Taking What's Stolen

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(Up there is le monstrum aka Lunox)

Kadence's POV

"Art of Sword: Wind Blade", I infused a sword into an orb that swirls very fast and cuts everything around it, successfully blocking the monstrum's attack.

However, the monstrum keep attacking and it even summoned a few shards. Those shard seems to be infused with magic so it might attack us if we get too close. I should bring those two in some sort of plan to defeat this monstrum.

"What should Lunox do? Lunox is bored", said the monstrum as it shoots barrage of black and white bullet at us. "Watch out!!", I yells at Kadence and Gazeff to protect themselves.

"Fuck! Eternal Focus: Gathering Edge", I use a strong shield and try to block the attack but it keeps shooting and the boys seem to get some clean hit on them. "Rubiclear: Ridiculous Miracle", Kadence casted as he is now safe from the attack but for Gazeff it seems that he got shot further with fatal hits. He even seems to be bleeding but now is not the time. I have to save Theo!!

"Theo where are you!?", I roared loudly as I'm really worried about him.

Gazeff's POV

"FUCK THAT BITCH HURTS A LOT", I gets up as I was thrown away very far but I landed somewhere near my mate's stealer is at. I took this as a chance and let the dragon and the wolf to take care of that monstrum because I'm sure as hell don't want to waste my time while my Theo is possibly raped by that son of a bitch.

Seems like I could get in from the window so I did what I did. I break through the window and bleeds a little but this doesn't hurt because I have to get hurt to take back what's mine. "There you are!! You're not running away this time!", I found him with his 'boyfriend' and kicks the dude off of him before holding Theo close to me.

Ahhh~ the smell of his fur and his beautiful eyes~ . "Come on. Let's get back home", I didn't let him go as he struggles to break free from me but I'm stronger than him. "Either you come willingly or your boyfriend over there get hit by my Limit Break? Does the offer made you change your mind?" I smirks as I know well that he doesn't want to get his boyfriend hurt which is the downside of such simple love spells.

"A magic collar eh? Siphoning Touch", I enhanced myself with a siphoning effect and kisses his lips. Theo was struggling at first but it seems the magic spell has repelled the magic collar on his neck. I keep kissing him and soon his demon boyfriend lunges at me but he was too predictable so I shot him with Ancient Strahl which is effective type of magic against demon like him.

"Don't even come near me or my Theo ever again, demon", with that I jumps high with Theo struggling against me to free himself. How cute.

Ryan's POV

"F-fuck...that fucker....a-argh....", I fell on the floor as I was shot with a strong magic and my regeneration ability is too slow to even cover up the hole that bastard gave me. Eventually, my sights are weakening while staring at Theo but I'm not giving up yet.

As a demon lord, I shall resurrect and take back what's mine. I casted Devil's Call for emergency aid from my underlings which is from the underworld.

Theo's POV

"WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!!", I yelled at Gazeff in disbelief as he just killed Ryan. Though I know feel less loving and caring about him as the collar effect is gone. "I did it for us my love", he kissed my forehead which annoys me so I struggled to break free.

Suddenly, we both gets hit by some kind wave and got blown away. I landed in the pond and got soaked wet but at least I'm safe as I see that Gazeff is blown further than me. Then, I saw Lucas and Kadence battling a lady. I immediately sensed that it was a monstrum and this place is not safe anymore, judging by the condition of the trees and buildings.

Then, Lucas got blasted away while Kadence barely stands still with his shield on max focus. "Kadence! Watch out!", I yells for him as another wave is about to happen but I managed to save him with my magic. "Stardust Impulse", I countered the wave attack with my own wave, blocking each other but I focused more on my magic to try and stall the monstrum.

"Lunox wins", the monstrum said and starts shooting barrages of black and white bullets at me. "THEO!!", I heard Kadence yelled at me but I keep pushing back my wave of stardust while yelling everyone to run as this Lunox monstrum seems to be losing her mana constantly.

"Let me stand high, as the mountain. Let me burn strong, like the flames. Fire and Earth. Become one as we will always be. Awaken my fusion! Lavawalker! IFRITUAN!", I casted while still pushing the wave, slowly becoming Ifrituan which is my element fusion magic. I'm now fully armoured with fire so I let go of the wave. The wave hits me but it doesn't even hurt me as it only fuels the fire around me and the Lunox monstrum seems to be surprised to see me.

"I, Ifrituan shall end your meaningless invasion! Météore Feu de Forêt!" I summons a very big meteor above the monstrum while her surrounding get covered in flames. This will make sure she gets a direct hit. She tried to run but couldn't and she keep trying to teleport but her access is denied. While being in the flames, her magic dries out faster and she gets locked in there. Soon the meteor came down, hitting her.

Everyone was watching and they cheer on me as the Lunox girl is nowhere to be found except for the loots of a monstrum. I took them as my reward and slowly defuse back into my original self.

"Fuck...I used too much magic..", I fell on the ground and couldn't move my body as I used too much of my mana but then I was lifted. "You're a strong mate and I like that", Kadence smiled at me and he carries me back to his car. "I'll drop you off at your parents. Wouldn't want them to get worried too long", he said while slowly driving his car. Then, I feel like I'm forgetting something or someone. Oh well. I'm getting back home and that is all that matters.


3rd Person POV

As Kadence drive his mate back to his parent's home, the other 2 mates of Theo got sent to the hospital. Gazeff was injured a little, Lucas got fatal wounds while Ryan has resurrected and is sitting in his throne.

"I'll kill you Gazeff and it's for Theo to love me", he growls as he crushed a skull he had in his hand. 

The monstrum remains were cleared by the polices and hunters in order to investigate more about the sudden appearance of Ranked A monstrum. "Lunox failed us but next time, I'll be the one to send a monstrum to start our plan of chaos", said a mysterious person to his other 'friends' while their leader is deeply thinking about chaos.

(To be continued. S-s-s-s-sorry! Uwu for the late update)

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