Chapter 23

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Your POV

Over this holiday, you hardly checked your phone. I mean, why? Apart from your work, everything you needed was on this holiday with you. Sherlock was here with you, that's really all that mattered.

Sherlock was asleep so you quietly slipped out of his grasp and walked into the kitchen.

You started fixing up some pancakes and put music on through your phone. Bring Me The Horizon and You Me At Six flooded through the apartment and you were quietly starting singing along.

What doesn't kill you
Makes you wish you were dead
Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper
And I can't take

"I knew you could sing" a deep voice startled you.  You turned around at the sound of his voice and blushed. He chuckled and you face planted his chest.

After you cuddled, you walked over to your phone to check your messages.

12 missed calls,
25 messages,
4 voice mail

Hmm... Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade and... What? Mycroft???

You looked at the caller ID's of the missed calls.

Lestrade (x5)
Mycroft (x6)
Mrs. Hudson

Hmm. Just as you guessed. Should I call back??? No. Let's not.

AN: So, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. This is sort of a filler chapter so... sorryyyy

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