Chapter 7

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TW: Mentions Depression, Mentions ED I Think.

Clay made a sandwich for the both of them and they made their way to the living room. George started nomming his sandwich slowly while Clay put his plate down and got up to feed his cat.

When he got back, George had finished half his sandwich and was staring at the rest with a bored expression. Clay sat down next to him and picked up his own plate.

"Did you not like it?" Clay asked, gesturing to the half-eaten sandwich in George's hands.

"No no- the sandwich is amazing... but- I don't feel like eating anymore." George muttered. Clay nodded in understanding as he took a bite out of his own sandwich.

"Just a few more bites George? Its already a super light meal..." Clay said. George sighed and took another bite. The two eventually finished their food and Clay got up to put both their plates in the sink, soon returning back to the couch.

"Clay?" George said breaking their comfortable silence, his voice almost a whisper. Clay hummed indicating he was listening. "...Thank you... And I'm sorry for how I acted earlier." He said sheepishly.

"It's alright George! You don't have to apologize to me. And thank you for letting me help you." Clay said with a smile which was mirrored by George a moment later.

"I'm gonna... get some rest... I feel tired, for some reason." George said quietly as he stood up and started heading over to Clay's bedroom. He stopped midway and turned around a while later. "Oh and... you should take your room back. I'll be alright on the couch too."

"No, you need it more than I do right now. I'm doing just fine on the couch." Clay said. George nodded but didn't walk away. He fidgeted with his fingers awkwardly until Clay asked "What's wrong?"

"I uh- I haven't showered since I got here... and I don't really have anything else to wear..." George muttered, embarrassed to ask Clay if he could take a shower and borrow some clothes.

"Alright, you can just take a bath then. You don't really have to ask me for that. I'll prepare a warm bath for you and you can wear my clothes if that's okay? I'll buy you some clothes tomorrow." Clay said, getting up to fill the bathtub with warm water.

George sat in Clay's room staring at the closet. He was asked to pick out clothes for himself by the blonde. He had opened the closet doors but he was never good at decision making, whether it's a small decision or a big one.

He finally, after 5 minutes, settled on a large hoodie that appeared to be yellow to him, his colorblindness not really helping the situation either. The hoodie looked comfortable and had a simple smile on it.

"George? The bathtub is filled, you can go bath." Clay said from outside the door. George quickly grabbed a pair of sweatpants and exited the room, making his way to the bathroom.

Once George got in the bathroom and closed the door, Clay made his way to the living room, sitting on the couch. He had been thinking about how he was going to buy clothes for George with the little money he had left.

He decided to call Nick, the only person he trusted enough to share everything with. It had been quite a while since the two hadn't properly talked, as in sat down and had a long conversation discussing life. They were both busy with their own lives to manage time to have a chat.

Ring~ Ring~

After a couple rings Nick picked up and greeted Clay with an excited sounding "Hello Clay!" Clay chuckled before greeting his friend back.

"So? What's going on! I haven't really called you lately, just been busy with a lot of stuff. I'm sorry for not checking up on you." Nick said quickly due to excitement.

"It's alright you idiot! You don't need to check up on me. I'm not a child. Anyways, how's life going?" Clay asked, a smile finding it's way on his lips upon talking to his best friend after days.

"It's going alright. I heard there was a flood in Orlando like- a week ago right? Are you alright? Did it do any damage?" Nick asked quickly, worry lacing his voice.

"No, I'm alright. It didn't really affect my area. Although! I doubt you'll believe this but, you know the actor Kyle Miller right?" Clay stopped for his friend to respond and continued when he heard a "Yeah?"

"His husband, George, had apparently washed up in front of my house. He's been living with me since, but I'm concerned for his mental health." Clay said.

"Yeah... I heard the news about Kyle. I feel really bad for him dude, hope he's alright." Nick said.

"Me too but we can't do anything about it other than comfort George. He's been super depressed lately and refuses to eat or speak. He just sits in the bedroom, curled up on the bed." Clay said, his heart aching as the image of the brunette looking sad popped into his head.

"I actually... needed a favour..." Clay muttered a moment later. "It's alright if you say no just don't feel pressured to-"

"Clay quit rambling and just tell me what's wrong? There's not even an option for not helping you. It's the first time you've asked for a favour." Nick said.

"I... uh-... needed some money... It's for George, I promise. He doesn't have any clothes to wear so uh- I need to go shopping but I'm low on money recently..." Clay said, hoping Nick wouldn't mind his request.

"Of course, how much do ya need? Also Clay, you don't need to hesitate when asking for anything from me. We've been friends for longer than a decade!" Nick replied.

"Uh a couple hundred bucks. Is that possible?" Clay asked.

"Sure. I'll send it right now actually, check your PayPal." Nick said and Clay could hear he was definitely typing something on his phone. Clay opened PayPal and noticed Nick had sent him $500.

"N-Nick I didn't need that much! I asked for like two hundred!" Clay said. Nick chuckled from the other end.

"Keep it dude, it'll only help later. Now let's catch up on life and stuff. How's Patches?" Nick asked and the two started having their own conversations, laughing together.
1070 words.

Dayum SpamCan rich rich.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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