Chapter 36

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Your POV

Your 'good day' was going, well to be honest... good! You and Sherlock finished that annoying case, and you decided to go and see John, Mary and Alex, their newborn baby boy. You were sat in the passenger side of the car (against your will) as Sherlock wouldn't let you drive.

"Get on your dancing shoes,

There's one thing on your mi-ind,

Hoping they're looking for you,

Sure you'll be rummaging through"

You sung along to the lyrics laughing. Stereo-typically, the window would be open, and the sun would be shining... but come on, you live in Britain. Of course it was overcast and dull. You chuckled to yourself at the irony of the situation, earning a confused look at Sherlock.

"Dear wife, would you like to elaborate the reason behind the laughter?" Sherlock questioned, trying to sound 'posh'. 

"Irony, dear husband, simple irony." you replied, leaving him looking more quizzical than before. You just looked out of the window, annoying Sherlock further. He hated not knowing, which made it even funnier. You were holding back the laughter, trying to keep a straight face throughout the whole situation.  

You finally got to John and Mary's, and you got out of the car. Before you knew it, Sherlock had come round your side, and started tickling your sides, being careful of your bump. You started laughing uncontrollably. 

"Tell me what you were laughing at in the car!!!" he bellowed. You carried on laughing, shaking your head.

"You will NEVER know!" you replied, shouting. He carried on tickling you until you looked towards the door and saw Mary leaning against the door frame with her eyebrow raised. You swatted Sherlock of you and started walking towards their house.

Mary chuckled as you walked in, and you smiled at her, snickering slightly.

"Mary, you go and sit down, you've just given birth. Sherlock, go sit down, your tea sucks!" you shouted from the kitchen, knowing they'd both try to stop you from making the tea.

Sherlock's POV

"Why is she so happy?" John asked me. I looked down. 

"Her words, "She has me and a baby on the way, what's so bad about it?". That's exactly what she said" I replied, sitting down and nodding. "And d'ya know what, she's right." I added.

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