Unconscious For Him

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Elle's POV

I got myself dressed and my husband already in the car. It's been 5 days without our pup and we couldn't not live without him around. Kyle has been more focused in searching our son and he forced me to stay at home until we find Theo. "HONEY BE FAST WILL YA?!", he yells at me and got me in the car by himself. He didn't bother to buckle up his seat belt and drives the car very quick.

We arrived at the hospital after 30 minutes since Kyle didn't care for the traffic or any car. "Hun will you slow down?", I tried to calm him down by stroking his fur but he only got angrier and released his dominant aura. He had alpha blood in him and we had one pup so it's nothing new if he gets angry about Theo. "ELLE WE NEED TO GO NOW!", he lifts me up bridal style and rush into the hospital without opening the doors or talk to the nurse. He practically breaks the entrance and ran up to the 3rd floor.

I jump off of him and smacks his head hard. He whines and went back softy on me. "S-Sorry hun... I didn't mean to be mad at you", I drags his big paw and brings him to the counter. "Theodore Leonard. We're his parent and tell me where he is", I released my own dominant aura but it's not much. "Theo would be in room 8 with a person named, Marcus Raison", she said and points to a room.

I drags my husband into the room as he was still sad at me. When we entered the room, our pup was on the bed and sounds asleep. "My poor pup", I said as I went to Theo's side and Kyle pushes the man on the other side causing them both to growl at each other. "Ahem. I'm Marcus Raison and his teacher. I found him in the forest and he is going to be just fine", he said and holds Theo's paw.

"What happened to my pup!?", Kyle said to Marcus as he grips on the collar of his shirt. "He got drugged and bred by a male that you would be familiar with. His name is Gazeff Ramirez it think but he's gone for now", he said to us and grips on Kyle's collar as a payback. "Care to explain why his belly is bigger than usual?", Kyle snaps at him and Marcus sighs. "This Gazeff dude tried to have pups with him but failed. Its a low chance but thankfully he didn't get pregnant",he said then continued after a long inhale. "I'm Theo's mate and I will claim him even if you don't allow me to", he said and stares at Theo.

Marcus's POV

I did it. I told Theo's parent about me as his mate. "Please do accept me as your in-laws because I will marry him after we had things sorted", I said and release Theo's dad from my grip which he released me too. Theo's mom expression darkens and his dad is barely containing his anger. "NO ONE CAN TAKE MY PUP! ELLE, YOU KEEP AN EYE ON THEO. I WILL DEAL WITH THIS BASTARD!", he snarls and tossed me into a rift that Elle created. "Be sure to not overdo it",Elle said before I appeared on the rooftop with the angry wolf.

"DEFEAT ME THEN YOU'RE ALLOWED TO BE MY SON'S MATE", he shifted into his feral form which is common for us beastmen. His fur gets fuzzy, his claws extends, his eyes turn from blue to golden yellow and his size was four times than a truck. He snarls at me while I shifts into my own feral form with my size of course bigger than him since I'm a lion. My mane is bigger, my tail gets longer, my claws extends, my body is more packed than the old geezer.

"LIGHTNING CRASH", I charges my body with lightning and dash at the wolf. "GRRRR! METEOR DROP!!", the wolf roars and a barrage of meteor drops on top of me. It felt heavy and I drops to the ground. I got up and shot my Thunderbolts at him. He dodge it and jumps very high. "NO ONE CAN TAKE THEO!", he yells and falls at me with at full speed.

Suddenly, another wolf appears and shot an ice magic at both of us. "Cocytus Shard", the black wolf said and a large ice falls to us. "MAXIMUM OVERHEAT!", a demon hound appears and caused the temperature to get very hot. The ice melts and rained on us with water. I growls at them all which they respond back with their growl.

"I'M GOING TO BE THEO'S HUSBAND!", the demon said. "NO ME!", the wolf said. "I'M THE FIRST ONE SO FUCK OFF!", I said and we all starts to attack each other with our own magic. "NONE OF YOU WILL BE HIS HUSBAND!", Theo's dad yells and goes close combat to all of us. "BLITZ WRECKER!", Theo's dad starts to punched everyone with his quick speed. The demon attacks me as I took out my weapon.

Theo's POV

I got up from my deep slumber. Damn my body hurts a lot. "Oh my pup! You're awake!", my mom hugs me and strokes my fur which feels good. It reminds me of Mr.Raison rubbing my fur as I falls asleep. Mr.Raison!! Where is he?! "Mom where is Mr.Raison?", I said and she points into her magic rift. It's still open but I can hear the sound of people fighting.

I jumps into the rift as I know something bad happen since my dad is not around and its not a good thing because he met Mr.Raison. I appeared in the middle of their fight but they were too focused on each other. "STOP IT EVERYONE!!", I yells and they stopped. I noticed that there were a demon, a black wolf, a lion and my dad. The black wolf shot an ice at the lion but he dodge it which is about to hit me.

I closed my eyes as the ices gets very close. After a while, the battle went silent and I opens my eyes to see that I'm alive. I look around and saw that they are growling at someone near me. "Hey babe. I hope you're fine cuz I will save you from these bastard right now", a giant dragon said and had the same look as Lucas. "Lets go!", he said and flies away with me in his hold. Dad and the other males were shouting at us. "YOU FOOL WILL DIE!", Lucas yells at them and shot a laser at them. "BLACK HOLE!", I yells as I jumps out of his hand and casts a big dark hole which absorbs the laser. It stops then disappear but I was falling to the ground very fast. "AAAAAAA!", I yells and hopes to survive the drop.


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