Chapter 2

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Clay pulled away from the hug and stared at the beautiful boy in front of him. George not holding eye contact as he looked around the place curiously.

"W-Where am I? And who are you?" He asked, his voice being deeper than normal.

"Oh right! I didn't even introduce myself, my bad. I'm Clayton, but please call me Clay. I saw you outside so I took you in here. I couldn't let you just lay there unconscious, could I?" Clay said. George nodded slowly.

"Thank you...? I'm George by the way..." George said, feeling awkward. He was never good with talking to new people. Kyle was the one who did all the talking... That reminds him, where's Kyle?

His eyes widened as his breathing picked up. Clay obviously noticed and asked him what was wrong. "K-Kyle-" was all George could manage to say before he was cut of by a sob.

"Hey, hey, it will be alright. I'll help you find him okay? Don't worry, shhh calm down." Clay comforted the stressed brunette by pulling him into a hug and rubbing his back.

George slowly pulled away from the hug and nodded, still looking around curiously. His gaze landed on a cat that stood by the wall with its ears and tails perked up, looking at him with curious eyes too.

A small smile made it's way on George's face as he extended his arm towards the cat slowly. The cat taking a few slow step towards him and sniffing his hand. She meowed and sat down, letting George pet her.

"That's Patches, my cat." Clay told George. George just smiled and petted the cute animal in the head. He glanced back at Clay with a happy smile when Patches jumped onto his lap, staring up at him.

"I think she likes you, she's really shy otherwise." Clay said. "Uh... By the way, w-will you be alright by yourself in here...? It's just for like an hour or so. I know it's rude of me to just leave you here but I really need to go grocery shopping... I don't have anything for dinner..." He muttered.

"It's alright! You can go. Can I uh- sleep for a little?" George asked.

"Of course! I'll show you around a little. You can take my bed and stuff, I don't mind." Clay said, helping George up and giving him a little house tour. They ended at the bedroom and George nodded thankfully before laying down and falling asleep.

Clay then left the house, leaving a spare key on the coffee table with a note saying 'here's the door key if you need anything, be back soon :]' He locked the door and pocketed the key, walking to the grocery store.

After getting all the necessary things, Clay quickly paid and left with three grocery bags. The walk home was longer because of the weight he was carrying. He soon unlocked the front door and went straight into the kitchen to place the bags on the counter.

He made his way to his bedroom, pulling out some sweatpants to change into as his jeans were soaked up till his knees. He changed in the bathroom and threw the jeans into the laundry basket.

With a sigh, he went back to the kitchen to put everything away. He had bought a toothbrush and some other necessities for George too in case the brunette needed to stay.

He decided to make something simple for dinner hoping George wouldn't complain about it. He was making vegetable omelette for the both of them. He quickly chopped some veggies and took out the eggs.

Patches entered the kitchen and started rubbing herself on Clay's legs. The blonde chuckled and picked her up, holding her against his chest with one hand and using the other to make dinner.

"I'll give you food in a bit baby, I'm busy right now." He said. The cat rubbed her head against Clay's chest and swiftly jumped down, sitting beside her bowl.

When Clay was done making the omelettes, he poured some cat food into the bowl. The cat immediately started nomming on the food as soft purrs of happiness escaped her. Clay chuckled and made his way to his bedroom.

He was met with a sleeping brunette who was curled up on the bed. Dream slowly made his way over to his side and gently shook him. George slowly opened his eyes and looked at Clay.

"I made some dinner for you, c'mon." Clay said offering a soft smile. George rubbed his eyes as he sat up and followed Clay to the kitchen. Clay took two plates and handed one to George. They went to sit on the couch and eat.

"Can I put on the news? In case there's any update about Kyle?" George asked. Clay nodded with a smile and handed him the T.V. remote. George watched the news but Kyle wasn't mentioned once which upset him. He wished his husband was alright.

The two quickly finished their dinner and Clay washed the dishes while George sat on the couch with Patches on his lap, watching the news without any interest. All he wanted was to hear that Kyle was safe.

Eventually George got done with the boring news and turned the television off. He made his way over to Clay who was cleaning the kitchen. Patches followed him and started rubbing against his legs when he stopped.

"Do you need any help Clay?" George asked politely. Clay shook his head with a smile. "No, thank you. I'm almost done. And besides, you're my guest." Clay said. George shrugged and stood there awkwardly, waiting for the blonde to finish cleaning. He didn't know what to do so waiting for Clay seemed like the best option.

When Clay was done they both made their way back to the living room. Clay sat down with a sigh, George following. They sat in silence for a while before George spoke.

"The dinner was amazing." He muttered softly. Clay smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. No one had ever complimented his cooking, or anything really, so he was really happy from George's remark but didn't know how to react.

"Th-Thanks." He mumbled, not knowing what else to say. He was pretty bad at taking compliments.

"Oh and... can I go to sleep now?" George asked. He was unsure if Clay was letting him take his bedroom or not so he decided that asking him wouldn't hurt.

"Of course! I'll be on the couch if you need anything. Feel free to wake me up if you need." Clay said with a smile. George nodded and left to go to bed.

As he laid down he glanced at the ring on his left hand. It was a diamond ring with the letter 'K' carved on it. He gave it a gentle kiss and held it close.

"I really hope you're okay Kyle, I love you. Goodnight." George whispered and closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Clay laid down on the couch, his head resting against the pillow. Patches jumped up onto the couch so that she was next to his head and rubbed her head against his cheek, purring loudly. This made Clay chuckle.

"Goodnight you silly kitty." Clay said, still chuckling. Patches curled up and the two of them fell asleep.
1229 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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