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skyler's pov

"where were you two?" buck asked as we walked in. "out, why are you awake?" dally asked. "bar opens at 5 today," buck replied. "well, i'm tired, so i'm going to sleep," i said heading for the stairs. "might wanna cover those hickeys before darrel sees!" buck yelled and i just flipped him off.

"i want the guys to see that you're really mine," dally said kissing my neck as we laid down on the bed. "i thought we said we weren't gonna tell them yet," i said. "well, they'll figure it out once they see those anyway," he pointing at them. "did you do that on purpose?" i asked. "no," he said, then smirked. "go to sleep," i said rolling over, drifting off to sleep.

next day

"sky wake up it's almost noon," i rubbed my eyes and saw johnny standing over me and dally. "oh, thanks johnnycakes," i said sitting up. "is that a hickey?" johnny asked, looking at dally with wide eyes. "yea, hey johnny i want you to be the first one to know, and since you saw us first, dal and i are together now," i said. he smiled softly at us and grabbed my hand. "i'm happy for ya," he said then turned to dally. "i know i ain't scary, but this is my kid sister we're talking about, so you do anything stupid and i will not hesitate to kill ya," he said.

"i won't calm down johnny," dally said laughing. i got off the bed and changed into my jeans, wearing one of dally's shirts. "should we go to the curtis's?" i asked. they both agreed and we started walking. dally had his arm around my shoulder, and i tried to keep my face somewhat hidden since everyone was always keeping tabs on him, i didn't care if they knew it was me, i just hated when they all stared at me.

we walked in and everyone was sitting there, my hair was on both my shoulders, so they won't see the hickeys for at least a few minutes. "dallas, what'd you do to skyler's neck?" soda asked. never mind then . "none of your business," dally replied. "oh yea, little announcement," he said smirking and looked at me.

"we're dating," i said and grabbed water from the fridge. "told ya," steve said to two-bit. "oh by the way, i gotta go pick some stuff up for work so i'll be back later," darry said. "don't have too much fun," i said. "oh well now i have too," he said and walked out.

"well what're we gonna do today?" i asked. "i'm going out with sandy," soda said. "i'm goin' on a date with eve," steve said. "i'm probably gonna go get drunk somewhere," two-bit said. "of course you are," i laughed. "i got some stuff to do, but i'll do somethin with ya later," dally said. "okay, pony?" i said. "we can go do something," pony replied. "what should we do?" i asked. "we could go to the arcade," he suggested. "sounds good to me," i shrugged.

"alright i gotta go, see you later," soda said and walked out. "so do i, see ya later," dally said. "hey how would you guys feel about a pet?" i asked. "i want a dog, but darry would kill us," pony laughed. "i bet i could convince him," i said. "yeah right," steve said laughing. "me and dal were talkin' about a german shepherd," i said. "they're so cute,"

"i like husky's," two-bit said. "dal said german shepherd or husky, i think husky's are beautiful but they shed a ton," i replied. "so do german shepherds," pony said. "not nearly as bad though," i shrugged. "we could go find mickey and get him back for soda," pony suggested. "that's true, but we can't exactly keep him in the house," i laughed.

"let's just go to the arcade," he replied. "see you later," i said to two-bit and steve. as we walked out i stopped and gave pony a confused look. "where's my brother?" i asked. "went to two-bits to get some sleep," he replied. "oh thank god," i said and we continued walking.

we played arcade games almost all day. i was about to kick his ass in dance dance revolution when dally picked me up off of the platform. "dally! i was about to beat him!" i said shoving him. dally smirked and went to kiss me but i shoved him away. "i want a rematch pony," i said. "no, i won," he said. i gave him the death stare but dally kissed my neck making chills run down my spine. "no, i'm mad at you too," i said and went to walk away with all the tickets pony and i got.

"not so fast," dally said grabbing my wrist. he kissed me passionately and roughly then let me go. "i hate you," i said and he just winked as me and pony went to get prizes. since weve been here all day, we had tons of tickets. we got a huge teddy bear, huge glasses, and silly string. we walked out with the glasses on and dally was standing there laughing at us. i looked at ponyboy and we both nodded. he opened both of the silly strings and starting chasing him, spraying him with the cans.

"I'm gonna kill both of you!" he yelled and he stopped running and grabbed me, taking the can from my hand. "you're turn," he winked and sprayed me too. (LMFAO MY DIRTY MIND.) i laughed and kissed him when ponyboy cleared his throat. "sorry," i laughed. dally looked around and saw people staring, making him clear his throat and wipe all the silly string off of him. i rolled my eyes and we went back to the curtis house.

hi lovelies!!! this isn't the best chapter i've written but that's okay lol.. stay gold!!

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