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skyler's pov
2 weeks later

"where's dallas? i haven't seen him in two days," i said walking into the curtis house. "sky, did nobody tell you?" darry asked. "tell me what?" i asked. "he's in the slammer again," he said. "you have got to be kidding me," i said. "what'd he do this time?" i asked. "we don't know," he shrugged.

"i'll be back, thanks for telling me!" i yelled sarcastically as i walked out. i shook my head and walked down to the station. pete was sitting at the front desk and immediately knew why i was there. "what'd he do?" i asked. "ask him yourself," pete said.

he took my to see dally and i hugged him. "sorry i didn't come sooner nobody told me," i said. "it's fine," he shrugged. "so what'd you do?" i asked. "slashed pete's tires," he said. "dumb ass, why?" i said. he just shrugged. "how long are you in for?" i asked. "just a few more days, the only reason he's so pissed is because it's me," he said. "well, i'll come see you again when i can, savvy?" i said. he nodded and kissed my head.

"hey," a guard said. i rolled my eyes and left, letting go of his hand. i went to dingos and sat in a booth, sighing, as evie walked over. "give me your order then i'll take my break," she said. "chocolate shake please," i said. "coming right up," she said and went to the kitchen. i sat up against the window as evie walked back over with two shakes, setting one by me, then sitting across from me.

"what happened?" she asked. "dally's in jail for the next 3 days," i sighed. "hasn't he been in there for two days already?" she asked. "yeah, and nobody told me until this morning," i replied. "are you kidding me? god i swear they have the brains of 3 year olds sometimes," she said. "they do," i said and we both laughed.

"we'll go scold them after i get off, then we'll get a bunch of candy and movies and have a girls night alright?" she said. "you're the best eve," i said. "what can i say?" she laughed. "hey, sullivan, back to work," her boss said. "coming, i'll be at the curtis's later alright?" she said and i nodded. i grabbed five bucks and walked out with the cup, they didn't care anyway.

i went back to the curtis's and sat on the couch next to a crying soda. "hey what happened?" i asked, setting my shake on the coffee table. "nothin, i'm alright," he said, wiping his tears away. "nah cmon what's up pepsi-cola?" i asked. "sandy moved to florida," he said. "oh soda i'm so sorry," i said and hugged him.

"you wanna have girls night with me and evie?" i asked. "what're you gonna do?" he asked. "eat candy, talk, watch movies, play games," i said. "i'm in, you sure evie won't care?" he asked and i nodded. "here you can have the rest of my milkshake," i said handing it to him. "thanks sky, you're the best," he said.

"well don't boost my ego," i said and he laughed. "i'll help ya get through this alright?" i said. "thank you," he said. "were you sad too? you never get shakes," he said. "yeah, nobody told me dal was in the slammer until today, but that's alright," i said. "oh shit, i thought pony told you," he said. "it's okay i know now," i laughed. "okay what should we do until evie gets off work?" i asked. "we couldddd i don't know," he said and i laughed.

"we could go to a record store," i said. "sure, i've been wanting to get that new elvis record anyway," he said. "then let's go," i said.

after evie got off work

"what are you guys doing again?" steve asked. "girls night," i said. "soda ain't a girl," he said. "well he's sad, so he's coming with," evie said. "i wanted to spend the night with ya eve," he said. "sucks for you, she's mine tonight," i said and shoved her and soda out the door. we went to the store and went to the candy isle.

"what should we get?" i asked. "kitkat is a given," evie said. "snickers," soda said. "should we get m&m's or skittles?" i asked. "skittles, we have enough chocolate," evie said. "great, ice cream?" i asked raising an eyebrow. "well yeah," soda said. we ran and grabbed ice cream and chocolate syrup, got movies, then paid and went to evies house.

"okay what movie first?" i asked. "sound of music," soda said. we built a fort over the tv, then put the candy in bowls, along with scoops of ice cream in other bowls. evies dad walked inside and just laughed. "you guys really confuse me sometimes," he said and walked away.

"i confuse us too," i said. we turned on the movie and sat in silence, eating for maybe 30 minutes before we started talking about anything and everything. "can i ask you a question?" soda asked. "of course," evie said. "if sandy had a choice, you think she woulda stayed?" he asked. "you want my honest opinion? even if it hurts?" i asked and he nodded.

"i think she would've stayed, but i honestly don't think you guys would've ended up together, i think you're gonna find someone way better than her, who loves you and gives you what you deserve," i said. "you mean sandy didn't love me?" he asked. "that's not what i'm saying, but i think you can find someone who treats you the way you deserve," i said. "she's right," evie said.

"thanks guys," he said and hugged us both. "that's what we're here for," i said. "ok my turn for a question," i said. "shoot," soda said. "do you guys think me and dally will last?" i asked. "yes," they both said. "wasn't expecting that in all honesty," i said laughing. "sky, dally never stays with a girl for more thabk like a week, how long have you two been together now?" soda asked. "almost a month," i said.

"exactly," evie said. "and you ain't the same snotty brats he's been with before," she said. "thanks?" i laughed. "there will be fights, i mean it's dally, but you guys are both tough as nails," soda said. "you really think so?" i asked. "i know so," evie said. "ok, ok my turn," evie said. "go go," i said.

"me and steve have been together for almost 2 years now," she said. "go on," i said. "you think we'll end up together in the end?" she asked. "without question," i said. "oh definitely," soda said. "trust me, steve's my best friend, he ain't leavin' you eve," he said. "i'm so glad we did this tonight," evie said. "me too," i said. "me three," soda said and we all laughed.

hey lovelies!! felt like there was a lot of drama early in the story so i just wanted skyler to have some friend time too, but there will be a lot more stuff will dal in the next chapters hehe. stay gold:))

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