Gazeff vs Kadence

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Gazeff's POV

"Dead Survival!", I shot a massive wave of my aura which calls the dead again but this time the undead would be stronger and armed. "Better surrender and die!!", I commands the undeads to attack the wolf and they moved swiftly that even the wolf's skills won't be effective.

"Tch!! Cutting Trouble!!", the wolf yelled and his claws shined which seems dangerous so I jumps very high and saw that he cut through the whole field including my undeads but that won't even work. "MULTIPLE CONJURE!". I snapped my finger, causing the dismembered body of undead to fully regenerate into a new undead. "It's no use. Soon you'll be one of my undead and that will be minus one of those fuckers that tries to get close to Theo." I blinked then saw him run but more like disappeared. Shit!! I turned and saw him with his weapon turned into a dagger. "Fucking die then!!", he yelled but I managed to switch place with an undead.

"Hackslash!!". He charged his sword, creating some flying knifes which all of it moves into position and he swings it and the knifes starts to move very wild. Before I even knew it, a large cut appeared on the ground with smaller cuts. Fucking damn it!!! Haru is very close but I still have to deal with some bastards!! "DARK MIRROR!", I summoned a mirror from my shadow and let it reflects the image of the wolf. "Mirror, mirror, kill whom you've shown to me", a clone of the wolf came out but it is darker.

"Well, well~ hello me!", the clone attacks Kadence at the same pace as him. Unluckily, I can't cast any other magic or move out of the cast area unless I want the clone to stay. "Close combat it is!!", I dashed at Kadence while doing combo attack quickly which made Kadence's pace slower as he needs to fight two at the same time.

"Promethian!", he switched place with his annoying ball but mirrored Kadence understand the ability of the ball so he holds it which soon switches with Kadence. I prepares my claws to attack and he struggles to move. I swipes my claws around his chest many times, ripping through his clothes and deeply damaged his body. "Give up on Theo or you'll die", I said in a lovely tone and the mirrored Kadence holds Kadene tightly. I keep attacking while Kadence coughs out blood as he bleeds even more. Ahhhh~ what a nice colour. "On second thought, I'll end you!!" With that I kicked him away and commanded the mirrored Kadence to do it instead. "These bloods aren't worthy enough to be by my hands. If I were to kill someone, let that be their darkest form". I walked away, lighting cigar and smokes it.

"HACKSLASH!!", Kadence said and his little knifes killed the mirrored Kadence. "You don't really stay dead, don't you?", I gave him dead stare as I'm more focused on getting Theo back. "Beat it or die", I walk towards where Theo should be but damn. "HACKSLASH!" Knifes started to chase after me and they moved quickly but I dodge them by switching place with the undeads. "Misery Contact", I turned to look at Kadence as I could feel magic starts to flow into him.

Kadence's POV

Had to do it! Misery Contact is useful right now so I have no choice. The knifes keep moving towards him, creating unseen marks all over his body. Done! "Feel thy pain", I whispered into my blade and slices myself. The sound of Gazeff screaming can be heard as if he got sliced. Glad I could use right now. I keep cutting myself but the damage transfered to Gazeff instead.

Misery Contact marks the enemy by using the knifes. Once the mark is complete, they will be linked to me. In order words, I won't feel any pain as the linked person would take the pain instead. There's a downside to it which is I can take their pain if they got attacked but not by me and if I don't use the knife to keep marking him, the effect will be gone. As painful as it might be, I have to do it.

"Abyssal Syphon", a magic circle appears below Gazeff and the mark is completely gone. "Nice trick buddy but...", he got closer to me. "I'm better!!" He punched me in the guts and darkness engulfs me. "Stay down mutt", he said before I faints.

Theo's POV

Ahhh fuck. I woke up, feeling a strong headache and a nice smell. "Where am I....?", I looked around to see that I'm in Ryan's room. "Babe~", I heard a deep voice said and pulled me closer to the source. He licks my neck which send tingles to my whole body, making me melt in his embrace. I noticed that he smirked but I could only feel strong love for him.

"Theo~ my mate~", he kisses my lips which I kisses back as it feels so good. I even unconsciously grinding against his huge bulge. He licks his lips, rubbing my ass with something cold. I moans, getting my ass exposed and fingered by him. Man, I haven't felt like this before. He's equally big as Gazeff and Lucas. The only difference is that he seems more demonic. "Ryan~. Please b-breed me", I said as I feel my ass couldn't hold his fingering any longer. "Will do, my love~", was all he said before the fun starts.

(To be continued)

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