Chapter 4

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TWs: Derealisation, depression, ED (kinda), crying.

Three days had passed but George didn't recover from the news. He just sat in his- Clay's room and refused to eat or move. He only got up to use the bathroom and then went back to sitting against the wall.

Clay was really worried for the brunette boy. He had stopped eating and responding to him. Clay really wanted to make sure he was alright but couldn't since George wouldn't communicate.

Clay had started going to work again. He wanted to be by George all the time but he knew he needed the money. He was glad his job was part time so he could give George some of his time.

Patches had also sensed the sadness radiating off of George and spent most of her time cuddling him. She'd start meowing and rubbing against George when he cried.

George's mind had taken him to a different world, an alternate reality. A universe where Kyle still existed and the two lived a happy life together with no stress and nothing to care for except each other.

He occasionally came back into the real world and started crying, realizing he couldn't be with his husband anymore. George was a living stone at this point, neither moving nor talking.

"George! Stop running baby!" Kyle chuckled as he ran after George in an open field. George laughed and ran away from his husband and his tickle attacks. Kyle laughing too while chasing the older.

Soon George grew tired of running and stopped, putting his hands on his knees and panting for air. Kyle then caught up to George and tackled him to the ground, both of them giggling.

Kyle immediately attacked the brunette boy's stomach with tickles while loud laughter erupted from George, Kyle laughing alongside him.

George somehow managed to push Kyle off of him and Kyle landed next to him on the grassy land, both of them still controlling their breathing from the laughter, still giggling while facing each other.

"I hate you..." George muttered, breathing loudly.

"Oh no you love me Georgie." Kyle said, kissing George's forehead softly. George pulled the ravenette in for a gentle kiss. When the two pulled away, George rested his head on Kyle's chest and sighed softly.

"I do love you idiot." He mumbled and slowly fell asleep while cuddling the love of his life.

George snapped back into reality and realized where he was, in Clay's room. He curled up and hid his head in his knees as tears streamed down his face. He felt Patches rubbing against his thigh so he petted the cat softly.

Clay heard Patches meowing from his room and went to check if everything was alright. He had figured out by now that his cat meowed when George started crying. He peeked through the slightly ajar door to see George crying.

Clay made his way over to George and put his warm hand on his shoulder, slowly pulling George in for a hug. The brunette tried to protest but gave up, now crying into the taller's shoulder.

Clay rubbed his back softly and hummed a soft tune to him. George felt himself calming down and pulled away from the hug, staring in front of himself.

"George it's been days and you haven't eaten anything..." Clay said, still rubbing George's back. "You can't live like this George, you have to eat to live. Don't you wanna make Kyle proud?"

George shook his head and sighed, resting his head back and staring up. Clay took that as a hint to go away, but he decided to stay anyway. He wanted George to eat, he wanted the happy George back.

"That's it, you're eating with me or I'm not eating either. I'm gonna sit here without food for however long it takes for you to eat." Clay said, copying George's sitting position. George didn't answer.

"George I can't see you like this... Please George, please. Are you gonna let me stay hungry?" Clay asked. George shook his head and looked at Clay with a frown.

"I'm not hungry, really." George said, voice strained and raspy. Clay shook his head with a stern look.

"That's a total lie. I'm not that dumb George, I know you're hungry. You've not eaten in 4 days! Look at how thin and pale you are!" Clay said. George felt tears picking his eyes and quickly got up, running to the bathroom.

Clay's eyes widened, thinking he'd been too harsh on George. He ran behind him but was met with the bathroom door slamming in his face. He could hear George crying inside and it made him concerned.

"George are you okay? I'm sorry George, please come out. George?" Clay said knocking at the door. When the door opened slightly Clay noticed it wasn't even locked. He stepped inside slowly.

He found George in the corner and helped him up, taking him to the living room and sitting him on the couch. George sat there like a statue and Clay quickly poured some cereal for him to eat.

"Here, eat as much as you can." Clay said handing George the bowl. George didn't take the bowl from him so Clay sighed and sat down next to him, picking up a spoonful of cereal and bringing it up to George's face.

"C'mon, open your mouth George." Clay said. George slowly opened his mouth and Clay fed him the spoonful. George chewed on the cereal and ended up crying, resting his head against Clay's shoulder.

Clay gently wiped George's tears and fed him another spoonful. When he had eaten half the bowl, he gestured the blonde to stop. Clay went to put away the rest of the cereal and went back to George, holding his hand.

"George please talk to me. I really want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong." Clay said. George shrugged and zoned out, slipping into his alternate reality.

He saw himself and Kyle watching a movie while cuddling but was snapped back when he heard another voice.

"-rge? George!" Clay said, shaking the brunette boy. George looked at him and started crying again, Clay comforting him again until the boy started falling asleep. Clay adored the sleeping boy who looked peaceful now, but soon a problem arose... He was sleeping on the couch instead of his bed.

How was Clay meant to put the boy in bed? He didn't want to wake him up since he was always stressed when he was awake. He had one option, to pick him up.

Clay slowly picked George up, resting his head against his own chest and his arms on his stomach. He made his way to the bedroom, putting George in bed and covering him with a blanket.

"Sleep well George, I really hope you get better."
1137 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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