Chapter 20

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The next day was a Sunday. Clay did some cleaning around the house and George helped him. He also prepared for the meeting he had the next day, a meeting that could promote him to a higher position.

Clay and George gave Patches a bath, the cat protesting and struggling, making it difficult for them. After the bath, Patches glared at Clay with the maddest look, her fur soaked with water.

Clay took her to the vet for her biannual check-ups. She was perfectly healthy and Clay was relieved to know that since Patches had been awfully lazy lately, just lying on the floor the whole day.

The day soon came to an end, George sleeping peacefully against Clay while Clay grew nervous of the coming day.

When the morning arrived and the two woke up, Clay was really panicky and anxious. This meeting could possibly change his life. With a better position and a higher pay, but that also meant more hours.

"George what if I mess up? What if the project isn't up to their expectations?" Clay rambled on, and George was getting annoyed by how much he was worrying even after putting so much effort into his project. He should be confident in himself!

"Clay you're gonna do just fine. I believe in you. Now leave before you're late! You don't want to be late to the meeting right?" George said and Clay nervously walked out of the house, muttering goodbye to George.

He bit his lip the whole time on his way to work. He neatened his suit everytime he glanced at his reflection on a window. He knew he was good at coding but he didn't trust himself, the nerves at the pit of his stomach telling him that the project wasn't good enough.

When the meeting started, Clay anxiously explained his project, his hands being shaky and voice quiet. His project was appreciated by everyone and as the meeting came to an end, Clay was promoted to senior software developer.

He couldn't believe it. He now had a full-time job instead of a part-time one. A job that pays well so he wouldn't have to struggle with money at the end of the month.

"Clayton?" His boss called for him and he snapped out of his trance to see that everyone was leaving the conference room. He quickly collected his files and laptop and followed his senior outside.

"Your working hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Wednesday, is that alright?" Mr Hartley, his boss, asked. Clay nodded with a smile and went to his new cabin. It was a bigger place than where he used to sit before.

He put his belongings on his new desk; some pictures he had of his parents and a picture of Patches, his files, a pencil box, etcetera. The rest of the day at work went by smoothly.

Clay practically ran home to share the news with George. But he had planned to prank him a little before he actually told him the truth. He morphed his excited expression into a dejected one and opened the front door.

"Welcome back!" George said as he stood up from the couch and made his way over to Clay, immediately noticing his expression. Clay gave him a sad smile followed by a sigh. "How'd it go?" He asked quietly.

"They didn't like it... They said I need improvement and that they were dumb to give this project to me." Clay muttered. George hugged him and rubbed his back. "I knew my project wasn't good enough..."

"Your project was really good, but maybe it wasn't something they were looking for. It was a dumb decision to not promote you. You worked so hard! You honestly deserved it." George said. Clay rested his head on George's shoulder to hide a smile that was fighting to tug at his lips.

"You know," Clay whispered with a fake sob. George hummed and Clay pulled back from the hug to be face to face with George, trying his best to look sad. "...You're talking to the senior software developer right now."

A smile found it's way on Clay's face and George gasped, pulling Clay back into a hug. Clay chuckled and hugged George back. The hug was full of happiness this time.

"Congratulations! You idiot! You didn't have to lie like that. You made me all sad for nothing." George said with a pout but couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto his face.

"A small and harmless prank doesn't hurt anyone." Clay said with a grin plastered on his face. "So to celebrate, what do you wanna order?" He asked George.

"The food you make is better than any restaurant." George muttered under his breath. "Let's get Chick-Fil-A. Is that fine?"

"Sure, you'll have the nuggets right?" Clay asked, remembering how much George loves chicken nuggets.

"Yeah, and waffle fries too." George said while nodding. Clay quickly ordered the food and sat down on the couch with George.

"I'll have to work 'til 5 from Wednesday. Will you be alright by yourself for that long?" Clay asked George.

"Yeah, I'm not a baby." George replied.

"I find that hard to believe." Clay said with a fake cough as he turned his gaze away from George, earning a slap on the shoulder that made him wheeze. "But seriously, isn't that too much time you spend alone? I don't want you to stay alone for long considering your mental state at the moment, y'know?" Clay said after his wheezing died down.

"I'll find some ways to distract myself, and I always have Patches by my side. I'll be just fine Clay, you worry too much." George said.

Clay just nodded and waited for the food. Once the food arrived, the two quickly ate and decided to go to sleep early. Clay was a little tired from being stressed about the project the whole day.

"G'night George." Clay muttered as he wrapped his arm around George who held his own hand over Clay's.

"Good night idiot." George said with a smile and the two fell asleep.
1027 words.

Here's some explanation to why I was inactive for so long if someone's wondering:

Me and JustAnnie_ got infected with the virus and while mine was a weaker infection, Annie was heavily affected and had to be admitted in the hospital. She was completely bed-ridden and couldn't even do simple tasks like eating, her mum fed her. I had to be there for her because she was being really negative. She got out of the hospital on 30th Jan (it's 1st of Feb on the day I publish this) but she is still a little sick (cough and runny nose). She might not be active for another few days because using phone for too long gives her a headache but she is fine and out of any danger now. As of me, I'll try to publish a chapter everyday but I also have to be with Annie to take care of her. I don't love her for nothing.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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