Chapter 6

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TWs: Suicidal Thoughts, Mentions Death I Think, Mentions SH/Scars, Mentions Homophobia, Mentions Cheating.
(That's a lot of TWs...)

"Why are you so concerned about me?" George asked, eyebrows furrowed and tone angry. Clay was taken aback by his reply. "Why do you even care, huh? We're both complete strangers."

"I-I know, but I like helping everyone! And I don't think I did anything wrong?" Clay said.

"Then just leave me be. Kyle feels lonely and I need to help him with it." George muttered.

"What do you mean?" Clay asked.

"None of your business! You shouldn't have helped me, I should've died in the flood! And now you're not even gonna let me end it? Its my life not yours and I'll decide what I do with it." George said angrily.

"George please don't say that... Please let me help you George, I don't want you to get hurt in any way." Clay whispered, sounding on the verge of tears.

"I want Kyle back..." George said softly, feeling bad for yelling at the blonde. All he wanted was to help and it wasn't Clay that had gotten him angry in the first place, he didn't deserve to get yelled at.

"I know it hurts George, but you have to live with it now. That's just how nature works..." Clay said, at loss of any other words and not knowing how to calm George down.

"I shouldn't have planned this vacation. I'm an idiot." George muttered.

"Hey, it's not your fault at the slightest. No one could've stopped the flood, right? Don't blame yourself for it." Clay said.

"... Please let me end it, Clay. I don't wanna live anymore, not without Kyle." George said, looking up at Clay with teary eyes.

"No George, you can't do that. You have so much to live for." Clay said. George shook his head.

"I have no one. All I had was Kyle, and now I don't have him either." George whispered.

"What about your parents?" Clay asked.

"They don't really care about me now that I'm an adult." George said.

"But they do love you right?" Clay asked again.

"Well, yeah. Every parent loves their child." George replied simply. Clay was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.

"Don't you think your parents, that love you, will be sad if anything happened to you?" Clay asked.

"... They will be." George mumbled. "But they can live without me. I can't live without Kyle. Hurting myself seems like my only escape."

"You're just saying that because your brain wants that at the moment. Will you look back at it 5 years later and think 'yeah I made the right decision'?" Clay asked.

"As if I'll live another 5 years... But yeah, if it's my only escape then it's obviously the right decision." George said.

"I thought that too... turns out I was wrong, and so you are." Clay said.

"Wh-What do you mean?" George asked, confused. Surely Clay has had a perfect life and he never felt the need to harm himself? "You've never self harmed-... have you?"

Clay thought for a moment before slowly unbuttoning his cuff button and pushing the sleeve of his shirt up. George glanced at his wrist and was shocked when he saw the many scars that littered it.

George then looked up at Clay who was looking away, not wanting to make eye contact with the brunette, feeling vulnerable. George slowly traced a scar with his finger and Clay looked down at his wrist.

"I'm not at all proud of myself for this, George. That's why I don't want you to do anything stupid like me." Clay said, still not making eye contact while George just stared, his mouth slightly ajar.

"What made you do it, if I may ask?" George asked slowly and cautiously.

"Uhh... my family, I guess. And my past 'relationship' too." Clay said, doing air quotes at the word 'relationship' yet his expression remained serious.

"I'm sorry to hear that... Am I allowed to know what happened? You don't have to tell me anything if you're not comfortable with it." George asked.

"Um sure... Well my parents kicked me out when I was 16. The reason being that I was gay and a disappointment to them. They said they'd rather have no son than a gay son. They swore at me, hurt me and threw me out." Clay said with a frown.

"That sounds horrible... Are you okay now?" George asked, his voice laced with genuine concern. Clay's heart warmed at the shorter's words and he gave a small nod.

"It's been six years so yeah, I'm alright now." Clay said with a smile. He was happy that someone other than Nick was being nice to him.

"So these scars are from six years ago?" George asked curiously but cautiously.

"Some of them are. Others aren't, they're way more recent. Like two years?" Clay said, George nodded. "So two years ago I got into my first relationship. Everything was going alright until he started being toxic and abusive." Clay said as salty liquid overflowed from his eyes.

"I thought I could be content with my life for once but turns out he was cheating on me with some girl. He wasn't even into guys! He used me for food and shelter." Clay said, wiping his eyes.

"I actually fell in love with him, and him cheating on me hurted me emotionally. I ended up hurting myself to cope. Now I realize how wrong that was and I don't want you to do what I did. I regret it." Clay said.

George could feel tears pricking his eyes as well. He was always a very soft person. He cried when someone around him was crying. George hugged Clay who was surprised by the sudden action but hugged back.

After hugging each other for a long moment, Clay pulled back. "C'mon, let's eat something." He said, getting up and making his way to the kitchen, George following him.

"I'm actually not hungry Clay." George said to which Clay shook his head.

"Well, you have to eat. Just a little? I'll make a sandwich for you, that's fine right?" Clay asked. George hesitantly nodded, not wanting to eat but also not wanting the blonde to repeat the same thing to him again.
1038 words.

I'm losing motivation in this story because you folks don't comment enough. Your comments make me happy and keep me motivated!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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