Chapter 23

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The next morning Clay woke up first. He opened his eyes and tried to sit up but was stopped when he felt the arm that was wrapped around him tighten. He looked down at a sleeping George and smiled softly at his peaceful face.

He gently unwrapped George's arm from around himself and sat up, draping a blanket over George. He softly brushed George's hair from his forehead and leaned in to place a quick kiss on it.

He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, making his way over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and lunch for himself and George. While making pancakes, his phone rang and he quickly answered, not wanting to wake George up from the noise.

"Hello?" Clay said after answering the call.

"Good morning Clayton, it's me, Hartley." His boss said from the other end.

"Good morning to you too, sir. Did you need me for anything this early in the morning?" Clay asked.

"No, I wanted to inform you that there's a meeting today at 10 that you have to attend. You are free to go home after the meeting ends since all your work is up to date." Mr Hartley told Clay.

"Alright sir, thank you for informing me. Have a good day." Clay said and hung up after Mr Hartley replied with a 'you too'.

Clay quickly cooked the pancakes and put them in the fridge for George, eating his own pancakes and getting ready for work. He quickly poured some cat food for Patches and went to his room to see if George was up yet. He wasn't.

"Hey Georgie, I'm going to work now. I'll be back soon... Love you." Clay whispered, almost mouthing the last part as it was not at all audible. Clay was glad he got to get home sooner today since he hadn't been able to spend any time with George lately.

And with that, Clay left for work, leaving a note on the coffee table that said 'breakfast is in the fridge :)' instead of his usual 'breakfast and lunch are in the fridge' because he knew he would be back by lunch time.

About thirty minutes later, George woke up from his sleep and looked around for Clay. He made his way to the living room, seeing a note on the coffee table. He groaned as he knew Clay had left and that he didn't get to spend time with him this morning. Now he'll have to wait for hours until he's back from work.

He didn't even bother reading the note, knowing it'd be the same everyday thing. He put the note away and decided to play with Patches for a while until he was hungry. He brushed his teeth and opened the fridge to take his breakfast out, noticing there was nothing for lunch in the fridge.

'Maybe he was in a hurry and didn't have time to make lunch. No worries, I can try making something myself later.' George thought. He ate his pancakes and washed the plate, continuing it play with Patches again.

A few hours passed by and George was bored. Patches was fast asleep and he was alone now. He decided to just watch tv to entertain himself but it wasn't working. He was deep in thoughts, contemplating what Kyle had said in his dream.

An idea popped into his head. Why not pretend that I like Clay for a while until I eventually figure out if I do or not? He decided that his idea was amazing and he planned to go with it.

He got up to make lunch for himself when he heard some noises outside the door. Was someone breaking in? George panicked, not knowing what to do. He picked up a pan as a self defence weapon and stood there on shaky feet, staring at the door.

Suddenly the door opened and Clay entered the house with a smile. He watched as George's expression changed from scared to surprised to confused and finally happy as he ran over to Clay, engulfing him in a hug.

"Clay! Oh my god you scared me! I thought someone was breaking in and I was so terrified. I would've bonked you on the head if I had a little more confidence." George said, making Clay laugh.

"You can't bonk me George. Even if you tried, I've got some quick reflexes." Clay said after his laughter died down.

"Whatever, how are you home so early today?" George asked curiously and Clay's heart melted when George called his house, home.

"Just wanted to spend time with my favourite person." Clay said, making George blush as he hid his face in Clay's chest. Clay finally hugged him back and took him to the couch as he pulled away, seating George down and sitting down next to him.

"I'll go and quickly cook something for you. Then we can spend the whole day doing whatever you want, alright?" Clay said and George nodded. With that, Clay made his way to the kitchen and started cooking some rice and curry.

The two ate lunch and George couldn't decide what to do for the day so the two sat cuddling-but-not-admitting-that-they're-cuddling on the couch, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram on Clay's phone.

"Clay do you have your baby pictures on your phone?" George asked curiously when he got bored of social media. Clay nodded and opened his gallery, scrolling down until he found his childhood images.

"Okay, most of them are embarrassing so don't comment on them and don't judge them. My parents were the ones that took them." Clay said sheepishly and George could sense that he was growing uneasy.

"It's alright Clay, I'm not gonna say anything that makes you uncomfortable. I bet they're not even embarrassing and you're worrying over nothing." George said, making Clay relax a bit. He handed his phone to George and let him scroll through his pictures.

"Aww, that's you?! You look so cute! You were such an adorable baby." George complimented, looking between the photos and Clay. "Some things never change. You're still just as adorable." George said with a cheeky grin, making Clay blush.

"I am not adorable." Clay said with faux seriousness, his face covered in a red hue that he attempted to hide with his hand.

"You are! You are very adorable." George stated, grabbing Clay's hand and wrapping it around himself, snuggling closer to Clay and resting his head on the taller's chest. He could feel Clay's heartbeat that felt a little too fast to be normal.

They cuddled on the couch and swiped through pictures for a long while until they grew tired. They decided to order dinner and go to bed earlier than usual. They hugged each other close as they fell asleep, engulfed in each other's warmth.
1145 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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