Chapter 1

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It all happened so quick. One minute they were having a beautiful picnic, the next minute they were getting swept away by the ten feet high wave of water.

There was a sudden dam failure that no one was aware of. The water released from the fail headed straight towards the city of Orlando and washed away everything in its way.

As George cried and yelled for help, he internally regretted his decision of coming to Florida for a vacation, but what happened wasn't predictable or controllable.

George and Kyle were washed into different directions no matter how hard the two latched onto each other. The water simply being too powerful against the two of them.

"Kyle! Don't lose hope, we'll see each other again very soon!" George yelled as he watched Kyle vanishing beneath the water. His own voice unclear due to the extreme force of water and his crying.

Hoping Kyle had heard him, George made it his goal to survive the flood. He quickly latched himself onto a floating tree trunk. He really wanted to see Kyle again and hoped he'd be fine.

With a tight grip of the wood, George finally felt that he was safe and closed his eyes, passing out. His body giving up, running out of enough energy to keep him awake.


Clay was watching the news with his cat on his lap. His employer had given him a leave, well he had to because no one works during a flood. That's the reason Clay was home at this hour.

"The flood didn't cause much damage to life and property, although it was dangerous to everyone that was outside at the time. The water is expected to drain out soon. Government is planning on making flood protection camps in Orlando for everyone affected because of the flood." The reporter said.

"Woah Patches, that sounds so bad. I feel so sorry for everyone stuck out there. We're really lucky to be here y'know?" Clay spoke to his cat who meowed in response, curling up and closing her eyes.

Luckily, the flood water hadn't affected the area Clay lived in. He was really grateful for that. By the time the water flew to Clay's house, it was already slow and shallow. It wasn't dangerous anymore.

Clay sighed lightly and switched off the television, picking his cat up and making his way over to the kitchen. He hadn't had breakfast and it was already lunch time. He decided to feed Patches and cook something for himself.

"Oh... I need to go grocery shopping soon. We're running out of your snacks and some other stuff too." Clay said walking over to the cat that stood next to her food bowl, looking at Clay for food.

He squatted down and poured some cat food into the bowl. The cat hungrily munching on it making Clay chuckle slightly. He petted Patches' head and let her enjoy her food, deciding what to make for himself.

He was out of most supplies as he hadn't been grocery shopping in almost a month. Settling on some bread with butter, he made his way back to the living room. He munched on his lunch as he mentally noted down the things he needed to buy.

"Hey Patchy?" Clay called out. Patches soon poked her head from behind the kitchen wall and slowly walked back into the kitchen. "Do you think it's safe to go out now? We really need stuff or we can't have dinner today..."

Patches didn't reply, probably busy eating her food. Clay sighed and quickly finished his lunch, getting up to get dressed. He had to go shopping so his cat wouldn't be hungry. He was fine without dinner but he can't do that to the poor cat.

After getting ready, he put on his shoes and opened his front door cautiously, hoping no water got inside. The water was already draining out so that was good. Clay stepped outside and glanced around at the destruction the flood had caused.

His gaze landed on something that had washed up in front of his house. When he looked closely he noticed it wasn't something, it was someone. A brunette boy that was clinging onto a giant tree trunk.

The boy didn't move at all, Clay hoping he was fine as he took slow steps towards him. He noticed the boy looked similar. Clay had definitely seen his face before, but he couldn't remember where.

Then it hit him, the actor Kyle Miller was on a vacation in Orlando, and this was George, his husband. He stared at the unconscious boy with wide eyes. What the hell is he doing in a flood?

Clay swiftly lifted the boy up and made his way back into the house. He gently placed him on the couch, thinking of a way to get him to wake up and make sure he was fine.

Clay checked for a heartbeat and a pulse. Both present but being rather faint. He quickly looked up 'how to perform CPR' and followed Google's instructions.

He pushed the heel of his hand onto George's chest, pumping it to get rid of any water present in his lungs. He performed some compressions but nothing happened, Clay feeling worried as the time passed.

He used his hand to part George's lips before pressing his own mouth onto his, giving him a rescue breath to hopefully do something, anything to make sure the boy was fine.

After multiple compressions and rescue breaths, the brunette coughed out water and the rise and fall of his chest became regular. Clay let out a relieved breath he didn't know he was holding.

George's eyes slowly fluttered open as he glanced around in confusion, his head feeling heavy from the lack of oxygen supply. He looked at the figure standing next to him trying to think of who they were.

He slowly sat up with some help from the person. He met their eyes, his expression turning confused at the person's concerned look.

"Are you alright?" They asked slowly. George furrowed his eyebrows and nodded. He was engulfed into a hug by the person who was a complete stranger to him, but he would be lying if he said it didn't feel good and that he didn't need it.
1052 words.

Hi everyone! Welcome or welcome back :D I missed you guys! Hope you enjoy the new book. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated (unless you're rude).

It has been such a long time since I uploaded a chapter that I almost forgot I had to upload this chapter today-

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night!

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