Asserting Thy Dominance

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(Up there is Marcus Raison)

Marcus' s POV

The whole recess time was just me having a short temper everytime I think about Theo and Ryan together. Hell I want to separate them both so that I can have Theo with me. I chomp on my lunch as fast as I can and decided to keep another lunch box in my bag. It was for whoever that is mine but it's seems that luck is not on my side. Damn it Venus!

After done eating my food, I quickly grab my bag and walks outside the teacher's room. I look through the window again to see that Theo is on the bench alone and Ryan is not in sight. This is my chance! I walk quickly through the crowd of students using Shadow Play. It allows me to emerge with the shadow and move freely even in the air. However, I can't touch things if I stay in this state so as I reach the entrance to the plaze, I exit my shadow and walks toward Theo. He seems alone and was sitting with his right leg on the bench whike the other goes down to the ground.

Ahhhhh~ He looks so dreamy and cute. I walk and took the seat next to him. Then, I gave him a nudge on his shoulder and he turns to look at me with a cute suprise face. I kiss his lips as I couldn't hold back and holds his paws as I pin him down to the bench. I know its wrong to have feelings for your student but he is my mate so I can't let anything stop me. I let go of the kiss and bares my jaws at his neck as I'm ready to bite him but we both heard a loud growl that is getting closer. We both turn to see that there is a pissed Ryan.

He uses Hell Chain at both Theo and me. Then, he separates us from each other by using his Dark Flame to make a wall between us.

Ryan's POV

I was very pissed at this old man! He is trying to steal my precious Theo and is about to mark him!! This guy needs to die! "Hellbent Chasm!!", a magic circle appears bellow Marcus footing and he is wrapped in burning wheel causing him to be immobilised.  He chanted a spell and broke through my magic. "Lightning Volt", Marcus took out a lightning and toss it at me like a dart. Luckily, my Flamevell Armor was active and the lightning was engulfed by my flame.

"You two please stop it.", Theo said on the other side of the Dark Flame wall but we both couldn't hear him as we were too focused to our fight.

Theo's POV

"THAT'S IT!!", I infused my elemental magic and chants some spell. "Let me fly, through the sky. Let me see, the beautiful tree. Nature and Wind become one as we always will be.", I chant as quick as I can and my body was covered in leaves and my surrounding is breezy. "AWAKEN MY FUSION! VEERYA!", I transformed immediately into a half wind and half nature elemental. "I AM VEERYA! ATMOST IMPACT!", I shot a force through the Dark Flame wall which it slowly fades and both the angry males turn to me as if they didn't recognise me.

"YOU TWO SHALL KEEP IT DOWN AND DON'T FIGHT OVER AN UNNECESSARY THING", I said in Veerya voice and they both snarled at me. "Where is Theo?!", they both said and start to charge their magic at me without any second thought. "CHILL YOU TWO IT IS-", I was cut off by their barrage of magic to each other and me.

"DAMN IT. YOU TWO JUST WONT LISTEN",I activate my Veerya ability."SKY VORTEX! TANGLING VINE! MIX. ENTANGLED VORTEX!", I summon a big magic circle under them both which a strong wind pulls them towards it and a vine came out which locks their movement but they did move. "I wouldn't do that if I were you", I heard both of them scream as the vine had sharp thorn which grazed their skin and injures them. "Told ya and no matter how thick your body is it won't matter", I said with a malicious grin and I didn't realise thay I let out my inner monster. "Shit!", with that I reverted back to my normal self and falls to the ground with a loud thud on my head as I fell head first.

My magic was release from them and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was the both of them running towards me but I was picked up by someone before they even get to me.

Lucas's POV

I followed the scent of my mate in the academy and was walking towards the plaza. I open the door to see that my mate fell down and was unconscious.  I quickly get to him and brought his head close to my chest. I cover us using my hard wings as a student and a teacher gets close to us. They bash on my wings only to be pushed away and I took the chance to bring my mate away from the plaza which is now burned and destroyed.

I kiss his lips and flew us to the rooftop. I locked the door in case someone tries to interrupt me. Then, I shake Theo as I want to wake him up. I ruffled his hair and saw that his forehead was bleeding. I growl in anger as I didn't protect him and I licks his forehead as to wipe the blood away but he was still bleeding and I lay him on my lap as I was crying. What if mate didn't wake up? What if he hates me for not protecting him? These thoughts keep playing in my kind and I holds him close as I roars loudly.

Theo's POV

Where am I? Wait, isn't this Worgia Town? What happened here? "Mate",someone said behind me and I turn to see the same person that I hate and left. "Missed me? Of course you do~", Gazeff said to me with his smile and I look at him to see that there is blood all over him. "I did this for you...but why...why did you leave me?", he was walking closer to me and I trip on rock. "Don't run. Now that I've got you, we're going to be together until the end!", he laughs maniacally and he tried to kiss me.

"ARGH!", I huffs as I woke up from a nightmare which I hope it will stay a nightmare. I look around to see that I'm in the academy's clinic room and I was met with two yellow eyes. Lucas hugs me tightly and he kissed my lips without letting me to talk first. The kiss was passionate and filled with love. "I'm sorr but I want to make you mine", he said with sincerity and I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"Will you marry me?", Lucas said.

(Adios mi amigo! Veerya here to bring ya this message from master. KYAAAAA!!)

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