Chapter 13

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A bit late for this meme but it's still true^^

TW: Burning

When George woke up he was in his- Clay's bed. He remembered falling asleep on the couch on top of Clay. His cheeks turned rosy at the thought of Clay picking him up and putting him to bed.

He slowly got out of bed, making his way to the living room while also noticing the time, 7:39 p.m. He saw Clay and Patches on the floor, playing with a feather wand. Clay was sat on his knees leaning down and Patches was jumping up to catch the feather.

When Clay heard footsteps close to him, he looked up, noticing a yawning George next to him. He smiled and got up, picking Patches up in the process.

"Slept well?" Clay asked, beckoning George over to the kitchen. George nodded and followed Clay. He bent down to pour some food for Patches while George took in the delicious smell that hit his nostrils.

"I'm making stew for the both of us, thinking you'd be up by dinner time. Do you like beef?" Clay asked. George nodded with a smile and looked around for things he could do.

"Oh- uh, you can take the plates out from the second cabinet in the meantime. It's not gonna take that long to cook, it should be ready in like 10 or 15 minutes." Clay said, sensing George's emotions.

"Alright!" George said happily, quickly taking out two deep plates from the cabinet along with spoons for both of them. He put the plates near the pot, waiting for the stew to cook. "Anything else I can do?" George asked.

"Umm not right now. I was planning to do laundry later tomorrow though, I'll ask for your help then." Clay said and George nodded, going up to the pot of stew to stir it, Clay letting him as he petted his cat.

"AAH!" George yelled as a small amount of liquid spilled onto the crook of his thumb, burning his skin as he retracted his hand away immediately. Clay hurriedly made his way to George's side, holding his hand with care and quickly running it under cold tap water.

"Be careful George!" Clay said, inspecting the burn carefully. The skin was red and it looked like it hurt a lot, though George didn't show it. "I think it's gonna blister..." Clay muttered.

"I'm sorry, I'm so dumb... I didn't know it'd spill..." George said, looking at his injured hand that Clay held with great care. It didn't hurt as bad but he knew it was going to hurt a lot later on.

"It's alright George, it's actually not your fault. Accidents like those happen with everyone. Even I've messed up multiple times at the start." Clay comforted him and rubbed his thumb over George's hand at a spot that wasn't burnt.

"Come with me, let's put some ointment on it." Clay said, not letting go of George's hand as he turned the stove off and led George to the bathroom. He searched through the things in his medical kit to look for the right ointment.

Once he found a tube of ointment for burns, he gently applied a thin layer on George's skin who was biting his lip, trying not to make any sound if it hurt to the touch. Clay let go of George's hand to fetch a gauze bandage.

George felt the cool ointment against his burn as he retracted his hand. Clay reached for George's hand again and wrapped it in a thin layer of bandage, putting the medical kit away and taking George back to the living room.

"Sit here, I'll be right back with the food." Clay said, jogging back to the kitchen. He soon emerged back to the living room with two plates and placed one in front of George. "Enjoy!"

"Will I not be able to help you around anymore?" George asked.

"You should let your hand heal first. If it blisters then I'm not allowing you to work around." Clay said sternly even when George put his lips in a fake pout. "Now eat, it's getting cold."

George picked up the spoon with his non-injured hand and scooped up a spoonful of the beef stew, leaning down towards the table and blowing on it before eating it, the flavourful taste hitting his tastebuds.

"Clay I need to steal recipes from you and give them to restaurants." George said, making Clay laugh as his cheeks heated up. "No, no, don't laugh. I'm being serious. I don't think I'm going to like restaurant food anymore." George said, he was being half-serious but still laughed alongside Clay.

"Stop it George, I don't like buttering. Just- eat." Clay said, eating a spoonful of stew himself.

"It's difficult to eat with my right though..." George jokingly pouted up at Clay. "It's like you trying to eat with your left, it just feels wrong."

"Hold on, gimme the spoon." Clay said. George let go of the spoon and Clay picked it up, taking some of the stew and feeding it to George. He took turns between himself and George, feeding him, then feeding himself, then repeating. He almost mixed the two spoons multiple times.

Once both their plates were empty, Clay took them to the kitchen and quickly washed them, coming back over to George and sitting next to him.

"Thanks Clay." George said, picking up his glass of water and drinking some of it. A comfortable silence engulfed them until George realised something. "Is this how I'm gonna eat now?" George asked.

"I mean, yeah? I guess? I don't know. You can't use your left hand for a while so I'm guessing yeah." Clay said. George nodded, thinking about everyday things he will find difficult now.

"How am I gonna brush my teeth??!" George asked with wide eyes, looking up at Clay.

"Don't ask me to do it, I'm not doing that!" Clay said, raising his hands up.

"I wasn't going to ask you anyway. But... how will I?" George asked, thinking about brushing with his right hand. He motioned his hands as if he was brushing his teeth, scrunching his nose a minute later. "That feels weird... and wrong."

"You'll figure it out George. You gotta adjust for these few days. Brushing your teeth will definitely not be the most difficult of all tasks." Clay said, patting George's shoulder. "You got this."
1062 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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