Square Root of Love is?

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(Up there Elle Rosie, thicc mom of Theo)

Theo's POV

I was out of my heat and I pushed Ryan off, breaking the kiss with a blush. Ryan keep licking his paws covered in my cum and I did have a taste of our mixed cum. It was a thick mix of sweetness and bitterness. A balanced taste and I licks my paws too which he glanced at with a smirk. "Ye like it?", I look away and blushes even more. "I take that as a yes hehe. I'm sure you want more~", he was rubbing my thigh again and gropes it a bit. I smack his paws off from my thigh and I growls at him but he just gave me his cocky smirk.

I clean myself with my handkerchief and help him clean his face as he was sweating during our make out session. Even if you can call it that. He blushed and I just shrug it as I really take care of others. Especially him. I let out a tear as I hold my necklace which had 'Regret Nothing' carved on it. It was a gift from Gazeff. I hung my head low in our memories together. His love was a complete mirage as I couldn't tell if he really loved me but it was in the past. Still I kept his gift.

Ryan looks at me as my tear drops to the floor and he notices that I was staring at my necklace. "Who gave you that?". There was a low growl and anger in his tone. I wipe my tears and just gave him a small smile. "Its a gift from an unknown person. Why do you care?", he was tensed and he chose to stay silent about it. I still could sense his anger and it was not fading instead it is increasing. I rub his big arm and he was slowly getting calm.

I chukled at his sudden calmness which he also return with a warm smile. This time we really focus on the magic tool as we didn't have much time to fool around anymore. We did it and the tool we had is now glowing and runes were engraved on it. "Guess we're done.", he said and I gave him my true smile. "So will you go out with me.", he said again and I was dumbstruck by it. I want to say yes but I didn't want to go through the same experience.

"Sorry but I can't. We just met and my parent won't even allow me to go out with someone. I hate to say this but I don't want a boyfriend.", I said slightly harsh and he was feeling down but then he raised his head and said, "Let's be friends and we take it slow ok?". I nodded and he was happy. The warm atmosphere was what I want and I'm not ready for love yet.

Ryan was back to his seat and I exchange my Magic Study books with math books. Its math class now so I expect it to be challenging. I yawned as I look to view outside the class window. As I did, some people took a picture of me as if I'm a student model but damn I use Mirage Eye and saw that they got a good look of me in the picture. I smile at them which earned me a group of fan's exciting yell. I look behind me to see that Ryan is taking pictures of my ass. How dare he!? I shot a Frozen Dust at his phone and it freezes immediately but he grins and melt it with his hellfire. Damn his fire is very hot. Just like him....wait what? I was blushing as I was thinking about how does Ryan look without clothes on. Few seconds later, a teacher came in and a lion was at sight. He was staring at me and I gave him the staring contest. I've had enough so I decided to play fire with fire.

He smirks and licks his lip. Whats the matter with these guys I just met with seduction!? I screamed internally and he put his bag on the desk. "Hello class. I'm your substitute for today and will be until next month. My name is Marcus Raison. Nice to meet y'all.", he smiled widely and a student raised her hand. "Mr.Raison where is Mrs.Lilith?", she said and the other student also asked the same thing. "My sister is pregnant so I will take her place until she is done.",he said and showed us a picture of a pregnant lioness.

We were all in awe at Mrs.Lilith's picture. She is cute and a petite lioness. Seems like she has a loving husband, taking care of her at home. "So can we continue with our lesson today?", Mr.Raison which made the student sit down and take out their books. I heard Ryan whispering to me. "Wouldn't it be nice if you were pregnant with our pups?", he was obviously dazing about our future together. Hecc like hell I would marry him but still the thought of having pups brings comfort to me.

The class begins with a very hard math problem. It has symbols that I don't know and formula that I don't even want to know. We all had to try and give it our best shot to solve it but ended up failing. Mr.Raison was yelling at the completely helpless jock as he already gave a more simplified way to solve it. Then came Ryan which he also ended up the same as the jock.

Its my turn now and I honestly didn't know what to do so I just use Complex Mind Force which allows me to do anything I can't but after I'm done I will always forget what I did. "There ya go. It's done!", I managed to crack a smile with pride and he was staring at me instead of how I decipher the damn formula and solve it. "Wow you're great and you did it in one shot", he said as he placed a paw on my shoulder. As he did that, I look around to see that Ryan is very tensed and destroying one of his book. Calm down bud. I went to my seat as I don't see why I should stay in front of the class with their eyes lusting for me.

As the class goes on, the bell rings which indicates recess and I grabbed my bag as I walk out the door. Just then, Ryan tap my shoulder and I turn around which he quickly hugs and lifts me up. He brings me to the plaza of the academy and he sit down on a bench under the tree. As I was hitting him with useless physical attack, he placed me on his lap and he open his lunch box as he try to feed me. Damn big guy! I won't hesitate to knock yer head off.

Marcus's POV

I was going to my office and walking in the corridor as I talk to one of my friends. "Oh really. So who is your mate?", Jesse pokes my shoulder with his and I just shakes my head. "Hey isn't that the new student?",I look through the window to see that Theo is with Ryan. I crushed my paperwork without caring as I'm pissed at the sight of my mate taken care by someone else. It was supposed to be me! I was going to invite him for lunch but he was stolen from me!! The sight burns me even more as I clenched my fist and walks to the office in anger. No one takes my mate and I hope that he isn't marked yet.

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