Chapter 40

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Your POV

Yourself and Sherlock had gotten yourselves a case. A rather difficult one if you were honest. Well you say a case... It was more of a problem. A difficult problem. Well, it probably wouldn't be difficult for a 'normal' person, but nevertheless it was difficult. What was it?

Telling Sherlock's Parents that you were pregnant.

Okay, you go ahead and laugh it up. Go on, John did. And Mary. But it was difficult. You'd planned out many ways, all ending up with getting physical contact from his parents, which you were both trying to avoid. The only contact you liked was from Sherlock. That's it. Lydia (His mother) or Gregory (His father) would most certainly either; hug you, kiss your cheek, pat you on the back (You really didn't get that: 'Well Done, you had sex') or even give you a handshake. You sighed, deep in thought when something popped into your brain. You were hungry.

You sighed again, and pushed yourself up from the sofa, and headed towards the kitchen. You wanted a... a.... Cheese Puff Sandwich. Yum! You looked in the cupboards and found some M&S Cheese Puffs and smiled. They were the best ones! You buttered some bread, and neatly placed the cheese puffs on the bread. Perfect. You put it on a plate, put some more cheese puffs in a bowl and waddled into the living room.

Sherlock looked over to you with a quizzical look on his face. You just smiled and started eating. Sherlock didn't say anything though, he just kept staring at you, with those big bluey-grey eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly.

"Why are you staring at me?" You asked, slightly annoyed. He didn't respond. Which got you angry. You sighed again.

"SHERLOCK" you shouted. This seemed to snap him out of his trance. He furrowed his eyebrows this time.

"You always fucking ignore me when we're on a case- type thing. It's so annoying. I'm just sat here, talking to myself, because you never fucking listen. URGH" you half-screamed. Sherlock widened his eyes. Yet still didn't say anything. So, in response, you stood up, chucked a cushion at his head, and went to bed. God, what a dick.

AN: So hi! I know it's been a while but I've had coursework and stuff to do, but you don't really need to know about that!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you're enjoying this book!

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