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skyler's pov

"YOU TOLD HIM?" darry yelled at the gang. "we've kept this secret going for 2 years just to
tell him?!" he asked. "i think you're the only one complaining," i said. "no, no, i'm not happy about it either," steve said. "it isn't that big of a deal," soda said. "hey you ever think maybe it should've been my decision?" i asked. "he's gonna break your heart just like everyone else sky!" darry said.

"just trust me darrel! i can fend for myself, i haven't had control over my life for two years just let me be it's too late now," i said. "she has a point," two-bit said. "fine, but if he does what he always does, don't come running to me," darry said and walked out. "don't come running to me," i mocked and sat down on the couch.

"he's just worried about you sky," soda said. "he doesn't need to be," i sighed. "i'll be fine dally already told me he's not gonna go after johnnys 'baby sister' anyway," i said mocking dally. "good," steve said. "i'm going to bucks," i said. "what?" they all said. "i want a beer, now that dally knows who i am, i'm free to go alone," i shrugged and walked out.

as much as i loved the guys, they were so controlling. one of the perks of being in a gang of all guys you've known your whole life. i walked to bucks and sat down. "they finally letting you go places on your own?" buck asked. "yep, johnny finally spilled the beans," i said as he handed me a beer. "buck isn't she a minor man?" dally asked sitting next to me. "hey aren't you a minor living in a bar?" i asked.

"fair," he said. "so sky, can i call you sky?" he said. "nope," i replied. "how come they're letting you come here of all places if they were tryna keep you away from me?" he asked. "because i'm done letting them control my life," i replied. "plus, i needed a drink,"

"oh yeah i need to go get the papers from the school," i thought aloud. "papers for what?" buck asked. "i'm givin' up on education, i can spend my time doing better things," i said. "bullshit like what?" he asked. "uh i've been sitting in a building with socs for 6 hours getting judged constantly, anything is better than that," i laughed. "don't be a dumb ass skyler," dally said.

"oh you're really one to talk," i said. "yeah i am, cause i gave up on school a long time ago man, you'll regret it," he said. "mhm whatever you say," i replied. "how much?" i asked buck. "free im in a good mood," he said. "thanks," i smiled and walked out, dally following behind me. "what now?" i asked. "i don't know man," he said. "as much as i'd just love quality time with dallas winston i don't know how happy the guys will be," i said.

"i thought you were done letting them control your life," he said raising an eyebrow. i rolled my eyes. "ok fine, but if you're coming with me you're getting me food," i said. "every girls dream," he said. "mmm every girl?" i asked. "you can't tell me i'm wrong," he
replied. "ok, ok, you're right," i laughed.

"dingos or dairy queen?" he asked. "dairy queen," i said. "i'm at dingos almost every day,"

"everyone is," he said. we took one of bucks cars and went into dingos. it wasn't too busy so we ordered and sat down. we ate in silence at first, it's not like we've known each other very long, so we weren't super comfortable. "can i ask you something?" i asked.

"shoot," he said. "why do you date so many girls?" i asked. "it's fun," he said. "we're not objects," i replied, eating a fry. "no shit," he replied. curly shepherd walked in and sat next to me. "you two best buds now or something?" curly asked.

"nope," we both said. "i thought he didn't know you existed," curly said. "he didn't until a few days ago," i said. he laughed, took the rest of my burger, and walked out. "sure curly, go ahead and have the rest of my burger i wasn't hungry anyway,"

"just eat your fries cade," dally said. after we ate we drove to the curtis's and i walked in. "where have you been?" darry asked. "dairy queen," i said sitting next to two-bit on the couch. "with?" he asked. then dally walked inside. "oh so are you guys just getting to know each other now?" he asked. "i guess," i shrugged.

"he's actually kind of annoying if you ask me i just didn't wanna buy my own food," i said and dally threw a pillow at me. i threw it back and grabbed two-bit for coverage. soda raised an eyebrow at steve and they all looked between me and dally. "dear god,
i can't even talk to him without you guys thinking i'm in love with him can i?" i asked.

"no, you're just awfully comfortable after one day," soda shrugged. "we've been together all day makes sense," dally said. "all day?" johnny asked. "please calm down guys," i sighed. "ok ok, we're just not used to it that's all," two-bit said. "anyone wanna play cards?" i asked, changing the subject. "sure, 52 pick up?" steve asked.

"sure," "fine with me," "okay," went around the room and we played for a majority of the night. it felt good being able to be here with them all night again. i missed it a lot. i think we all knew now that it was a good thing dally knew. i looked up and dally was already looking at me. i smiled and he smiled back surprisingly, now i knew what they all meant when they said it'd be hard to resist dallas winston, but i had to try.

hey lovelies, i know it might not be very realistic that they spent the day together but i've definitely spent the day with someone i just met so it's fine. i was watching outsiders while i watched this:))

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