Infatuation and Alluring Sight

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(Up there is Cynthia Eleanor)

Theo's POV

I was quickly grabbed by my dad as he saw that this big demon guy is drooling on the sight of me. Dad, of course yelled at the male but the demon seems to just grin at me and I shrug it off. The demon guy went to his own direction and I was staring at his rough back. Damn...if only I could get as big as him. Dad got me in his car and he drove me back home before its dinner time as we spent about 6 hour around the town for sightseeing. Even if you can call it that with dad taking his time while tryinf all the stuff around here and talked to his old friend. My dad actually lived here that's why he had his company in the nearby city so that its near to his home.

I ate the ice cream that dad bought for me and I stayed in the car whike he is buying some stuff at the store. I was licking my ice cream until a big shadow was hovering the car. I look around to see that it is Lucas. What is he doing here?! Does he know that I'm here? I was worried that he might try to bite my neck which is what I'm not ready for. Lucas was looking around and he sniffed the air. My scent that's right! Luckily, the car had black tinted window so I think that he can't see me.

Dad came back to our car with stuffs in his grasp. Then, he saw Lucas and he did what he always do those who are close to me. He barks loudly and Lucas heard him which he didn't like to have because he knew that if dad's here that he knows that I'm here too since he could see that dad was furious at me. What else would dad be mad about if its not me and mom?

He gets in the car and quickly drive us back to our home. I look back through the window only to see that there is Lucas on his motorcycle. Damn....can't he get anymore hotter than this. I mean he is only wearing a tank top with a jacket and long pants. He is a very casual man but attractive one at that~. I shook my head as I was stopping myself from drooling over the sexy dragon driving behind us in a slower speed.

When we arrived at home, dad put the stuff he got on the table and I got into room. I looked over the window from my room to see that he is out there on his bike. It was going to be nighttime but he is still out there on the pavement, leaning toward his bike with his jacket on and his eyes were glowing yellow. Its burning with the need to be with his mate which is me.

I laid on my bed and pull my blanket to cover me. I was needing more warmth so I hugs my body pillow and went to sleep after that.

Lucas' s POV

I know that he can see me. I know that he thought about me. I know that he is worry about me. I know that I want to make him mine. After the lights was out, I flew up to his window and I unlocked it using a spell. He was sleeping peacefully and I touch his body from the top to bottom. I want him more. I licks his neck and he moans in his sleep. Ahh~ the moans are music to my ears. I keep going and I was jerking off using his recently used boxer. Damn it was very musky and I fucking love it! After I came, I wipe the cum off from his sheet and I licks his bulge for reward to the cutie.

I got out of his room and locked the window again. Then, I went to my bike and drives back to my mansion, which is far in the woods. Heh I wonder if mate would like to live with me. I went to my room immediately, not in the mood to greet my maid and butler. I sleep with a boxer that I got from Theo's closet.

Cynthia's POV

Its morning already and I rush myself to get ready even though its very early. I text my friend Jane to tell her that I'm ready and I got myself a sandwich and some lunch box cause I know how to cook so I accidentally made a lot of them.

"Morning Cyn, I'm almost ready to get to the academy. Meet ya at the cafe.", Jane text me back and I walk to her cafe. Yes she works there because her mom is the manager. Speaking of which, my mom said that she was already out earlier than me. When can I defeat her...? I ate my sandwich and arrived at the cafe few minutes later.

"Yo girl! Come let's go now!", she said as she grabbed my hand and leads me to the academy as fast as she can. "What's the big idea!?", I said after relaxing for a minute as we arrived at the academy's front gate and I was exhausted for the run she forced me. "Sorry hehe, I got a very good news for ya!", she whispered yell at me. "What is it now?", she giggled and we walked into the academy and continued down the hall. "There is going to be a new student coming to this academy! And its a male students! ", she continued her talk with her attention around us. "What's more is that this dude is the most famous and handsome guy ever!!", she is practically jumping and of course some students heard us which cause the news to spread like the wind. "So who is this new dude anyway?", I said as I hold her steady as she can't contain her excitement.

Before she could even say, her attention was averted to the entrance of the academy and the other students also gaze at the entrance. "OMG ITS HIM", "HE IS GOING TO ATTEND HERE!!", "AHHH!!!", and some of the girls was yelling around for the guy that just appeared in mid air. Magic eh? He was wearing an overall complete uniform that seems to hug his buffed and muscular body. He's hot! I felt my cheeks burning as I saw that the guy was looking at me.

Theo's POV

I had to teleport since mom and dad had to go to work. Together. My mind right now is only focused on the thought of them both kissing each other. Bleh! Gross. As I landed on the ground, I walk into the academy and crap. There happen to be a lot of students. Shit! I forgot it was still early in the morning. Guess I have to just walk through the crowd that is now gathering around me and I was sweating a lot as these girls and boys were making me suffocate from the inside.

I was walking without paying attention to my way and bumped into a girl with long white hair and stylish one at that. I thought the student had to wear the uniform but I guess mom deceived me. Damn mom! I just noticed that I was the only one wearing the school uniform. I grab the girl and help her get up even though she can get up on her own but I insist on helping her.

"Sorry didn't see ya there. I'm Theodore Leonard and you?", I calmed myself down as I was trying to deal through the massive crowd and right after I said that. The crowd around me was in melted by what seems to be my voice and act of forgiveness toward the white-haired girl. "I'm Cynthia Eleanor and it's fine", she gave me a small smile before turning to go with her friend. I walk as fast as I can to my classroom and used my magic to create an illusion. 

Yes! I arrived at my classroom and sit at the very back of it. Right after I sit, I took a quick nap and was suddenly hugged by someone. Big arms and buffed chest hugs me from the back. I woke up to see that some people was glaring at someone thats hugging me and I turned around to be met with red eyes. It's the big demon doggo!!

(See y'all next time cuz I can)

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