Friend And Trouble

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Cynthia's POV

I'm walking to the hospital right now because my stupid step brother was pissed off about Theo's disappearance. Yes my brother is Kadence but we don't really do much with each other. He's still my brother so I can't let anything happen to him. I stop as I saw colourful magic that is released from the top of the hospital. I knew something was wrong because he suddenly left without telling me. I took out my dagger and gets ready for anything that can happen as I could feel more presences was up there and a huge dragon flew there.

It grabs something and was about to leave but someone jumped from it's hold to block it's powerful magic attack. Someone is falling from the top and I immediately noticed that fur. It's Theo! And he's falling very fast. "Snow Breeze", I points my finger at Theo and a cold breeze blows at him, slowing him down. Then, I toss my dagger at him which pulls him by his shirt and stabs the hospital. Problem solved but new problem is here. Theo is stuck! "I'm coming!!", I said as I jumps and an ice platform appears. I use it to skate at him as I creates more ice path to Theo. The presences from the top of the hospital came into view as something were descending from the top.

I noticed Kadence but not the rest so I decided that I would freeze them all. "Freezing Dust", I skates on the ice again with Theo on my back as I leaves some ice dust which will freeze anything it touches. I heard them all snarls but Kadence pushed them to my ice dust which made them freeze on the wall. The dragon and a demon wasn't affected but I managed to stop the lion and accidentally, Kadence. "Don't let them take him!", Kadence shouts and I nods as I made the wind push the dragon.

All that is left is the wolf. "Swamp Wave", I casted on the ground and a big wave of mud washes over the wolf. Now the wolf is stuck in the mud and I'm gonna make it! "Lightning Step!", someone said and the lion appears in front of me. I freezes him again but missed as he moves very quick.

Marcus's POV

I won't leave Theo ever again and I will do anything to protect him. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you Cynthia", I said in gruff voice and casts a lightning at her. The lightning constricts her body and paralyzed her movement. "Arghh....ugh..", she faints and I picks up my cute wolf. He was unconscious since he somehow got his head hit by something.

"Rock Chaser", the dragon said and multiple rock floats around him. The rock spins very fast and rushes at me. "Flower Guard", I cast and a big flower appears which absorbs the attack. Each petal of the flower gets plucked as it was about to be activate the second time. "Flower Dart", I touches the flower and it spreads it's petal which quickly attacks the dragon.

The dragon shifts back to his normal size to gain evasion but failed as I got him by his left leg. "Fission Crack!", the demon appears behind me with Theo in his embrace and he shot me a big boulder that seems to crack. "Pathetic! ", I dodged it easily and it hits the dragon instead. The boulder cracks and shatters which seems to give us all damage. The black wolf and the blue wolf shiftef back to their normal size and shot lasers at me.

"Woody Suprise! ", the laser shot at the ground and spiky woods emerges around me. "Violent Screech!", another one came but it missed me and hits the demon. Probably was aimed at him and the demon shifted back to his normal size. We all were staring at each other buy mostly at Theo. "Warp Entrance", the demon tossed Theo into a portal very quick that we couldn't do much.

"Time for round 3, boys!", the demon said and prepares his fist. I knew by now that it was Ryan and the black wolf is Kadence. Kyle still here and the dragon is very known by me. Its him. The richest fucking dragon that was very ignorant and his mate just had to be Theo. Great! I'll have to beat all of them. "I'm ready to beat y'all to death", I said as I equips my gaunlet.

Theo's POV

I groans as I woke up with a strong headache. I rubs my forehead as I felt like it hit something before I was asleep. Wait! I was unconscious and I know I'll have to get free food from Cynthia as I could feel the faint coldness on my forehead. I gets up and looks around the room. Ok I'm pretty sure that Cynthia doesn't have a sweaty bed sheet and musky scent.

I stand up and walks toward a cabinet. There was a picture on top of it and I took it. In the picture, a demon hound family were presented and I turns it to see that there is someone's name. "Ryan Abane", I read it and I knew it was him. I fucking called it! "So this is Ryan's room?", I wanders around the room and checks his stuff. There were a lot of clothes on the floor, smell of alcohol, another room filled with what seems to be his cum, claw marks, overused condom which seems to be years ago and a picture of me on his nightstand.

I do like him but I have a crush on Kadence not him. I hope he can find someone else and I hope Kadence will be my boyfriend. Just the thought of it made my heart beats as I could feel his calming scent. Unlike Ryan, he's more safe to be with and probably a virgin.

I'm not a virgin because of my first time was with a certain dragon who wants to be my husband. Lucas is rushing things out and Kadence is calmer. I'll have to give all of them a shot to be with anyway. Besides, who knows if Kadence could be worse and judging from my experience, there will be high chances of bad thing to happen especially with Gazeff. He's not gone or dead yet because he's a psycho. I hope I'll be safe in anyone's hold. I rests on the bed as my body still feels tired and sore. My ass still reeks of Gazeff's cums. I hope he's alright even if I do hate him cuz he's still a good man who deserves to be treated as good as we deserved too.

(Bruh I thought it was gonna be Kyle who's going to save Theo smh)

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