Moving From Old to New

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(Up there is Theodore Leonard)

Theo's POV

I woke up with tired and sore feeling from last night's mission that I took which was quite the hassle to be done. Yes I'm a hunter and I will be moving to Springdale Town today because of my father's company was there and its near to the city which is near to the town. Of course my dad had asked my mom for permission and she agreed because it will be more time-saving and I get to transfer to a new school.

"THEO YOU HAVE TO GET UP!! WE HAVE TO GET MOVING IN A FEW MORE HOUR OR ELSE YOU WONT HAVE CLOTHES TO IMPRESS YOUR NEW SCHOOL!", my mom giggled as she shouted from downstairs and I get up quickly as I want to leave Worgia Town but at the same time I don't want to leave. I took a shower and it took me very long to clean my fur because I'm fluffy and very furry as my mom would like it. I maybe have a good reputation but I'm gay so I rejected everyone that has ever tried to make me fall for them. Even the boys got rejected by me because I want to find someone who actually care about me and not trying to be with me for popularity or trying to get a taste of me. Its been hard thanks to mating season last month so I just happened to met someone I actually like but he cheated on me so I lost believe in him and decided to break up with him so that my weak heart won't lose a piece of it.

"I will be down in a few minutes", I said to my mom and grabbed a tank top with a jacket and a pair of loose jeans cause my body kinda grows faster than expected so I went downstair with my stuff packed into our moving van."So how's was your mission last night kiddo?" My dad asked cause he was always the worry dad to me. "Its ok and nothing serious really happened", except for the fact that I got heartbroken by my now ex-boyfriend so I kept it a secret. I had my breakfast with my parents and we are ready to go.

As we got outside, we were greeted by our neighbours and friends. "I'm so gonna miss you buddy" Gale said to me with his pouting in use. Man I hate to leave him because he is actually one of my friends who sees me as a person and not as a divine, popular king. "So it seems that you're going to move", Alexis said to me with sadness in his tone which made me look away from her sad face as I didn't like it when she is sad. "I promise I will be visiting you guys sometimes ok?", I wipe away her tears and they both hugged me tightly but I can't say that it wasn't a good hug. We then said farewell to each others and as soon as I step into my mom's car, someone yelled my name. Someone I don't even want to see anymore. It's Gazeff. My cheating ex-boyfriend that I despise a lot. I decided to not get in the car to hear what he have to say to me so that it will be the last time I see him.

Gazeff's POV

I know I fucked up a lot but this time I fucked up my whole life. The person who is my mate hates me for cheating on him. It's my fault because I couldn't control my heat when it was the mating season. Theo is my everything and he is the one I truly love. I know he hates me a lot but I want to be back with him.

"THEO!! Wait please don't go!", I said loud enough for him to notice me but I can feel the hatred surrounding me that is coming from his friends. "He's no longer your mate so go away from him before I take out your heart and breaks it so that you feel his sadness!!", Gale said to me while he is ready to use his magic and Alexis is creating a barrier between me and Theo.

"Theo I love you.....please don't go...", I couldn't bear my sadness and reached out to him but was blocked by the barrier and I was growing impatient as I want to embrace him and make him mine but then before he went into his car he said, " Its Theodore from now on and please go away Mr.Ramirez". After that, he went into his car and they soon drove away from here. Slowly the sight of my mate is getting smaller and my heart breaks as I lost my one and only love one thanks to my own selfishness.

I walk back to my house and ignores the people that is in my way. I'm gonna get him back one away or another. He is mine and I won't let anything gets in my way. I promise that I will bring him back to my embrace. That day I started to get a job and managed to try to get more money. I have a plan. A very lovely plan and it will make sure I will get him back so that I can make him mine.

(See ya next time)

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