My Hero or Not

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Marcus's POV

After I get into my clothes, I put my weapons into my back and geared up too much. Well not too much if I'm going to save my mate. "Ok I'm ready!"

I walks outside and gets into my truck. It has magic function and many weapons in it since I'm a former general to the army of this country. No one knows much about me as I'm not really a socialist but more of a loner. "I'm going to save you. Theo". I turn my car on and drives into the woods. As I reach the safe point, I activates the stealth function to stay hidden from any enemy including Theo's kidnapper.

(Timeskipped <50 minutes> by Theo kissing all of them)

It has been 50 minutes of me spying on the inside of the warehouse through my micro camera. Only one male has ever come out from the tightly secured room. The male had something in his paws. Its Theo's hoodie. "What the hell is he gonna do with that?", I said to myself and gets out of the car.

Gazeff's POV

Oh fuck. I'm still horny even after our mating session. Theo went back to sleep as he was tired and I decided to wash his clothes. I can feel someone is here as my shadow saw a figure outside the warehouse. I put my Theo's clothes into the washing machine and turns it on. Then, I shot a dagger at the small window as I knew someone's watching me. A little explosion was made and I knew it was a bulleyes.

I have to do something about this person. No one is allowed to come near this warehouse and my Theo. "Shadow Prisoner! Go and kill anyone that is near!", I yells and heard a soft whine. It's Theo and he is having a nightmare. "Hush babe. I'm here for you", he hugs me and I rubs his back. The hypnosis works on him perfectly. He will love me forever and no one can take him. A little more hypnosis and he will completely be mine.

He calms down and sleeps more peacefully now as he loves it when I'm with him. I hope he is pregnant because we had a lot of sex with no protection and my knot always gets bury into his ass. His belly is more swollen than our first time mating. Its full with my seed and its getting warmer everyday. 

A loud explosion was sounding outside the warehouse and I cast a spell so that Theo will sleep. I got outside and saw a male attacking the shadow. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!!", I growls and I remembered that he was one of Theo's mate. "I'm here for Theo and you're the one who kidnapped him right? It doesn't matter cuz I'm taking him back with me", the lion said which made me more agitated as he easily went through the horde of shadows in front of him.

"Darkness Dagger! Deucro!". My weapon came out from my shadow and I grabs it. Then, I rushed towards the lion as I attacks him with it. "Guard Switch", he casts and we switched placed. He had my dagger thrust into my shoulder and damn! It hurts. "You should have known that I came prepared for this", he mocks me and walks toward the warehouse. I tried to get up but his magic made me stuck in my place.

"Path Displacement . Its a magic that allows me to immobilise my enemy if they ever step on my spot which I stayed for long enough to leave a sign", he smiled and went into the warehouse. My shadow is gone and my feet is locked to the ground. I have to get my Theo away from him!

Theo's POV

I woke up to see that I'm still in this bedroom. My belly is warmer and my limbs were uncuffed. Maybe Gazeff finally let me roam free. I gets up and ate the food that Gazeff have prepared for me. Where could he be? My tail wags and I could smell a scent that is not of Gazeff. Someone else is here.

I took the gun in the nightstand and points it at the door. It creaks and opens slowly. "Charge Shot!", I pulled the trigger and release the bullet at someone. "Ouch! Fuck that hurts me!",he said and I noticed that its Mr.Raison. "Oh there you are. I'm glad that I have found you", he gets closer and pulls me into a tight hug. His fur sent relieves into my body and I hugs him back.

"Lets go now before that guy is awake", he said and carries me. He is strong for a man in his 40s. "You can check me out later but now we got to go", he smirks at me and I blushed. I'm saved by my teacher. A handsome one at that. We got out of the warehouse anf I saw Gazeff was trapped on the ground. "Goodbye Mr.Ramirez", I said with hollow in my tone as a part of me doesn't want to leave him. He cried and reach out for me but I just shook my head.

"Theo! No plz don't go! Don't leave me Theo!! We're about to have our live together!!!". With that, he howls in sorrow and I bury my head into Mr.Raison's hairy chest. "Don't worrt about that mutt. He won't be freed from my magic as long as I'm near his place", he placed me on the front seat and gave me some medicines. "Take them. You will be better", he said sternly and I nods at him.

"Mr.Raison... my body feels weird. Its heating up", I said and my body is getting hotter. The look on his face was clear shock and he cast a magic on my belly which suddenly flatten as Gazeff's cums pours out of my ass. "I knew it! He used a device to ensure your pregnancy and if you're far from his place, the cum inside you will increase. He's too dangerous for you, Theo. I hope you'll be more careful", he said and my abs as it is back.

"Here put this on", he gave me a boxer and I knew what he meant. I blushed and quickly wears the boxer. Its very tight and it shows my lower part. "Umm Mr.Raison", he just raised his eyebrows and glanced at me. I kissed his cheek and wags my tail. "Thanks for saving me", I said as I release the kiss on his cheek and my eyelids get heavy as I slowly falls asleep.

Marcus's POV

Ahhh~ he's so cute. He even kissed my cheek on his freaking own will. I smiled and strokes his stomach which made him murrs in his sleep. I'm going to send him to the hospital but his family needs to know. I took out my phone and calls his mother. "Hello. Elle Rosie is speaking", a woman said and I know that its Theo's mother.

"Miss. I found your son and I'm sending him to the hospital for check ups", I said and I can hear soft sniffle came from the other side. "Oh thank god. He is safe. My husband and I will go there now. Thank you for finding him", she said and I can hear her husband is awaken by her thanks. "Its not a problem and see ya soon", I cut the call off and slowly drives the car to the hospital. I hope that they will accept me as their in-law because I'm planning to tell them that I'm his mate. "Hope things will go well".

(To be continued and yeah sensei is so awesome!)

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