Fight For Love

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Ryan's POV

"Fuck....", the dragon said as he was down to 1 hp while the rest were exhausted from the combo of my attacks. "Give me my son back...", Kyle who is Theo's dad but I won't allow that. Theo will be mine with or without his consent. "I'm tired so see y'all later", I said as I enters a portal immediately which teleports me to my room.

"Ahhh~ this smell. Theo's still here". I sniffs the air more while I turn to see my Theo is on the bed. He seems adorable in his sleep. I lay down next to him with one paw on his waist as I slowly feel his bulge against mine. I growls softly as I gropes his ass while I pull out a collar which is casted with a everlasting love spell. With this, he'll be mine and only thinks about me.

"Theo, you'll be mine forever. I, Ryan Abane, will bound you to me as we are destined to be. Love between us will spark and our hearts will be pounding faster as we hold each other. Lovralius Ardurn", I chanted which activates the collar as I put it on Theo's neck. The collar shines it's stone which indicates that Theo is now mine. A mark was engraved on my left palm and I can control Theo with this.

We'll be together and no one will get in the way. I'm even glad that he left his psycho boyfriend but now he's stuck with me. I'll try not to show him how much I really want him. In my demon years, I'm 4289 year's old but mortals see me as 19 year's old. I've been waiting for my mate. Theo shifted around to face me which made him hugs me. This mean the collar works.

"Ryan....", Theo mumbled in his sleep as he drools but I'm infatuated by his words. "'re too big...", he continued which made my heart flutters with happiness. "I'll be bigger for you", I whispers into his ear and gave his lips a deep kiss. As we kissed, I slowly falls asleep with our scent mixing in the air.

Gazeff's POV

I can't believe this! Someone took my mate and even use magic on him. I'm more than frustrated because I'm late to the fight for Theo, thanks to that lion geezer. His crappy magic is not even strong enough to hold me down. "I'll kill you Ryan. Theo is mine and no one can have him", I whispers to myself while I'm on the tree as I stares at them cuddling which made me very pissed.

I want to rip the demon's throat but I should not do it now. I'm tempted to kill but I need to prepare myself with a perfect plan and a new hideout. I can't afford to lose Theo anymore. My rage is too strong right now. I need to calm down so I starts to breath with deep inhales. I have to come back tomorrow.

Kadence's POV

Fuck! Where is Theo? He could be anywhere. Ryan could rape him. He even might try to do something bad to Theo because I can feel it. I have to find Theo and save him. None of these males are safe for him. Only I am suitable for him.

I follow the trace of the portal as I use my magic to see the recent link between portals. It seems far but I won't give up. As I get closer to the other end of the link, I could see an evil aura which is still growing. It doesn't seem to belong to Theo or Ryan so I guess I have to fight this guy too. "Theo is mine. Theo is mine. Theo is mine", the wolf said repeatedly on a tree branch but he didn't notice me yet because I hide my aura and magic.
"Shadow Hand", the wolf summons a large hand made of shadow which almost hit me. "Tsurlebagh! 2nd form. Dexterity! ", I tossed my blade into the air as it transform into a sawblade with a bright gem as it's core. "Maelstrom! ". My sawblade split itself into smaller pieces and attacks the wolf while the gem shines very bright to remove the shadow. "Shadow Daze". The wolf dashes at me with a big shadow monster behind him which is about to attack me but my Dexterity blocks every attack from it.

"Who are you?", I ask him while being attacked. "I'm Gazeff Ramirez. Theo's my mate so fuck off", he roars as he brings us to the Moonlight Hill. "He's my mate too! Let's not fight and try to figure this relationship out!", I said to him but he send several shadow monster to attack me. "I won't share Theo!!". The wolf dashes at me along with his monsters. "He's mine too! If none of you will try then I won't even care about sharing him!!". I've had enough with trying to talk and be nice so I snapped from my nice mindset and goes full force at Gazeff.

"Tsurlebagh! 3rd Form. Rubiclear!". I casts which transforms Dexterity into Rubiclear, a crystal cube which can detach itself very fast and can change anything it touches into another cube. Rubiclear transformed the shadow monster into cubes which made them under my control.

"Shadow Prisoner!", Gazeff said and summons more of his monster but my cubes hold them off while my Rubiclear is attacking the strong ones. It is hard for Rubiclear to transform the stronger one into a cube. Gazeff goes into close combat with a dagger but I blocked his attack with some of the cubes. "Fuck this! Release Black! ". Gazeff raisef his blade into the air which causes it to be foggy immediately. "Shadow Play!", he disappeared but I still can feel his presence. "Shit!", I said as he managed to cut me from behind. "That won't be enough!", he chuckled while a shadow smothers around me which another cut has made it way on my chest.

"Ahh fuck....Tsurlebagh! 6th form! Promethian!". Rubiclear transform into Promethian, a humanoid mannequin with perfect abilities in most of things. Promethian protected me from every attack from Gazeff even though I can't seem to block it myself. "Tch! Shadow Prisoner! Shadow Play!". This time Gazeff and his shadow monster disappears into shadow smoke. They fly around us but Promethian takes all of the hit easily. As expected from my magic but no time to brag. "Promethian! Hide and Seek!". Promethian hides inside me as we do a combo magic. Right before a shadow attacks us, I switches place with Promethian and the block recoil the attacker which I switch back to attack. This won't end if Gazeff keep summoning those monster.

(To be continued but I'll make a brief chapter on all of their stats very soon so plz be patient)

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