Chapter 12

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Your POV

Okay, today's the day. No going back now. This is it. The most important day of your life (apparently). The day you marry Sherlock. You roll over to check your phone. 6:00 am. You might aswell get up, you won't get back to sleep. What's the point in even trying? You roll to the side and eventually, land on the floor. You mumbled slightly because that actually hurt. You rose to your feet and stumbled over to get some coffee. Mid-way through making your coffee, someone jumped on your back and screamed: 

"WEDDING DAY!!!" And just like that you knew it was your best friend, and head bridemaid, (YBFN). You turned around to face her. 

"Not until I have my coffee." you bluntly replied.

"You could be a little more excited, I mean, it's your wedding day." She replied, with a face that reminded you slightly of a deflated balloon. You pulled a bitchy grin and sipped the hot coffee. 

"Can I smell coffee, and hear moaning? Yep, the brides up!" Mary joked, waltzing into the kitchen. You chuckled slightly, perking up a bit more with every sip of coffee.

Now fully awake, you ran over to your CD player and put on AM, your favourite album. You started jumping around to the beat of the first track, Do I Wanna Know? Your best friend joined you, while Mary just sat on the sofa, laughing. Then she got up and went into the kitchen for something. She returned with a bottle of Champagne and Orange juice, with 3 glasses. Mmmm... Bucks Fizz! She poured the beverage into the glasses and handed you and (YBFN) a glass. The stylist was arriving at 8:00 and it was 7:00 now so all you could do it wait for an hour.

Sherlock's POV

John woke me up this morning. I was (honestly) seriously excited for today. I stared at my suit for about 10 minutes straight, until John walked in with some coffee. I accepted it and drank it quickly. What was next on the list? Shower, yes.

Your POV

 There was a knock at the door and you sprinted as fast as you could to answer it. The funny thing is, you knew it was the stylist before you even opened the door because you could just smell the hairspray on her, through the door. She walked in, dragging a suitcase behind her. How much stuff does she need? She asked you what you wanted to have done to your hair. In response you just showed her a picture of what you wanted on your phone. ((AN: Picture Attached!)) And just like that, she got to work. You had already had a shower so she got straight to it.

2 Hours later

After 2 hours, she had done my hair and makeup and the bridesmaids hair and makeup, so she left. The girls put their dresses on, so all that was left was the task of getting my dress on. My dress was beautiful; a sweetheart neckline that puffed out slightly under the empire line. ((AN: Picture Attached!)) 

Sherlock's POV

Okay. Time to get to the church. It was always (Y/N)'s dream to get married in a church, so I obliged to it. I never thought I'd ever get married, especially to the most amazing woman in the world, so, when she said she wanted to get married in a church, that was like set in stone. Hm, funny thing, life is.

Your POV

So, half an hour of being stuffed into a dress, and Mary and (YBFN) screaming at me all comes down to this. After I get in this car, there's nothing stopping me from marrying the man I love. Why am I nervous, I have just said I love him, so I must be ready for this, right? Right. Let's go.

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