First Day is A Disaster

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(Up there is Gazeff Ramirez)

Lucas' s POV

I watch my mate as he sleeps in my arms and he was moving a lot so I stroke his fur to calm him down. Whatever happened to my mate must have been a bad thing. I sighs as I kept looking for his house by sniffing his trail of scent which was faint but still there. I stop by a house which seems like a new neighbour is going to live. With that information,  I figured that mate lives here as I never met him before. First love at sight? Hell yeah! I knocked on the door and it opens to reveal a man and his wife. Their appearance looks like my mate so they must've been his parent. "Theo? What the hecc happened to my son!? I know I should have went with him. He could've gotten hurt!!", mate's father said and mate's mother strokes his fur and tries to take mate from me but I snapped at her which she didn't seem to care and proceed to take her son.

"I'm sorry but thank you for bringing my Theo back home. Is he ok?", she asked me with concern in her eyes and I nodded as I didn't want to talk to them. I came here for mate and I will wait for mate to wake up. "Anyway, I'm Elle and this is my husband, Kyle. As you can see he is very worried about our son.", she brings the big wolf with her to the couch and I stared at mate as he lays on his father's lap. It made me mad knowing that other male is touching him and I don't care if he is related to mate. I was releasing my killing aura which is supposed to scare them but the father seems to release it too.

"I'll go get something to eat and some drinks. Is there anything you would like to have?", I shook my head as I was surprised by her smile. Is she unaffected by my aura? Even the plants wither when it touches my aura. "Ok. Juice it is!." With that she went to the kitchen. Few minutes later, she came back with snacks and orange juice. She forced me to have some and I couldn't refused mate's mother. I want to know more about mate and I had to ask them about him.

"Ok so I came here to bring him back because he fell unconscious and I want to know about him more. Give me in a very detailed information.", I said with a stern look but the father shook his head and growled. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TOUCH MY SON AND EVEN KNOW ABOUT HIM?!!", the father said and he leaps at me as he is very angry and he attacks me with his fist. I was not surprised by this mad wolf's action and I block his attack as I guard myself. The contact between his fist and mine made a loud noise and it cause mate to stir in his sleep. Damn he is so beautiful and why didn't he enter my life earlier. 

As I was distracted, the wolf hit my face with his powerful fist which send me flying over the living room. A loud thud was heard by mate and I was very pissed by this old man. I don't care whether he is mate's father. I will kill him! "Hmm.....wha....where am I?", mate's voice was soothing my heart and he has awakened from his sleep.

Theo's POV

I woke up to see that I was on a familiar couch but different house. "Hmm.....wha....where am I?", my throat is dry and my mother gave me a water with a smiles. "What is it mom?", I stared at her because whenever she smile it always mean that something happened. "It seems that you found someone~", she said with a giggle and I scoffs as I turn to see that she was pointing to dad and who seems to be....hecc its him! I was feeling weak as I could feel both my dad and the Lucas's aura is forcing me to submit. I hate it but I feel very sad. Just then, I was hugged by the buff dragon and he was smiling with a soft rumbling from his chest.

"Mate is awake. Mate is ok", he said and kiss my cheeks which makes me blushed. We just met and he is said that I'm his mate but I'm sure as hell that no one owns me just by saying you're mine. I liked him for some reason but that doesn't mean he can just fight with my dad and show his dominance to me. "Yeah I'm fine but why are you still here?", my dad and Lucas was calm but Lucas was huggijg me more tight. "I'm not leaving my mate and you belong to me but that man is trying to come between us", he glares at dad and dad returned his glare.

"Calm down guys. I'm not hurt or anything." With that both of the males sit down next to me and my dad pulls me away from Lucas but he pulls me back to his embrace. "STOP IT YOU BOTH!!!", I shouted in my dominant voice and they both lowers their head as they felt bad for annoying me. "Mate...", Lucas said with pleading eyes. "What is it?", I turned to face him and was met by his passionate kiss. At this moment I was embarrassed by the sudden kiss and my mom had the chances to take some pictures while my dad broke a cup without noticing it. A disaster is in this house.

(See y'all next time)

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