Out For Next Day

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Theo's POV

I woke up on top of Lucas and yawns as I was still sleepy. I tried to move but I forgot that his cock is inside my ass. Fuck how can I forget about that? I blushed and Lucas woke up as he felt that I was awake. I force his cock out of my ass and my ass was sore. As he woke up, he held me close to him again. "Lucas, can I go home now?", I said politely and he nods. "You're already home babe", he smiled and I sighs knowing that I had to stay but today I got my favourite class and I don't want to be late.

"Fine. I will send you back to your home but after we get married, your home is here", I nods and hugs him which he blushes. He opens the window and spreads his wings as he held me close to him. I hold onto his shoulder as he carries me bridal style and he flew us to my house. I'm glad that my parent is still asleep and I jumps into my room as he landed in my rooftop. "See ya later hun", he peck my lips and I smiles at him as he flies back to his big mansion.

First of all, I need to take a shower. I did as hard as I can to clean the cum off of my body as I reek of his scent. I even wash my ass. Second, I need to get ready. I quickly put my stuff into my bag and went downstair only to see that mom was up. "How's your date?", she smirks as she could smell Lucas's scent all over me. "G-Good I guess...", I grab an apple and rushes to the academy. I meet up with Cynthia on my way and she walks with me.

"How are you today Theo?", she said as she munches on her cookie. "I'm good and nothing bad happen",I replied with anxiety. "Oh really? I can smell someone's scent on you~", she grins and pats my shoulder. "Its nothing really." As we keep talking, we arrived at the academy and we head to our locker. Her locker is near to mine so basically she hangout with me now. She is the first friend I made with after all. "Cynthia? ", I ask but she turns and flicks my snout. "Call me IA. Dummy", she said and pouts. I can see other people are jealous of us hanging out together.

I opens my locker and saw that there were a lot of love letter in it. I sighs and sorts em all but I found a letter that is unlike other. Its a letter with blood on it? I opens and reads it. IA was shocked as she saw the letter on my paw. It says, "Hey babe. Do you miss me? You know I won't leave you ever but why did you go out with someone else?! Don't worry. I will handle this. Just like how I always do.", I crumpled it and toss it to the air as I shot it with a fire.

No one can own me. I'm myself. IA gave me a drink as we sit at the cafeteria table. I use my ability Unknown Existence so that no one will know that Theo, the oh so famous and awesome guy is sitting alone with his friend. If people saw me than that means they can see through my ability and they will go crazy about this. "Rough day huh?", IA gulps down her juice and sips mine. "Yeah. History and Literature sucks.". As I finish my juice, I crushed it and toss it at the bin only to miss it. Someone took it and put it in. I was glad someone help me score it and I saw the man's beautiful eyes. He approaches our table and stares at me which caused my ability to be broken whenever someone walks near me or stare at me.

I put on my hoodie and he grabs my wrist in which IA was fangirling about this. "Found ya mate", I gulped and couldn't believe that I got another mate but can't say I hate him. He is gorgeus and very built. I use my magic to read his mind and there is no ill intention in his mind. There is only honesty and he is not a player although he is sexy and attractive.

As he gets closer to my face, I could feel his breath. Our lips only inches away and everyone is looking at us. Mr.Raison and Ryan just came into the cafeteria and they saw us almost kissing. This sexy man didn't care and kiss my lips which everyone gasps while my other two mate were going crazy as they stomps their way to my table. IA took pictures of us before the moment of disaster.

"WHY DID YOU KISS HIM AND NOT ME?", Ryan and Mr.Raison yells at me and caught the attention of my mysterious kisser. "I'm Kadence Night by the way~", he said which his voice melted my heart and of course on autopilot, I kiss him back. The other two was building up their magic and glares at Kadence. He holds my paws and rubs it gently. Then, he took out a ring and kneels on one knee. "Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?",he said and of course I was shocked as Lucas propose to me yesterday.

The ring was shot by someone outside the cafeteria. It is not Ryan or Mr.Raison. It was a very pissed Lucas with a serious expression and a gun in his hand. "Hands off from my mate or you will regret what I will do next and the next bullet won't miss.", Lucas said very serious and starts to charge his gun energy. The bullet that missed Kadence, hit the wall behind me and it left a big hole on it.

Ryan attacks Lucas as he was angry. "YOU'VE COULD HIT THEO!", he yells and Mr.Raison toss his thunderbolt at Kadence as he was about to snatch me away. IA was still in her fangirl mode along with her friends. Kadence changed his expression from kind to seriousness as swords appear around him and blocks the thunderbolt. "Go away old man, unless you wish to be in pain.", he said and I think I've fallen in love with Kadence. Soon, the war of love starts between the four of them.

(*boops* and next time)

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