Chapter 19

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The next morning George woke up first, Clay still sleeping peacefully with his hand on top of George. He shuffled away and got up, making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth, not waking Clay because he wanted him to get a good rest considering it was a weekend and he didn't have work.

He went to the living room and saw Nick stretching his arms and yawning, having just woken up from his sleep. George greeted him 'good morning' and went to the kitchen to eat some cereal.

Nick soon finished freshening up and got himself a bowl of cereal as well, the two going back to the living room and sitting on the couch eating their cereal.

"Did you get a good sleep?" Nick asked as he pushed the cereal that had floated back to the top under the milk.

"Yeah, what about you?" George asked.

"Eh. Not the best. I'll sleep on the flight later tonight." Nick replied.

"Oh wait you're leaving tonight?" George asked, now facing Nick.

"Yeah?" Nick answered.

"Aw man. I wish you stayed for a few more days." George said with a pout.

"I'll come back to visit soon." Nick said with a short chuckle. "Is Clay still asleep, by the way? He's normally awake by now."

"I don't know..." George muttered and his attention diverted as his gaze landed on Patches. The cat was sat next to a mirror, peeking and hissing at her reflecting. She jumped at the mirror, her fur puffed up, and banged her head against it.

George and Nick both laughed at this. They finished their breakfast and George washed the bowls while Nick stayed in the living room doing something on his phone. George soon came back to sitting next to him and they sat in silence.

A moment later Nick's phone rang. George looked at him as his face brightened up and he accepted the FaceTime call.

"Hey! How's it going?" The person on the other end said.

"I'm good, I'm good. How are you up so early today? It's a weekend right?" Nick said.

"Yeah. I just missed you." The other person said.

"Aww I miss you too Karl. But I'll be home by tomorrow morning!" Nick said happily. Karl also let out an excited noise.

"How's your friend doing?" Karl asked.

"He's asleep. But guess who's awake and is sitting next to me right now?" Nick asked, looking at George who was already staring at him, clearly interested in the conversation. Nick silently asked him if he was fine with talking to Karl and George nodded with a smile.

"Who?" Karl asked curiously. Nick grinned and handed the phone to George who waved at Karl with a toothy smile. "George??"

"Haha yeah, Hi!" George said, trying to match the same energy as Karl.

"You're- Where- What- You- I-I" Karl stuttered. George giggled and handed the phone back to Nick.

"I think his brain short-circuited." George said, still giggling. Nick continued talking to Karl and George decided it was time to go wake Clay up. He went to the bedroom to see Clay still sleeping and mumbling something incoherent.

"Clay wakie wakie." George said as he violently shook Clay awake who got startled and shot up, staring at George with wide eyes. George wanted to laugh at his reaction but held it in, seeing how scared Clay looked. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, you scared me." Clay said, stretching his arms before he got up. He brushed his teeth and made his way to the living room, George already sitting on the couch next to Nick.

"Is it true that George scared you to death just now?" Nick asked, a grin on his lips.

"George! Why did you tell him! Now I'm gonna get bullied, you idiot." Clay whisper-yelled to George who was sat next to him on the couch giggling.

"Anyway, what are we doing today?" George asked once he calmed down from his giggling fit.

"I haven't been able to spend much time with Nick since he got here so I thought we should spend more time with him?" Clay said. "Let's just relax today. We can binge-watch some movie or show in a pillow fort."

George and Nick agreed on Clay's idea. Blankets and pillows were thrown around the living room messily and a cozy fort stood in the middle. George was already sitting inside the fort, petting Patches who was curled up on his lap.

Clay and Nick gathered the snacks that were in Clay's kitchen and got inside the fort, getting comfortable. They put on a random movie and made small conversations while watching it.

"What time is your flight tonight?" Clay asked softly to Nick.

"It's at 1 a.m. so I'll have to leave for the airport at around 11:30 to reach on time." Nick muttered, and Clay nodded.

"Shut up you two and stop ruining the moment, that guy is about to get murdered." George whispered from beside them, his full focus being on the movie playing on the television in front of them.

Later that day, Clay prepared dinner for everyone. Some spaghetti and meatballs that Nick and George enjoyed very much. Nick started re-packing the things he had taken out of his bag.

The three talked to each other on the couch until it was time for Nick to leave. Clay and Nick shared a long hug, Clay not letting him go and wanting him to stay close forever but he knew Nick had a life and they can't just do what they want. Being a grown up sucks sometimes.

"Visit again soon. And bring Karl next time." Clay said as he finally pulled away from the hug. "Have a safe journey, brother."

"Thanks Clay." Nick said with a smile. He then hugged George and petted Patches before leaving.

Clay sighed as he closed the door and sat back down on the couch, George following. Patches too jumped up and sat with them.

"It's getting late, you should go to sleep." Clay said. George nodded and got up to head to the bedroom but stopped when he saw Clay laying down on the couch.

"You're not thinking about sleeping on the couch again, are you?" George said as he grabbed Clay's arm and pulled him up, taking him to the bedroom despite his protests.

"I'll be fine at the couch George." Clay whined as he got dragged to the bedroom by George. He gave in and laid down on the bed, soon falling asleep.

George laid next to him, trapped under his arm that he had instinctively wrapped around George. But George wasn't complaining, he felt an odd sense of safety like this. As if there was someone to shield and protect him from the dangers of the world.

George snuggled into his pillow and closed his eyes with a small smile resting on his lips, letting sleep overtake him.
1162 words.

Sorry for not being active for half a month :( I'm back now and the updates will hopefully be regular from now onwards.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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