Stolen by Past

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Theo's POV

As the fight goes on, I sighs and get away from all of them. IA follows me and creates a clone of the two of us so that the stupid males will get distracted by them. "Thanks IA", I said to her and she smiles as she grabs my hand and leads me to the garden on the second building's rooftop. "Lets rest here since you look tired from all that...hassle",she said and gave me a white flower that is called Icy Poppy. Its a rare flower that contains Ice magic in it and it is my favourite flower. "Here you should try this", IA takes another Icy Poppy and swirls it in the air. Suddenly, it starts to release it's magic particles and a cloud appears on top of us. "Snowy Hail", IA chants and it starts to snow on us. "Wow! That's amazing!", I was in awe as it was snowing the whole academy.
A shadow suddenly appears on the exit and it locks the door. I heard it but I pretend to not know it. As the shadow gets near, I join my fist together and knocks on a flower bed. "Naturian Prison!", the flower grows under the shadow and immobilised it. IA shot something on my back. It was another shadow. "IA, we have to run now. These guys looks dangerous", I hold up my hand and release a strong breeze that barely pushes the shadow. "I know but there is too many of them to run away from. Watch out!", she knocks me to the side and took a sharp slash on her shoulder. "Damn it. They're too strong", she covers her wound and I gets up as the shadow keep chasing me. Dodge and attack thats all I can do but my attack went through them.

"IA, you go and get help. I will hold them off", I gave her Air Step magic which allows her to jump on the air as many time as she wants. "Go now!", I toss her into the air and she cast Quick on me. My speed status went up and I attacks the shadows with my own dark magic. "Fusion magic! Dark and Nature. DARKEN ORB!", the hail turns into dark little orb and the shadow that touches it disappears. "Take that y'all stupid shadow! ", I snaps my finger and more orb appears.

As I keep fighting the shadows, someone appears behind me with a low laughter. It must've been the caster! "Full charge! Dread Spectre!", a big shadow hand appears and attacks the person with a negative sphere on the palm, charging at my attacker. All of the shadow fades, I think that I got him right? "Not bad but still same as usual~", the person said and the voice was very familiar. "Its me babe and I came to take what's mine~", its Gazeff! I toss the necklace at him and walks past him. "You can take that cuz it's yours". Before I could even reach the exit, he pins me down to the garden and our lips connected as he went closer to me. "Ok you got what you want so let me go you jerk!", I punches his chest but he didn't budge. He kept kissing me and his paw went to rub my bulge. "Fuck you! I hate you!!", he stops and stares into my eyes. There were sadness and regrets in it.

"You're mine and I will always be by your side", he summons the shadow and they chains my legs and arms. "Hey let me go!", I wiggles and Gazeff just ignores my protest as he licks my neck. I heard him snarls and bites the mark on my neck which was claimed by Lucas. "You can only bear my mark! No one takes you away from me! Not even that dragon!", we both gets swallow by his shadows and I was yelling for help. This man have gone crazy. "YOU HEARD HIM! LET HIM GO!", an angry voice yells and punches the shadow from outside. "Who the hell do you think you are?!", Gazeff growls at my saviour. "I'M RYAN ABANE! DON'T YOU DARE TAKE MY THEO!!", suddenly I felt the temperature gets really hot. Oh shit! "MAXIMUM OVERHEAT!!", both Gazeff and I sweats a lot and we're covered in burning shadow barrier.

"See ya never. Suckers!", with that we both disappear and spawns at a place. Not familiar but very different. "Now we're both alone and no one can get to us. You're sweating a lot babe. Let me help you", he said with lust in his eyes. "No..please no..", was the last thing I said before I faints not from him but from exhaustion of today's fighting. "Don't worry. I will take care of you babe", Gazeff said unclear to me.

Ryan's POV

After the massive explosion, the garden burnt to crisp and I falls down to my knees as Theo got kidnapped by an asshole. He's mine and my mate but still I couldn't save him. I planned a lot today for our suprise date. I have to get him back!

Lucas's POV

I senses that my Theo's presences is gone. Shit! What happened to him!? I hope he's safe. I will find him no matter what.

Marcus's POV

I have a bad feeling. Right now, I'm in the nurse room and my injuries are not that serious. I feel something happened to Theo. I pray to god that he is alright.

Kadence's POV

After the fight, I went back home. How dare they interrupt me and Theo having date. What is up with those asshole? Theo is mine and I will have him forever. I saw a big explosion coming from the academy. I checked my phone to track my Theo but no luck. Shit! I went out of my house and quickly went back to the academy. I hope you're ok Theo. You won't be gone right?

(Oof save Theo plz)

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