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skyler's pov

i walked into bucks and there was a ton of people. "where's coop?" i asked buck as i walked in. "in your room, you can let him out if you want," he replied. "okay," i said and went upstairs. cooper was sleeping and i laughed and laid next to him as dally walked in.

"what happened to you?" i asked. "got in a fight with shepherd," he said. "which one?" i asked. "tim," he said as he took off his jacket and shirt. i raised an eyebrow as he laid next to me. "what did you do?" he asked. "watched tv with darry and played cards, nothing exciting," i said.

"you're home kind of early," i said. "it's almost 2:00," he replied and i laughed. "that's early for you," i said.   "i guess," he shrugged. "why'd you fight with tim?" i asked. "he thought i slashed his tires," he said as i ran my fingers through his hair. "did you?" i asked and he just sighed. "i'm kidding sorry," i said and yawned as buck walked in.

"ponyboy and johnny are here," he said. dally got up and went downstairs. they walked back in and dally grabbed a gun. "woahhh," i said and sat up. "johnny killed a soc," ponyboy said. "which one?!" i asked. "bob," he said.

"ain't that the one that beat you up?" i asked and johnny nodded. "here's 50 bucks," dally said as he sat down on the bed. "here, it's bucks it's a little big but it's dry," he said and gave ponyboy bucks flannel. "johnny," i said and grabbed his hand. "it's gonna be okay, we'll figure it out okay?" i said and he nodded.

i hugged him tightly and sighed. "love you," i said. "love you too," he said. after dally told them what to do, i gave them both a hug and they left. "they'll
be okay," dally said. "i know," i said and laid down next to him. "i need you to promise me something," i said as he wrapped his arms around me. "what?" he asked. "please keep them safe," i said. "i promise," he said.

next morning

dally and i walked into the curtis's and it was dead silent. soda and darry were both sitting on the couch reading the paper. "did you guys hear?" soda asked. "yeah," dally said. i sat down next to soda and we all just sat in silence when there was a knock on the door.

i walked over and opened it, rolling my eyes immediately. "what do you want?" i asked. "saw the paper, came to check on you and the curtis's," luke said. "great, you checked," i said. "you can go now," dally said walking over. he just rolled his eyes and left. "god that guy thinks he's some god," dally said as we sat back down.

"he ain't one," darry said. "where's steve and two?" i asked. "steve's at work," soda said and two-bit walked inside. "dal, the cops are lookin' for ya," two-bit said. "oh great," i sighed. "i better go then man," dally said. "okay," we all said and he walked out.

it'd been days and dally was gone, either with them or going to see them. but since it was nearly 7:30 at night i assumed he was with them. the police were in texas looking for them. i knew that wouldn't last too long, but it bought some time. "he's gonna be back soon and they're all gonna be okay," two-bit said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"i hope so," i sighed. "they will," he said. i took a deep breath and looked around the curtis home. "i need to get some fresh air," i said and walked out of the house. i went to the park and sat on a swing. there were a couple kids, maybe a year younger than me, on the pair of swings next to me.

the girl looked at him like he put the stars in the sky. that's one way to describe it at least. "you know we can't be together," the boy said. "but why not? what's stopping us?" she asked him. "everything is, nobody will approve of it and i'm just gonna do something stupid to make you get hurt," he said.

"that's a risk i'm willing to take," she said. "i can't hurt you, i'm sorry," he said and walked away. the girl started crying and i walked over and hugged her,
despite not knowing who she was. it seemed like me and dally, nobody wanted us together in the beginning because they thought he'd hurt me.

"hey, i know i don't know you, but everything will work out the way it's supposed to," i said and she looked up at me. "thank you," she said. "i'm skyler cade, i live down the street if you ever need anything," i said. "zoe adderson," she said and wiped her cheek. "as in randy?" i asked and she nodded.

"do yourself a favor, and don't do anything brothers tell you okay? my brother kept me a secret from the guy i'm dating now for two years, but it'll work out the way it should okay?" i said. "thank you, see ya around," she said and walked away.

"SKY!" i looked to my left and soda was running at me. "what?" i asked. "i just got a call, dally, pony, and johnny are in the hospital," he said. "fucking hell what'd they do now?!" i asked. "don't know, fire, let's go," he said.

we ran into the hospital the second we got there. ponyboy was sitting there smoking and i rolled my eyes. soda and darry hugged him and then i got the chance. "where are they pone?" i whispered. "they won't let anyone see johnny, but dally's down the hall first right at the end," he said. "thank you, i'm glad you're okay," i said.

i hugged him once more and then went to see if they would let me see johnny since i'm family, but no luck until tomorrow, so i walked to dally's room. i walked in and they were working on his burned arm. "dal," i sighed and went over to him.

"i'm fine doll," he said. i sat on the side they weren't working on and kissed his head. "thank you for helping them," i whispered. "don't thank me, i'd of done it for any of us," he said. "especially you," he said. "i love you," i said. "i love you too sky," he said and kissed my cheek.

"do i have to leave or can i stay the night?" i asked the nurse. "unfortunately unless you're family you can't stay the night, sorry hun, visiting hours start at 9 tomorrow morning," she said. "okay, thanks, i'll see you tomorrow okay?" i said. "okay," he said. i kissed him and walked out.

hey guys, it's been awhile. i'm so sorry i haven't updated in so long. i've had so much going on and then i got a boyfriend and wasn't focused on my writing at all. then we broke up and i couldn't even think about writing, but i'm gonna do my best to get back to writing and i'm so sorry it's been so long! i love you all so much!

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