Bell Which Chimes To Save

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Cynthia's POV

I wonder where Theo went off to. Kadence should have immediately waited in front of his class but Theo's gone. For some reason, his scent is leading to the janitor's room. "Excuse me...", I said before pushing the door to open it and reveal two familiar faces. It went for an awkward 10 seconds of silence before I slowly closed the door.


WHAT THE HELL?! I need to call Kadence quickly! Not that I mind that they're about to do it... but!! "Stop right there! You evil beast! Soulsound! Chime of Summer Breeze", I casts and a soft bell chime resounding within the room which calmed down both of them. Mr.Raison seems so be more in control of himself while Theo is no longer looking shy.

"Thank you... Cynthia...", Theo said as he  slowly got up along with Mr.Raison. I sighed and took out my phone to call for Kadence which seconds later, he slides and appeared behind me. Talk about looking like an absolute mess... His whole look is all messed up. Is he frustrated that he couldn't wait for his mate? "T-Theo.... I'm sorry..". We all heard Mr.Raison said and he walks out of the room but I can feel that he will come back sooner... well too soon...

Marcus's POV

What is wrong with me!! I should control myself more but for now I have to keep a close eye on Theo. Can't let him get hurt anymore. Even by me.

I hide on the side right after they don't see me anymore. Soon, Kadence was holding hands with my Theo!! That fuckboy needs to learn his place but first I have to get my food. I remember that he's going to eat with Kadence in the school's garden. I should be there quickly to stop them from doing anything bad!

Theo's POV

"Thanks Cynthia. Marcus...umm he didn't mean to hurt me...", I softly said and pulled up my shirt to hide the bite mark he gave me. My body's getting hot again. I guess Cynthia's magic was not enough after all. Kadence, who looks like an angry wolf, approaches me and holds my hand before taking me away with Cynthia following us. "Nii-sama, you should be more gentle with him", She said to him and he started to walk slowly and his grip on my hand softened. I wanted to say something but I was too shy especially when my body is burning up right now.

I turned to look around but saw no one staring at us but when I looked ahead of us, I felt some intense stares and even glares. I know they're not around but their presence is too obvious. I mean they are kinda big and gigantic. Later, we arrived at the school's back garden. It's like a sanctuary with beautiful sights to see while eating food. There was an empty table set so we sat there and placed our lunchbox on the table. There it is again, the gazes are intense again.

"Ryan.... Lucas.... do you guys wanna join us?", I hesitate to say but not even a second later they both appears behind and took the seats next to me. "Hey fuck off, I'm sitting next to him!", Kadence yells at Ryan but he snapped back with a his fist hitting the table. "Watch your mouth mortal~ Wouldn't be pretty if I give you a crooked nose aye?", Ryan said while he stands which he easily defeats Kadence in height but Lucas snapped purposely coughs and proceed to open his huge set of lunchbox. I didn't even know he's a student here. "Its time to eat. Do behave animals.", he spats at the them both but as he turns to me he smiled. Cynthia took out a bell and let the wind chimes it. The sound seems to help calm them both like it did to me and Marcus earlier.

I mentally sighs and open my lunchbox as well. "How's your day, love?", Lucas broke the silence as he holds my shoulder but he seems to have felt something happened and he rubs around the bite mark which Marcus gave me. I winced in pain but just kept eating my food. "Oh uh... just the usual study stuffs. I can't wait to go on a mission with Kadence after class though", I said and Kadence smiled at me. Ryan scoffs and looked away, clearly irritated by Kadence and Lucas. "Tch. Could have just brought me with you instead", Ryan mumbled then took a bite of the nugget in my hand and he took this chance to lick on my fingers clean. "Ryan!! You need to stop doing that!", I yelled at him but he smirked and stick his long tongue out.

Then, Lucas took my hand and wipe away Ryan's saliva with some tissue. I feel safe when Lucas is around. Although he did took me by force during that night and even uh.... I don't want to think about it as my head feels hot as well as my body due to blushing. "Thank you Lucas", I say to him and he smiles at me. As for revenge, I took the meat roll that Ryan was about to take and eat it. However, Ryan was unphased as he just pick another meat roll and gave it to me. How is he not annoyed by this?! Cynthia seems to whisper something to Kadence and he took a piece of his sandwich, giving it to me. Lucas does the same too and a bit of his honey chicken.

I ate all of it and it all tastes heavenly especially Lucas's chicken. Does he have a professional chef or something? "I guess my food won huh?", Lucas said and he gave me another bite of his chicken. As the we eat, the wind blows gently and the bell chimes which ease my sudden heat up. "Your bell do wonders Cynthia", I smiled at her and she smirks. Soon, we're done eating and we went back inside the school. Then, I rushed back to the garden as I left my spoon on the table.

The next thing that happened was unexpected but I should have seen this coming. I was too shocked to even move an inch. I saw him. He's right there, licking and sniffing my spoon like a hungry beast. "Gazeff...", I said lowly but he heard me and he stopped as he saw me. His eyes were glowing red and I was about to run but my legs were giving up so I fall down on the ground. Something about those eyes are telling me I should run away quickly but it's too fucking scary. Gazeff growls and slowly walk up to me. "Frozen Petal Dagger!", I cast my fusion magic but my eyes went wide again. He caught my dagger with his sharp fangs and he toss it aside before he slowly press his body against mine.

"Please don't leave me Theo..."

(Well well well we meet again my fellow mistakes. How's that for a sweet meal with a hint of bitterness meetings and an extract of sparking rivalry. Also this is my exact favourites cuz stealing your loved one's food is a romcom I'm after!! Until we meet again)

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