Fleeting Sinners

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Theo's POV

I sit next to Cynthia as Mr.Raison told me to and it seems like he made the girls all around me while the boys are further from me. He seems furious but calms down as he starts the lesson. It seems that Kadence is in his literature class for this morning so I decided to send a message to him.

"Hey.." -Theo

5 minutes later, my phone beeped and I turned it on to see that Kadence had responded back. I was feeling all giddy and smiled.

"Hey cutiepie. What is it? Did Mr.Raison do anything to you?" -Kadence

"Oh it's nothing. I was wondering if you'd like to take a mission with me after school..."- Theo

I was blushing and smiling to myself and Cynthia noticed me so she poked me. "Why is your face so red?", She said and I turned to look at her. "Oh nothing important", I said to her and turned off the phone but it beeped again which made us both turn to look at my phone. It was Kadence again.

"Sure cutie. I've been meaning to ask you about this too. Just the two of us right?"- Kadence

I just sent him a thumbs up emote as I was blushing madly. "You got a date with my brother huh?", Cynthia said with a smug and I just looked away to avoid her seeing me all shy. "Yeah I'm sorta excited to see him", I said and continued talking with Cynthia until Mr.Raison came to stop us. He looks more furious than earlier. I hope he didn't overhear our conversation.... Shit..

Marcus's Pov

It has been fucking annoying me for the whole period. Why is he still talking about that Kadence mutt?! Can't he just take a goddamn rest already! I internally roared and turned to look at Theo. He looks so cute as always but I noticed that he's not paying attention. Tch! "Everyone please complete today's structure and hand it in within the remaining hour. I already asked Mrs.Carla's permission for an extended period as she was on her holiday", I said in a loud and clear voice.

Then, I walked around the class to check on everyone's codex structure. Eventually, I went past Theo and noticed what he was doing. He's not going anywhere without me! I went back to my seat and pretended to be doing my papers while staring at my lovely pup. He doesn't realise how cute he is and it's driving me insane but I still can sniff out the scent of the other mutts and dragon from his bodily musk. Oh how I want to get rid of those scents badly! He's all mine! As I was deep in thought, I was gripping so hard on my glasses that I broke it.

Theo seems to be on his phone. Fuck it, I'm gonna ask him directly. I got up and went to his seat and I slammed my hands on his table. "Pup.... You better be focusing on your task. I won't be so lenient on you...", I said while my claws dig into his table while I try to stay calm and not lash out on him. I don't want to lose my temper and hurt him. I don't want that to happen...

(Flashback to Marcus past)

It was late at night in Sals Etoro. I still remember it vividly. I was returning to my old house. I didn't have anyone close to me other than my little brother, Miguel. It was also the night when the huge robbery happened. I was in my car, driving back home after a long day at work. There were sirens and police everywhere. I didn't pay any attention to it and drove past them. Until I saw a familiar kid, it was Miguel's friend. I stopped there and was worried about Miguel. He should be home with his friend. I hope he's alright..... but I was wrong. Later, I found out that he was missing. There were signs of blood as well around the park but Miguel was nowhere to be found. I couldn't hold it in and looked everywhere for him.

Until I saw one of the robbers. He was running away but I saw he was holding what seems to be Miguel's scarf. It was bloody and it was at that time, when I lost myself and couldn't control myself

I still remember his last words before he went missing. "Marco. Please come home early today!"

(End of flashback)

I still remember how angry I was. I'm glad I managed to calm down before I did something terrible. I still hope Miguel is still alive. There were no evidence of his remains except for blood stain.

I eventually calm down in front of Theo and made a soft expression. "Pup-... I mean Theo... Please focus...", I said and went back to my seat. I stayed silent until the period is over and Theo seems to be anxious whenever I look at him. I didn't mean to scare him. I hope he's not scared of me...

Theo's POV

I was anxious whenever I look up. Mr.Raison is still staring at me. I hope he's not gonna punish me the same way Lucas and he who I don't care anymore.

Few minutes later, the class is over and I was about to head out to go to the next class which is Chemical Crafts. If I'm not mistaken, Ryan and Kadence will there too. I have a bad feeling about this. Before I could get out of the class, Mr.Raison was quick to intercept me. He pulled my hand and brought me into the empty janitor's room.

"T-Theo... I... I'm sorry", he said and bow down in front of me with his mane falling down as well. I didn't know what to say and hold his arm. "It's fine Mr.Raison", I said as he slowly gets up and he eventually start to get close to me, closing the gap between us. "Please... Just call me Marcus. We're mates. Not strangers", he whispers to me and held my chin up before his lips get closer to mine. His eyes were filled with love and jealousy. There was also a hint of lust.

He kissed my lips and my eyes went wide but I didn't hate it. Instead, it felt good and gave me tingles. "M-Marcus...I have to go...", I was blushing hard as he smiled as he let go of my lips and he place his hand on my face. It was warm and I could feel my heart beats fast

"I love you Theo...", he said as he gently bite my shoulder to mark me. He was very gentle and it didn't hurt as much as how others marked me. "I'm sorry. I can't hold it anymore", he said and let go of my neck. It didn't hurt at all but I do feel hot.

Suddenly, the door opens before Marcus could kiss my lips again..

(Adieu. I'm still alive but my health is declining badly and I even forgor I got this story but I will try to update every week)

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