Gazeff: Hollowed Regret Part 1

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Gazeff's POV

I want him back. I need him! I don't want to lose him! I have been following Theo the whole time, making sure to get the perfect timing to take him away. Even right now... I have to wait until he's alone. It hurts my heart so much that he's having so much fun with his mates. I regret everything so much. I have to control myself! I can't let my anger get the best of me.

Soon, Theo went away with his mates and I felt my heart tugging in pain. I walked up to the empty seat which they sat on earlier and I saw Theo's spoon. It's the same as the one he used back at Worgia High. I pick it up and noticed that it has lingering scent of Theo. I started to sniff and lick the spoon. It really is his spoon.

"Gazeff...", I heard Theo's voice and turned to look at him. The way he calls my name is just too tingly and made me more feral. It's too arousing and even warms my heart might I say. I turned to look at him and I couldn't control myself so I immediately runs toward him and even breaks the dagger he threw at me. It was futile for any struggles and I pinned him down. He smells so nice so I hugged him tightly. "Please don't leave me Theo....", I said and whimpers like a hurt puppy. I could feel his heart melts a little from those words.

"Gazeff... we broke up... please understand that...", Theo said which made me sad so I keep hugging him tightly, not letting him go. "Mine!", I growled at him and licks his neck with my claws digging into his back. I don't want to lose him. He seems to squeals as I keep licking his neck. He reeks of those other mates he has...

"Please give me a chance", I said and got up, helping him to get up as well. I even gave his spoon to him and then walks away. "If you need anything, you still got my phone number...", I said as I disappeared from his sight. I had to go as I got work to do. I never told him what I do and I want him to remain clueless about my other side.

<Time Skip!!>

I walked out of my hotel room with a suitcase. I even wore my black suit as this deal is important to me. I have to do this properly to secure the safety of everyone I care... Theo...

A few hour later, I have arrived at the negotiation place. Not too shabby but it's quite abandoned for a place to make a deal. I got my guards up as I saw this coming from miles away. There's exactly 12 people appearing out of nowhere and then one more which I recognised as a traitor of the mafia family appeared who seems to be their ringleader. "Alas.... you shall fall today, Don Ramirez! Get him!", the asshole yells and the men start coming after me.

"You fuckers..!", I roared and starts fighting back but struggles as there's too many of them. It seems like they even had healing magic. This is too fucking unfair so I decided shoot them with my fucking gun. I shot every single one of them on the head, making sure they won't get up even if they healed. "You fucking mess with me! You get fucking killed by me!!", I shouts and kept shooting until I'm out of bullet but I smirk and took out my scythe from my shadow to strike each of them once.

"Black Room of Assassination!", I casts and swings my scythe, creating a field of darkness which only I can see through. Everyone of those bastards are now fucking blind! Then, I slowly but surely struck each one of them with a single slash as it also reopens the cuts I gave them even wider. Their blood splats and spurts everywhere. Luckily, I wore this black suit so it kinda matches the blood splattering on me.

"Healing...", their leader chants but I quickly reach to him and swings my scythe upward, slicing him point blank. I can hear his men running away but it's no use as they're trapped in here with me. Several hours has passed and I have cleared everything here but I'm too tired to even walk. I took out a cigarette and lit it up with a dark flame from my finger. I huffed and started smoking until one of the men got up and he rushed toward me. "How foolish....", I got up and uppercuts him on the face, dealing a fatal blow which made him fall down with a loud thud.

Suddenly, I heard a loud beeping which is coming from the man. I got closer to check on the dead man and the beeping sounds are getting louder by the seconds. "Shit!!", I cursed and started to run away but my leg gave up on me. I jumped from the 3rd floor but before I could even jump, the bomb exploded and destroyed the building. The explosion was big enough to hit me so I hit the ground faster and soon the debris from the ruined building started falling toward me.

"Is this the end....?", I groaned and tried to pull out my scythe from my shadow but I'm too fucking exhausted. The debris keeps getting closer to me. I sigh and pull out my phone to call for him one last time. Theo....


Theo's POV

It's time to take on a mission with Kadence and Cynthia since today's class is over. I wonder where Gazeff went off to. Oh nevermind that. There's already 2 more clingy beasts following me. I sighed and just looked up today's mission. "I wonder what kind of mission I should take today....", I looked over the mission list on my phone. Ryan who was next to me immediately clicked on one of the missions and it redirected my phone to contact Aria, who is one of the Ryougo Academy's main servers.

"Hey....uh Aria senpai...", I awkwardly say while choking Ryan which he enjoyed but I'm annoyed at him. "Hello Theodore. Would you like to take on this mission?", She asks me and the mission information appears on the screen. "Well uh sorry about that senpai. I just miss clicked it. But I will take it anyway!", I click on the accept mission and Aria nods while Lucas put his hand on my head and he ruffles my hair. "Let's get going then", he said and I blushed at the sudden pet.

My phone starts ringing and I take it out to see who it was. The ID of the caller is none other than Gazeff and I hesitates to answer the call. I just click on it slowly. "Hello? What is it Gazeff?", I asked and started to get worried as I heard something loud on the other side and his voice seemed ragged. He's breathing is hitched and he sounds terrible. "Gazeff! Where are you right now!? Please answer me! You dummy!!", I started to shout and all I could hear from him which tugged on my heart was...

"Theo.... I'm....sorry..."

(Our very first focus episode of Gazeff. I'm planning to make this book an all-character-route. Stay tuned to see if this is the end of this dangerous man, GAZEFF RAMIREZ!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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