Mine As It Was Always Is

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Gazeff's POV

I walks back to my hotel as I got some pictures of Theo. I enters my room and lays on my bed which is filled with Theo's used clothes that I stole. His smell is still there and I wish he was here in my arms instead of going with that dragon. I heard my phone rings and I pick it up. "Boss, what should we do with the slut?", I heard my man said and there was a muffled whine coming from the other side of the phone. "Kill him and make sure you dispose his body",I said with a chuckle that cause the muffled whine goes more louder.

"As you command", I place my phone on the nightstand after turning it off. I smiles as I watched the blood stain on my fur. I didn't take any shower for days since the start of my killing spree. I sniffs my Theo's underwear and licks it. I remember that he jerks off in it and there were faint, musky cum stain on it. As I did, I jerks off and my tail wags more faster. Only Theo can make me go crazy. Unlike those sluts that I slept with, he was beyond any pleasure that I had. He is mine. He is my mate. His smells is very intoxicating and I gets boner whenever I sniffs it. He wasn't ready to have me strengthen OUR mating bond but he did it with that dragon!

My cock leaks pre as I thought about how we had our kiss and was touching each other. We didn't have sex but damn I want to. He decided to wait for the right time. He was 14 and I was 19 when we did it. The second attempt for sex was interrupted by his phone call coming from his dad. The nerve on that old man. I swear that I wanted to kill him but he wokes up my cute little wolf in his sleep. Yeah I did attempted to rape him but I don't care. He is going to be mine and I won't let anything gets in my way.

I climaxed and my cock is covered in cum. I love him so much that I couldn't control my heat. The bitchy slut happen to rub his body against me as he was in heat too. We had sex and it was nowhere near how Theo makes me crazy with his soft moan as he had his wet dream. I had to do it so that I can control my heat for Theo. I was fucked when he found out that I cheated on him. The bitchy slut took a video of us having sex and told Theo about it.

I was beyond angry. I push the bitch to the locker and everyone had their attention to us including Theo. The bitch smirks at Theo and kiss my lips as he made it look like our make out session. I'm going to kill this slut for making Theo hate me. Theo looked at us with hatred and disgust while others was happy because I'm the famous guy at our academy while the bitch is sexy to most people but not to me. The next day, I tried to talk to Theo but he avoided me. What makes it worse was the bitch kept pestering on me.

This went for a few weeks and Theo started to talk with other males. He didn't mean it but it seems that those males had interest in him and got closer to him than me. Thats when I started to kill. It was the guy who kissed his cheek when he falls asleep under the tree at the academy's garden. It seems that they were both together and happy. I had no choice. Killing was my only way to solve this problem.

I killed the bitch too and dispose his body. Since I own a company as my parent died and I don't have any other relative, it was easier to kill and dispose off the evidence. Everything was going well except for that one day. He was sad as he was chatting with his friends. I heard one of them would suggest a farewell party for him. I didn't like the sound of it as he was crying for his life. He only cried this much when his old friend was transferring to another academy.

I had my men to investigate on him and what I got was devastating. He was going to move out from town and change academy. I was stunned and I went to my room as I felt like a part of me was ready to leave me. The day he was going to move came and I was too late. He packed his stuff and was ready to go along with his parent. I quickly ran for him. I'm not going to lose him but his stupid friends had the nerve to block me. I was only inches away from Theo. He only said to never call him Theo and address him as Mr.Leonard. He even called me Mr.Ramirez. I was tearing up as he left me.

I stared at his house and went back home. Until this day, that house was bought by me and I didn't destroy it but I ordered my men to renovate it to be just like how Theo's house was before. I had his human-sized body pillow. I will make sure that I get him back. No one will get in the way. EVER!

(Ya know da drill)

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