Chapter 44

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Alex's POV

Shit. Shit. Bollocks. What do I do? I've called the ambulance. Now what?

I would call Sherlock, but she's pretty mad at him. I'll call him when we get to the hospital.
Right now I was focused on getting her and the baby comfortable and safe. I grabbed a pillow and put it under her head.... What else? Ooh, I should tilt her head to the side. Okay.

I quickly ran downstairs and decided to leave the door open for the paramedics. I wasn't waiting around for them. I ran back upstairs to (Y/N) and sat by her, making sure she was breathing. I pulled my phone out and quickly texted Sherlock.

Your wife is in pain.
St.Bart's in 10 mins.
If you've done cheating on her that is...

I smirked to myself and put my phone away, before the paramedics came. They asked me some questions about her, all to which I knew the answer too (what I've known here for like 20 years) and we all got in the ambulance to St. Bart's.

Sherlock's POV

I was pacing around the flat, when I got a text from a friend of (y/n)'s....

Oh no.


I ran out of the flat, almost knocking over Mrs.Hudson and ran to St.Bart's. Taxi's were too slow. I walked through the corridors until I found Alex sitting there, with his head in his hands.

"What happened? Where is she? Talk" I demanded. He looked up at me, with a slight look of anger on his face.

"So your done with that other woman. Look, she had an abdo pain. Could be the baby. Usually happens when put under stress..." He looked up at me again, glaring at me now.

Why does he keep talking about another woman? I'll ask him later. Right now, I just care about (y/n) and the baby.


AN- oh my god I'm back XD

My computer broke, so this has been sitting as a document for ages and I thought I would grab my tablet and type it all out.... Thats how much I love you all XD

Also... I'd love to hear from you all. So be sure to vote and comment!!

PS: for those who read my Alex Turner fanfic, you'll realise this is the same AN XD

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