Welcome to Ryougo Academy

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(Up there is Ryan Abane)

Kyle's POV

How dare he kiss my son?! I thought to myself while having my cup destroyed in my hold. I didn't care about any cuts on my hand but I DO care about my son's feeling that could be cut by this guy.

I was still shocked to see my son get kissed by a stranger. I could sniff his arousal towards my son and I'm not letting this happen again! "THEO! GO TO YOUR ROOM!! NOW!", I snapped Theo out of his trance and I grab the dragon by his neck as I lift him up and toss him outside the house. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EVEN THINK TO DO TO MY SON?!", he growled at me which I returned with a growl and he just smirk as he left. As soon as I saw that smirk, I knew he will try to get to Theo. I can't allow that to happen and I walk up to Theo's room which he is just laying on bed and was still shocked by the sudden kiss. As I enter his room, he gets up and looks at me.

"Dad....its not what it seems to be. Lucas and I are not a thing. We just met at the street and he saved me...", he said and was hugging me. "Its ok. I know you're not in any relationship and....I'm sorry for yelling at you but I can't bear to have your heartbroken."I told him as I hugs him back. "I can handle it dad. Don't worry about my heart", he smiled at me and Elle called us to for it is time to eat. "You wolves better come down and eat or I will punish you both!", she said and we both immediately went downstairs to the kitchen. God knows what will Elle do when we refused to eat her home cooking.

"Theo~ hehe~", Elle said to our son and she show her a picture of that dragon and our son kissing. Theo blushed at the reminder of what happened and I just took a seat as I need to try to survive Elle's cooking. "Mom you better delete that", my son whined and of course it works on her as she deleted it on the spot but I'm sure she has more than just one.

We ate our food and survived because it was actually much better than past cooking. I was getting ready to bring Theo to his new school which he will attend from now on. I'm going to show him around the school and probably get to work after that.

Theo's POV

I was laying on the couch after we ate mom's actual cooking. I knew she did it for real because her past cooking was actually got a little bit of accident so I had to make a duplicate of her cooking but I didn't know how does it  taste which ended up making the food go tasteless. I was getting up as dad was about to bring me to my new school.  I agreed to go with him so that I know the escape route whenever something happen.

"Time to go kiddo", dad said as he already got in his suit and brought me my grey bag. I always keep stuffs inside it so that I can sort out troubles. Oh and I forgot something. I put a mark on the door so that I can teleport back here and I get in the car with dad as he drives us to the school. I saw a lot of hunter doing their job around the city as there were monster spawned and attacking people while wrecking havoc.

I just sighed as I still want to go on a mission but since I have to go to schook, I can't go on mission when it's school day and I only can when its either afterschool or holiday. This sucks a lot and mom really insisted me on going for school as I was always absent for mission in my old school. You reap what you sow....I guess. I take out my phone and saw that there were messages and calls from...Gazeff. I ignored it and stay silent the whole ride to my school.

Few minutes later, we arrived at what seems to be Ryougo Academy. Its where I'm going to get more knowledge and practice. Oh what a great place. Sarcastic as it is, this academy is filled with many students. I sighed knowing that dad wants me to attend this academy since its good and I got out from the car with dad leading me into the academy. Hecc there were students around which mean they will know I'm a new student and they could be spreading about me which will ended making this whole academy as a fan club of mine. FUCK!! I hid myself using my hoodie and creates illusion that will distract these people. We got into the principal's office and he was an average size panda. How fluffy his fur must've been.

I waited and ignored all the question he gave me as I only gave him a note of my full data and status. I walked outside and let dad deal with the principal. After about 40 minutes, my dad walk out of the office and leads me around to check out the academy. He showed me pretty much the whole place and I was bored so I decided to go to the cafeteria to grab some food while dad was sorting out my stuff into my new locker.

I was thinking about Lucas as I only knew his name and how he looks. "Meh he is probably alright.", I mumbled to myself and bumped into somethinf really hard. The hecc. I fell down on the floor and I rubs my ass as it hurts a little. "You ok there?", a guy said and I looked up to see that it was a big demon hound. I was legit blushing as I look at how tight his shirt is and his pants is showing that big package down there that seems to keep bulging. I shook my head and he extend his big hand to me which I grabbed and got up fron my fall. He was staring at me and I could see that he is...drooling? I use my magic to read his mind and god it was filled with lust and lewd thoughts.

He was wagging his big fluffy tail and there were soft rumbling that vibrates from his chest which is loud enough to be heard with my wolf hearing. "Mate~", he grins at me and his package is bulging again with more movement. I was both scared and shocked when he said that. He completely changed from soft to a horny, dominant demon. FUCK! Another mate really, Venus are you for real?!

(See y'all later and Venus is the goddess of love if ya ask)

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