Chapter 24

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When George woke up the next morning, he found out he was practically on top of Clay who was still asleep, his chest moving from him breathing. George blushed but didn't move away. He liked Clay's warmth.

He stared at Clay's peaceful face with a smile on his own lips. He noticed as Clay's eyes twitched and opened a second later to be met with George's face that was a little too close for friends.

"Mornin' Georgie." Clay mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, his cheeks slowly turning pink even though he tried his best to hide it. George rested his head back on Clay's chest and noticed his quickened heartbeat.

"Morning." George replied. He hugged Clay who closed his eyes and nuzzled into George's hairs. He was about to fall back asleep when George spoke again. "Do not go back to sleep now or don't blame me if you're late for work."

"Mmm... Just let me sleep in today..." Clay mumbled, hugging George tightly as he turned to his side, the two now laying beside each other. Clay snuggled closer to George who just giggled at him.

"No! You're senior software developer after all! You need to go to work Clay." George said, rolling away from Clay who responded with a groan. "C'mon, get up."

"Noooo, I just wanna hug you and sleep." Clay said, reaching over for George and pulling him back close.

"Nope. I'm getting up. You can be late to work." George said and sat up. He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and sat there for a moment.

"Can I sleep for 5 more minutes? I promise I'll get up after that. If not then you can come and push me off the bed." Clay said, now hugging the blanket and falling asleep again.

"I'll go make breakfast today. You tell me how it tastes." George said getting up and making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He then went to the kitchen and took out flour, eggs, butter, sugar and milk. He was going to make pancakes.

He cracked the eggs and put them in a bowl. Next, he added butter. As he was about to add milk he heard foot steps. Clay was up. He poured in some milk and mixed the ingredients.

"What are you making?" Clay asked as he stood next to George.

"Pancakes!" George said as he picked up the sugar to add it to the batter but Clay snatched it from his hand.

"With salt?" He asked, shaking the salt container while George looked away. "Would've gotten a salty surprise if I didn't notice."

"Uh..." George said, face going red because of embarrassment.

"You're an idiot." Clay said, replacing the salt with sugar.

"Don't call me an idiot! I am not an idiot." George said, acting as if he was mad at Clay.

"You are an idiot, but you're a pretty idiot." Clay said, booping George's nose and taking the whisk from him to mix in the sugar.

George just stood there, face redder than before and butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. He'd only even felt like this with Kyle. That was the moment when he decided,

He liked Clay.

George smiled, finally figuring out his feelings though he needed a few more confirmations just to be sure. He went over to Clay who was heating up the pan to cook the pancakes.

"I am in charge of today's breakfast so I'll be cooking them. You can go sit in the living room." George said, shooing Clay away.

"Nope. I'll stand here in case you do something stupid and end up hurting yourself, idiot." Clay said. George blushed again and pushed Clay to the side. He poured in the batter and started cooking the pancakes.

Once he had made enough pancakes, he served them onto two plates and handed one to Clay who was standing in the corner with his arms crossed and a smile on his face, admiring George's work.

They went to the couch and sat down, starting to eat their breakfast. Clay liked it and complimented George who thanked him.

Clay then left for work and the two continued doing their everyday things. The day soon ended as the two retired to bed that night.

A few days passed just like that, both of them living life like normal. George was just a little upset that he wasn't getting to spend time with Clay but it was a weekend so he was excited too that Clay will be with him the whole day.

They were cuddling on the couch while scrolling through TikTok on Clay's phone and liking the ones that made George laugh. Patches was also sitting next to them and watching with them.

Clay scrolled again and saw a TikTok related to George. Someone (probably a reporter) had made a video of George's parents and how they reacted to finding out George was "dead".

George watched the video with wide eyes. His mother was crying while his father spoke about how nice of a son George was and how happy they were that he was their son and how they can't recover from the news.

George's eyes filled with tears as he saw his parents grieving him. He was right there, a couple states away, but they thought he was dead. He couldn't bear to see his parents crying and hid his face in Clay's chest.

"Shh George, it's just a video. And besides, they don't know you're still here, right? They have no way of knowing that when they can't contact you. Don't cry..." Clay said, calming George down by rubbing his back.

"I want to- no, I need to contact them. Clay, is there a way I can talk to them? Even if its just once? I want to tell them I'm still with them!" George begged with teary eyes. His expression making Clay think of a way, and he found one pretty quickly.

"... Do you wanna call them? Do you remember their phone numbers?" Clay asked.
1012 words.

Sometimes I forget I'm writing a fictional story about two real people-

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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