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skyler's pov

"happy birthday too you, happy birthday too you, happy birthday dear skyler, happy birthday too you," "that isn't how i wanted to wake up on my birthday," i laughed sitting up with the guys all around me. they handed me a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast and i laughed. "you guys are the best," i said.

"only for you," soda said. "i know i'm so special," i replied and they all laughed. "so, what's it like to be 16?" two-bit asked. "the same as 15, just not a do called kid anymore," i said and he grinned. "what's on the agenda today?" i asked taking a bite of toast. "well, we were thinking that we could take you to the mall with evie," steve said. "you guys, take me to the mall?" i laughed. "wow, what did i do to become so special,"

"yeah yeah, then we can go get lunch at dingos or wherever you want, then maybe go to the arcade or somethin' then there will be a party at bucks tonight," darry said. "thank you guys," i smiled. "happy birthday blue!" soda said. "ok serious question though, what should i wear?" i asked.

they all went to the pile of clothes i had in sodas room and were all huddled in a circle until they all stood up. "GOT IT!" ponyboy said. they laid in outfit out in front of me and i smiled. "perfect! hair?" i asked. "curl," soda said. "will do, thanks guys," i said. i finished eating and got dressed and ready for the day.

i walked out of the bathroom and did a little spin. they all cheered and i laughed. "is evie coming here first or are we meeting her there?" i asked. "we're picking her up on the way, but we gotta take two cars so choose between darry's and two-bits," steve said. "no offense dar, but i'm gonna go with two," i said and he laughed. "don't kill her on her birthday keith," darry said and two-bit nodded like an army guy.

we got in the car and johnny soda and i all went with two-bit. "elvis elvis elvis," i chanted and two-bit turned elvis on. "YAY," i said and they all laughed. we got to the mall a little before the others since they had to get evie, so we got slushees while we waited. they all walked in and i ran up to evie and hugged her. "i swear to god if you don't start coming over more often we're gonna have a problem," i said and she laughed. "i missed you too, happy birthday sky," she said.

"thanks eve," i smiled and handed her my slushee. "is this the coke one?" she asked and i nodded. we shopped for like 2 hours because the guys can't last that long. we went to dingos and ordered so much food. more than usual at least. but we ate all of it. im not even kidding, all of it. since evie was with us, and it was my birthday, we got a huge discount.

we went home and all laid around the house for awhile. a few people called to say happy birthday, but other than that we just watched tv. eventually it was time for the party so evie helped me pick a better party outfit out of the clothes i got. it was a blue dress with dally's jacket over it.

"LETS GO BITCHES!!" i yelled and they all ran out the front door. we walked to bucks laughing and cracking jokes. when we walked in there was only a few more people, well greasers. tim angela and curly shepherd, and a few more. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYLER!!!" everyone yelled and i laughed. "thanks guys," i said and my face went red from embarrassment. "LETS GET SOME DRINKS BUCK!" two-bit yelled.

buck sent beer and shots all around the room and music was blasting. i was dancing with evie after a few drinks, i wasn't drunk but i was a little iffy. i saw the door open but couldn't see who it was because everyone was dancing. my heart skipped a beat when i saw who it was and i froze. we were both just looking at one another and everyone else in the room disappeared.

we slowly walked up to one another and i didn't even know what to say. they said he was gone, they said.... it doesn't matter anymore. need here now. "happy birthday," he said. "thanks," i said. "you have a lot of explaining to do," i added. "i know, but first, come with me," he said grabbing my hand and taking me outside. "nice jacket by the way," he said. "yeah it's new," i replied. we were standing outside and i was leaning on the railing.

"why'd you do it?" i asked. "i promise i'll tell ya everything man, but first open this," he said handing me a little box. it was poorly wrapped but he tried. i opened it and it was a necklace with a DW on it. "for dally?" i asked laughing and he nodded. "well i figure if we wanna try this, that's the best way for people to know you're mine," he said and i raised an eyebrow.

"i think you have something to ask me then," i said. "skyler, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. "yes," i said as it started raining. i smiled as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in kissing me. it wasn't soft and delicate like the first time, it was rough and you can tell he needed it. i pulled away and smiled at him, then slapped him across the face.

"ow," he said. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE ME THINK YOU LEFT?" i yelled. "i'm sorry okay? i just didn't want you to lose the guys over me, but then i figured out that you convinced them to let us see each other but i'd already said i left and i panicked," he said. "dallas winston, panicking? wow," i said and he rolled his're pretty damn lucky i missed you otherwise i wouldn't be so forgiving, now get your ass inside so we can celebrate my birthday," i said grabbing his hand as we walked inside, soaked from the rain.

hey loves!! i've been updating a lot lately because it's winter break so i hope you like them:)

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