Chapter 12

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Clay wiped George's tears but new ones kept replacing them. The two were now sat on the couch, Clay comforting George while George cried into Clay's shirt. Patches had also came up to George, rubbing against him in attempts to comfort him.

"I had promised myself I'd never cry again, and yet here I am, weak and pathetic..." George said, followed by a humourless chuckle. Clay ruffled his hair softly.

"If crying makes you feel lighter, then it's okay to cry. Don't feel weak for crying. It doesn't make you weak to show how you feel. And you're not pathetic George, don't you ever say that again." Clay said.

George just clung onto Clay, sobbing loudly into his shirt. He was trying to control his tears again but let them flow until he ran out of tears, his eyes dry and red. He let go of Clay and sat up with a numb look, the same look he had on when he first found out the news about Kyle.

His gaze travelled to the ring that was still on his hand. He wanted to remove it since he didn't want to be reminded that the one who put that ring on his finger was now in a place that was impossible to visit alive.

Clay saw him staring, immediately remembering about the neck chain he'd bought that afternoon while returning home from work. It wasn't from any expensive fancy stores, just a road-side vendor who was selling fake jewellery.

Clay quickly put his hand in his back pocket, pulling out the thin piece of silver-looking jewellery and passing it towards George who looked up at it for a moment, not sure what it was as it was tangled into a coil in Clay's palm.

"It's the necklace you asked me for." Clay said softly as to not startle George with his voice, considering he was crying just a minute ago.

"You remembered?" George asked just as softly as Clay as he hesitantly took the jewellery from his warm hands and placed it on his own small, cold hands.

"Of course. How can I forget? It was the first time you asked me for something." Clay said, running a hand through George's brown hair and untangling some of his hair which had tangled somehow when the brunette was pressed against Clay's shirt, crying.

George hesitantly took his ring off, staring at it and giving it a gentle kiss. He put the chain through the ring and clasped it around his neck, holding it close and sighing deeply.

"Kyle, I'm sorry for taking the ring off. I had to do it, it somehow made me sad knowing you aren't coming back anymore... I'll keep this ring with me forever, as close to my heart as possible. The necklace helps with that. I love you, more than I ever got the chance to express to you." George whispered.

Clay rubbed George's back, wanting to comfort George if he felt upset again. George however didn't cry and instead smiled up at Clay. It was a small, sad smile but it was genuine.

"Clay, people think I'm dead right?" George asked, voice a little better than earlier when he was in tears and his voice was raspy. Clay nodded slowly at George's question.

"So for them, I'm... with Kyle?" George asked, smiling at the thought of reuniting with the love of his life, quickly shaking it away before the thoughts got negative.

"...I think yeah?" Clay said, not sure what to say or what George wanted for tell him.

"So a public appearance will make them believe I'm still here, right?" George asked, making Clay tilt his head in confusion.

"Do you want to?" He asked. Clay wasn't sure if George was ready to make a public appearance or talk about Kyle in front of all those people. The people are very nosy too, they can ask questions that might trigger George.

If Clay were to be in George's shoes at the moment, he'd definitely not even be thinking about a public appearance. Maybe it was just his shyness, he was never the one to talk in public. And George is a person who's often surrounded by people, he isn't shy like Clay.

"... I don't know, should I?" George asked, looking up at Clay for an answer. Clay was snapped out of his thoughts as he tried to reason with his brain. Should he? He questioned himself.

George was a social person, being used to the lifestyle where people shove cameras at his face. He was also bold. Clay had watched his interviews and his answers to some of the most tricky questions were so quick-witted it often left the interviewer speechless. That was a quality common in both George and Kyle.

But taking note of the current situation, where reporters and people are dying to know what George has to say, and considering George's mental state at the time, he isn't sure if George would be the same quick-witted sass king.

The way George broke down in front of him really had him considering and reconsidering his decision, his brain cells fighting together until a victor emerged.

"Will you be able to? You know how the media is, you know it very well actually. Are you ready for their questions George?" Clay asked. "In short, I think you should wait a little bit more."

"I-... You're right. I first need to get out of my head. And I need your help with it. I need you to distract me if you ever catch me zoning out." George muttered.

"Of course, I'll help you with everything you need help with. All I want is for you to be happy, and healthy. I always say that, because it's the truth." Clay said, holding George's hand, which he had no idea how it got into his own, and squeezing it.

George sighed, leaning on Clay. The blonde hugged him close, sensing he was tired as his eyes were battling the sleep, trying to stay awake.

"You can go to sleep." Clay said softly. He rubbed George's back as the latter fell asleep on top of Clay, not the first or the last time he's done that.
1043 words.

Double update finally pog :D

I had a long fight with my brain on whether I should let George make a public appearance or not, deciding against it because if he did, then I wouldn't know what to even write.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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