another giggling fit to come . Louis clung himself to Harry , and Harry held him tight , never wanting to let go .

"Kiss me , please . Kiss me ." Harry begged , and Louis immediately held his head between his hands , kissing him deeply . 

After what felt like forever they pulled apart , and Louis combed his fingers through Harry's hair , "Your hair is so long ."  "I know , I should get a haircut soon ." "No ! Don't , I like it ."

Harry smiled and let Louis down , pressing their lips together , "I love you ." He whispered , and louis blushed deeply , "I love you too ."

"Harry !" the twins ran over and clung to his legs , Harry bent down and hugged them , "Hello girls , how are you ?"

"We missed you !" Phoebe kissed his cheek , and Harry smiled , "I missed you too ."

He looked up at Felicite , "What , I don't get a hug ?" He asked , she laughed lightly and gave him a hug . "Louis missed you like crazy ." She whispered , "He had a few breakdowns and said he only needed you , but as long as you're here he'll be perfectly fine ."

Harry was worried , but nodded , "Thanks for letting me know ."

They pulled apart , "Where's Jay and Lottie ?" "Volunteered to stay at your apartment and make lunch for us all ." Gemma answered , "Now that you're talking , i'm really hungry ." Harry said .

They headed towards the exit , ready to go home and celebrate Harry's comeback .


"We're home !"

Harry placed his things on the floor in the entrace , walking into the kitchen to be greeted by the amazing smell of home-cooked meal .

"Harry , dear !" Jay smiled and hugged him , kissing his cheek . Harry smiled and hugged her , "Hi Jay , how've you been ?" "Great , so glad you're finally home ." they pulled apart and Harry went to greet Lottie , who was currently checking the food in the oven .

"Hey , Lott's ." He smiled , she turned around and smiled , her big blue eyes shining . "Hey Harry ." They hugged and Jay called "Louis , darling , set the table please ?"

"Sure , mom ." He smiled , "I'll help you ." Harry smiled and went to get the table map from the drawer . "What , no you won't ! You just came back , sit down and relax ." Louis stopped him , gently pushing him backwards to the living room .

"Please ? Pretty please ?" Harry pouted and Louis bit his lip , "Don't give me this look ." He covered Harry's face with his hands , trying to avoid the face . They both know that he couldn't say no to Harry's pouty face .

Harry tried to pry Louis' hands off him but failed , so he reached down to pinch his sides , making him squeal and shoot his arms down , "That was cheating !" "It's called thinking , now let's go set the table ."

Louis tried to protest but Harry silenced him with a kiss .


"Thanks for making lunch , Jay ." Harry hugged her , right before they all had to leave . "Oh no need to thank me Harry dear ."

Harry hugged the girls goodbye , then his mom , sister and step-father , when they all left .

"I am so exhausted ." Louis fell onto the couch , and Harry fell on top of him , kissing his lips repeatedly , then moving to kiss every inch of his face . Louis giggled madly , "Harry stop it !" he tried to push him off , even though he didn't want him to stop .

He finally stopped and got up , "I'm going to take a shower ." He said .

"Good ." Louis replied , sitting up and smiling .

Harry was halfway there , when he stopped , "And you're coming with me ."

Louis' smile grew wider , "Even better ."


Hope you liked it x


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