Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:


Hmm.. It's so comfy... Wait where am I? My eyes snap open. I looked around seeing I'm in a room? WHERE'S RAI? WHERE'S SORA? WHERE'S KOSUKE?!!?!?! DID THEY DIE?! OH NO!! THEY CAN'T DIE YET! WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO EAT YET!

"RAIIIIIIIIII...........SORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.........KOSUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELPPPPPPPPP" I screamed. I hear footsteps and then my door busted open.

"MAO ARE YOU OKAY?!" Sora yelled. Then she noticed me still in bed and no danger. What can I say? I enjoyed being overdramatic. Makes life funner... Wait.. Is funner a word? o.o WALE NOW IT IS.

"Ugh seriously" Kosuke sweatdropped. I snapped out of my thoughts and grinned at them innocently.

"Don't do that to us." Rai said while sweatdropping. Sora came over and bonked me on the head.

"Ow" I said while rubbing my head. That really hurt. -.- Like.. I need my brain, and if you hit my head, that results in hitting my brain which cause it to get hurt which then leads to it not working.. Well I think it stopped working awhile ago. Oh well.

"SOWWYYYY I was just worried cause I just woke up... In a room.. and I didn't see you guys sooo yeahhh." I explained. Sora bonked me on the head again.. Along with Kosuke.. and Rai. And there goes all my brain cells.

I held my head and rolled on the ground anime crying. Dude it hurts, also they all do it on the small spot. Hurts like poopy.. Wait how does poop even hurt? o.o Anyways.. I want to do something fun today. Like.....










"CAN WE GET RAMEN?" I yelled while ranting a bit. Everyone just sweatdrops. THESE ARE SOME AWESOME IDEAS! I can't believe we're actually here at the Leaf! This is so cool!

"Yes we can get ramen, and food for the house, and ninja supplies/medical, and clothes, and whatever." Rai said while crossing her arms and yawning.

She has a habit of doing that, crossing her arms, putting her hands in her pockets, watching the clouds and stars, yawning, eating, training, and yeah.

Anyways, back to the topic. "YAYYYYY!" I screamed throwing a fit in the air.

"RAMEN FIRST THOUGHHH LETS GOOOOO" I yelled running out the door. I CAN SMELL IT! MY BEAUTIFUL RAMEN! I tried it once in my life when Baka-sensei brought it home, and I fell in love with it. I heard that the leaf has the best ramen in the entire world!

"Uh Mao. Don't you want to change first?" Kosuke asked. I looked in the mirror. My hairs a mess, and my clothes are wrinkled...DANG I LOOK FABULOUS. I strike an unnatural pose in the mirror before running out the door.

"Nah ramen first." I called out right before Rai's hand shot out and grabbed my arm. I groaned. Can't I just get some ramen! That's all I want right now. Ramen. Ramen. Ramen. Ramen.

"Go get change and tie your hair." She said. I sigh in defeat. I just want my ramen. Is that so hard?? Plus, I don't care if people see me like this, wouldn't you go measures for love? Wait.. I think I said that wrong.. OH WELL.

In your arms (Gaara Fanfic) | Editing soon!Where stories live. Discover now