Things That Became Too Good

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Theo's POV

Mmmmm~ it feels weirdly comfy to sleep right now. I can even feel this soft bed hugging me back. Wish I could sleep forever.... Wait..... Why does it feel a little hot and also a snoring sound?? "Mom. Dad. I can sleep by myself you know that right?", I wake up and look around to see that I'm in my bedroom and I saw my parent peeking at me from the door.

Wait if they are over there, then who am I sleeping with? I look down to see that it was a half-naked Kadence. Then, I immediately got up and stay away from Kadence that is laying on the bed and I heard my mom giggles while my dad slam the door open wide for him to enter. He approaches the sleeping Kadence that is moving his muscly arms, seeming to search for something missing and he also whimper like a puppy that lost his toy.

"Oi, wake up!", my dad yells as he grab and lift Kadence, doing a german suplex which caused Kadence's head to hit the floor. " it morning already?", Kadence yawned and is still sleepy but the moment he turned to look at me, he grins and we stay there for as long as we could, staring at each other. My heart is beating faster and I covered my blushing face. "Slept well?", Kadence asked me but dad hits his head. My mom came in with some food and my favourite drink, green tea.

"Well well, now that you both are awake, you both should eat a lot to regain your energy. I bet last night was exhausting", my mom said and she placed the food on my table. Then, she pulled her annoyed husband by dad's ear, out of my room. Now I'm alone with him..... W-What should I do?! I can't be calm toward this cute big man!

"Are you...going to eat or what?", Kadence said as he stuffed his mouth with lots of cookie. "Uh....yes?", I took a step closer to him and try to grab one of the cookies but he grab my hand and forced me to sit on his lap. "Such a cute pup", he smiles and gave me the cookie I was about to grab. "I'm not cute...", I said but he shoved the cookie into my mouth. "Hehe want another one?", he said after taking a bite of a steamed bun with egg yolk custard fillings. "Damn this tastes good!", he licks the custard of the bun and gave it to me. "You should taste this", he said with hopeful eyes and I can't really say no to those eyes.

"Fine....", I took a bite of the bun which he bit and I earned a purr coming from this dummy. Wait! Did I just have indirect kiss with him?! I could feel my face turning red so I look away from him, not letting him see me like this. "What's wrong?", Kadence asked and he put his fingers on my chin, redirecting my head to face him. He's getting too close! "N-N-Nothing! Ah yes! We have to go to the school right now or else we will be late and we have to deal with Mr.Raison!", I panicked and said what came to my mind but we still have to go right now. I would like to avoid several very well known people.

"Alright then let's go", he stuffed even more cookies into his mouth and was about to wear his clothes but I stop him and gave him an old shirt that belongs to that person. The person that I hate but he gave me this old shirt when we used to be together.

"Hey buddy, don't you think it's getting colder here?", Gazeff said to me while holding his silly umbrella. It was snowing out here but we plan to go for a walk in the forest to our favourite spot. "The cold won't bother me much if I have you, my silly wolf", I hold his hand that was holding the umbrella and I let out a cold breath. Gazeff noticed this and took out a shirt with a scarf from his shopping bag that I chose for him earlier, putting them on around my shoulder and neck. It feels warmer and I kiss his cheek for making me feel this warmth that he always gave me. "You do know what happens if you kiss me right?", he chuckled and kiss me on the lips. It was my first kiss. "I-Idiot..", I look away and cover my face with the scarf but he only smiles as we keep going to the spot.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?", Kadence shake my body and his hands are on my shoulders. "Uh... I'm ok and you can wear this", I gave him Gazeff's shirt but I put the scarf back into the old bag. "Let's get going then. Tsurlebagh 4th Form: Sonnette", he took out a small relic that shines and it went out of my bedroom through the window. "First we need to tell your parent of some stuff first", he said and I changed my clothes into my bright green t-shirt that has lightning mark on the right side. It feels right to wear this today. I wore matching pants and went out of my room with Kadence to go downstair.

Dad was in his office suit and mom was preparing to fix her hair. "Am I gonna send you there or is this mutt going to send you?", dad said and growled but mom hit his head with her slipper. "Let them go by themselves, you will make us late for work", mom was angry as she is supposed to be at company building by 6:40 AM so she pulled my whimpering dad to his car and mom gave me a wink.

"Well guess we should go too", he got outside and ride on a huge kite-shaped skateboard. "This is Sonnette, we should be there quickly if we use him", he said and got on it. I got out of the house after packing up my bag with food that mom made, locking the door. Kadence then grabbed my hand to get up on his Sonnette. "Hold on tight, cutie", he put my arms around his shoulder and he hold onto the handle of Sonnette, hovering and drives us to the school. "The wind sure feel nice doesn't it?", he said as he hold my back and I nods, looking in front of us. It feels strangely good hugging this guy. I keep hugging him and we're about to reach the school. Yeah....the students that saw me immediately group up and starts to shout at me. "You seem popular hehe", Kadence laughed. This dummy...

"Well you two seems to be very close. Too close might I say...", I heard a certain person said and I turned to look at him. He was very grumpy and he doesn't look that good this morning. His mane was messy, his eyes look murderous and sleepy, he looks tired and his clothes are messy as well. It was Marcus, my another mate that kissed me during breaktime. Kadence landed us and took Sonnette back into his relic. "We just arrived and someone bit your balls?", Kadence mocked Marcus and he got mad, clenching his fist. "Ok that's enough you two", Cynthia said and she went to Kadence, giving him his bag. "You forgot this and next time I won't help you doofus", Cynthia said and went with her friends after waving at me.

The bell rings loudly, informing us that we are indeed....late for class. "Better get going bastard", Marcus said to Kadence and he took my hand. "And you are late for your class which is my class", Marcus said to me this time and I felt his warm hand holding mine. I could feel that he is worried about me. "Next time, don't go disappearing like last night...", he said before we enter our class.

(To be continued! Gehe how ya like that? A sprinkle of Kadence sweet love and a big teddy lion Marcus. Well next time maybe I will add some spicy stuff or salty or maybe some fights? Hehe)

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