Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

I sighed as I poke the fire. It's been about 3 days since...the accident, we've just been traveling around. Also trying to stay low while doing so. We're all wanted criminals.. Well I am. But since they didn't find Mao's and Sora's bodies they think I probably took them and I'm gonna bring them back to life.

First of all, dead is dead. You do not bring the dead back alive. Second of all, they aren't even dead. Yet they don't know that, it's just a confusing mess. Also, I haven't talked to any of the tailed beasts in awhile. It's like they're ignoring me on purpose. Oh well.

"Rai." Ookami voice ranged out, I turned and faced him.

"Ookami." I said while nodding. He nodded back and sat next to me. No one really talked to each other, Sora and Mao were normally lost in thought all the time. I basically ruined them.

"Day three, almost day four." He said. I nodded again.

"Yeah." I heard a branch snap, I quickly stood up and looked that way. Ookami was growling dangerously low and standing protectively in front of me. I grabbed a kunai out of my pocket and narrowed my eyes.

"Who's there?" Ookami growled.

"Oh look Itachi. We found them." A voice said. A shark and another emo duckbutt came into the light of the fire.. Akatsukis.

"It seems we did." Itachi said. I raised an eyebrow. Itachi Uchiha eh?

"Are you Rai Yamada?" Sharky asked. I nodded. Sharky looked passed me and raised an eyebrow.

"Who are they?" He asked.

"My sisters." I replied emotionlessly, I threw my kunai into a tree and petted Ookami's head, he nodded and walked over to Sora and Mao, and sat protectively in front of them.

"I thought you killed them?" Itachi said..well asked. I shrugged.

"That was only a genjutsu." I confessed. Itachi and Sharky looked at each other and nodded. They both sat down around the fire. I sighed and sat down also.

"Who's the dog?" Sharky asked. Ookami growled.

"I'm a wolf, get it right." Ookami snapped. Sharky smirked.

"Wolf, dog, same thing." He said while waving Ookami off.

"Shark, dolphin, same thing." Ookami shot back. Sharky and Ookami glared at each other. I sighed again and poked the fire.

"Idiots and more idiots." I mumbled under my breath. I looked up to see Sharky and Ookami glaring at me. Itachi looked at me with an amused expression.

"Hey, you look like Itachi." Sharky said while looking between Itachi and I. I studied Itachi as he did the same to me, I shrugged. Sasuke looks like Itachi, and I look like both of them. I couldn't help but to feel there's a big part of my life missing.

"Who knows..I could be an Uchiha." I said. Itachi's eyes widen.

"Do you know Sasuke Uchiha?" He asked. I frowned and nodded. I miss the emo duckbutt.

"Yeah, you guys are brothers." I said, Itachi nodded. "You know, he's dead set on killing you. That's why he ran away to Orochimaru." I added. Itachi nodded again.

"He's naive." Itachi said. I nodded in agreement. So much nodding man.

"Anyways, we're here to recruit you and your sisters." Sharky said. I raised an eyebrow. "Do I even have a choice whether we join or not?" I asked. Sharky smirked."Looks like we got a smart one." Sharky said. I nodded.

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