New Start After a Heartbreak

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(Lucas Thompson up there)
Theo's POV

The whole journey to Springdale Town was as normal as it was. Not boring and not fun. I take out my phone and checks for any new messages. There was none from my friends except for 30 minutes ago and there was this one guy who had the balls to text me after what he done. Gazeff sent me lots of messages and told me that he was sorry about it but I ignored his messages. I even got a few missed calls from that bastard. I put it on silent and just sleep the whole journey.

(Time skip)

I woke up as my mother shakes my body to get ready and unpack my stuff into our new house. Its not much but its decent. I looked around after I got out of the car. Man....this place had some good smell and somehow breezy. I smiled and the neighbourhood was much more lively as I saw other beastman around including humans.

"Theo do me a favor and go to the nearby shop for these stuff ok", my mom gave me a list of raw food that I need to buy and I sighed because I just got here and she asked me to buy some groceries. "Ok mom have to unpack my stuff and help me later ok!" I shout at her as I ran off down the road to search for the damn shop and I heard her in the distant saying ok.

I was lost for a moment but I saw the shop in a few more block. I went there fast and placed a unity mark on the ground. Using these marks, I can teleport here anytime I want to. That being said I need to mark some place that would be good for a starting point for any mission that I want to take. Then, I went inside the store and grabs the stuff I need hastily as I know dad would be worry about me even when I can take care of myself since I do workout and training a lot.

After I got the stuff, I paid for them and I walked outside only to be greeted by some fans of mine which happens to be a lot. "OMG ITS HIM!!", "HE IS SO MUCH HANDSOME IN PERSON", "CAN I TAKE A PICTURE?" and more yelling but I just sighs. I snapped my finger and points to my left which all of them turn their attention to. I make a run for it knowing my trick won't last long.  Quickly, I dash through more incoming group of fans and I ran into an alleyway which I happened to bump into a big dragon. Gosh! He's so big and handsome. The dragon stared into my eyes and he was sniffing me but someone yelled for my name and the dragon knew I need help. He spreads his wings and holds me tight. He said,"Don't worry mate. I won't let them get you because only I can.", I shiver in fear as he looks much more intimidating with that deep and rough voice which sounding more of an order rather than voice.

He flew very high with me in his arm and I blushed as his other hand grabbed my ass and my tail got tangled in fingers. I couldn't do much because my tail is very sensitive and it made me go crazy. He smiled while searching for a safe place to land. I know very sure that he felt me getting worry of my tail and he just rub it to make me feel at ease. How comforting his touches. We've lost my fans and I was happy that he helped me.

After few minutes of flying, the dragon land us at the park since there are less people around. I quickly get off from him and he was a bit sad as he let go of me. I felt his sadness and gave him a hand waiting for a handshakeas I said,"Thanks for saving me. Umm... my name is Theodore Leonard. Just call me Theo. What's yours?", he pull my hand and hugs me instead of shaking it. "I'm Lucas. Lucas Thompson. You can call me anything you want. Now that I've found you mate", he sniffs my neck and his breath send warmth to my exposed neck. Even though I'm strong, I can't escape his tight hug and how would it feel if he punch me. He is extremely stronger than me as he had those bulky and muscular body shape.  He reminds me I don't want to think about him anymore.  No more Gazeff from now on.

The dragon noticed me being in discomfort and he stares at me again. "Theo are you ok? Because you're crying. DID SOMEONE HURT MATE!?", He roared causing people to be scared and avoid getting near us. I was scared too but I just shake it off. "I'm ok and no one hurt me. Anyway see ya next time.", I waved at him and walks away but as soon as I got a little inches away from him, he grab me by my waist and turns me around. As he did that, he kiss me on the lips and pressed his body against mine. "Mate stay! Don't go away from me!", He whispered in anger into my droopy ear and it only made me want to go away more. "Mate I love you", he said and with that I fall unconscious within his arms and I could hear his voice calling for me but there was a slight smile that looks worry to me. "Don't worry. You're safe and I will make sure you stay with me soon but now you need to get back home", Lucas said and he bites my shoulder which left a mark. Mating mark.

(See ya next time)

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