Just The Way You Are

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Summary : Louis likes makeup , but he's getting hate for being a boy , and when he meets Harry , Harry helps him realize that nobody else matters .

Enjoy x


Louis pouted to himself as he opened his makeup bag , seeing he needs some new products after he lent the bag to Lottie .

He put on his usual light makeup , fixed his crop top and pulled up his skinny jeans , slipped his feet into his Adidas and grabbed his purse , leaving his flat .

He got into his car and drove to his usual makeup store . He parked his car and walked down the street , getting into the store .

He ignored the usual weird looks he got from customers , though the workers already knew him and they liked him , he liked them back since they were sweet to him and always helped him .

"Hey Gemma ." Louis greeted her with a smile , Gemma smiled back , "Hey , how are you ?"

"I'm good , you ?"

"I'm good too . What are you looking for today ?"

"I let my sister borrow my makeup , long story short , I need some new products ." He giggled a little , Gemma laughed , "Alright then , tell me what you need ."

Louis went through the shop with her , she got him what he needed and went to the cashier with him .

"Thanks for helping ." Louis smiled at her as he handed the cashier his things and card , Gemma smiled , "You're more than welcome ."

The cashier handed Louis his card back and put his things in a bag , he thanked her and turned to say goodbye to Gemma , when he saw she wasn't next to him anymore .

Instead , she was hugging a very goodlooking guy , who hugged her back tightly and lifted her off her feet a little , due to him being to tall .

He waited for her to be put down before he walked over to her , "Gemma ?" He said her name quietly , Gemma turned to him , "Yeah ?"

"Just wanted to say thank you again , for helping me ." He smiled , Gemma pinched his cheek softly , "I already told you you're more than welcome , Lou . You know you can be yourself ."

He nodded at her and glanced up at the guy she hugged , only to see him staring at him .

Gemma caught on and smiled , "Louis , this is my younger brother Harry . Harry , this is Louis , he's a regular here ."

Louis bit his lip , waiting to be laughed at , but Harry just smiled and held his hand out , "Lovely meeting you ."

Louis shook his hand with a smile , "Likewise ."

"I need to go back to work , okay ?" She told the two , they nodded and watched going to help another customer .

Louis looked up at Harry , giving him a light smile . Harry smiled back , "I really like your outfit ."

Louis looked down to his clothes , then smiled up at Harry . "Thank you ."

"I'd like to get to know you , if you want . What do you say about some ice cream ?"

Louis' eyebrows raised , he wasn't expecting that to happen . He nodded quickly , "Sure , just - can we go to my car ? So I can put my - my makeup there ?"

"Sure , let's go ." Harry nodded with a smile , leading the way out of the store . They walked side to side to Louis' car , Louis unlocked it and put the bag in the backseat , locking it and turning to Harry , "I'm ready ."

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