Chapter 14

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Your POV

You rushed out to the car with Sherlock running behind you. He easily ran in front and opened the door for you. You thanked him and took his hand as you stepped into the car to go to the reception. He slid on next to you and pecked you on the cheek.

"Hello Mrs. Holmes" He beamed to you. You giggled in return, too excited for words.

"I love you" was all you could say. He smiled to you.

"I should hope so, you just married me" he replied, making you laugh louder than expected. The car then stopped, and Sherlock got out. You could just tell the door next to you was going to open... now. And it has!!!

"Princess, your palace awaits" Sherlock exclaimed... over dramatically you might add! You placed your hand in his, and stepped out of the car. Flash! More pictures! That is really not a great thing! But it's bearable.

You and Sherlock walked towards the MASSIVE reception hall that Sherlock had picked out. Seriously, huge...

Once inside, there was eight round tables around the room, and the top table at the front of the room. The colour theme was blue, yet there was a contradiction with the skulls on the table. What? Skulls are awesome! You smiled and turned to look at John.

"OK. When you are finished playing happy families, you have to leave here and the guests must come in first" John joked.  You looked at Sherlock and almost instantly, you both started laughing. Obviously John was confused. Inbetween the laughter, Sherlock managed to tug your hand, and with that, you left the room.

AN: Sorry, another short chapter. I have been so bust recently. My sister just got out of hospital and just.... URGH!!

But thanks for reading and I will update ASAP!!! ❤

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