Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

It's been about two days since we left the leaf.. We traveled those two day so now we're resting.

"I'll start putting up the tents." Kosuke said. Sora and Kankuro went over to help.

"I'll start unpacking the stuff." Temari said. I nodded.

"I'll gather firewood." Mao said. She smiled and waved before disappearing into the forest. We don't even need firewood o.o

"I have watch..I guess." I said as I walked away. I found a tree and sat there. It's actually pretty hot.. Probably because we're getting closer to Suna. But there was a slight breeze here and there.

I smiled slightly.. Suna.. I'm finally coming back home.. I wonder if anyone would remember me.. Probably not. I need to change my clothes, I don't understand how Kitty-Chan and Gaara does it. They should go shirtless *wink wink*

I bursted out in laughter. Oh my yama, I'm a perv. Nothing new though :3

It was starting to get dark, the stars were coming out. I smiled, I always enjoyed looking at the stars.. I don't know.. It brings me comfort.

"Rai." Gaara said, I jumped a little.

"Holy crackers.. You scared me." I said. Gaara stood next to me leaning on the tree trunk.

"The tents are up, everyone is asleep." He informed me.

"Already?" I asked. He nodded. That was quick. We both sat.. and well stood in silence and looked at the stars. I studied Gaara at the corner of my eye. I tend to do that a lot.

I noticed he didn't have his gourd. Probably left it at the campsite.. Mine was resting against the tree trunk below.

He started to sit down when he motioned me over. I scooted over slowly.

"Lay down." He said while patting his legs. He was sitting cross-legged. I raised an eyebrow but he just stared at me. I sighed as I laid my head down on his legs. He had his hands propping him up from the back.

I looked up at Gaara, his eyes was closed and his head was slightly tilted up. His hair blew a little whenever a tiny breeze blew by. I smiled and looked back up at the stars.

It was something we always did together whenever we were together...We didn't need to talk or anything.

I adverted my attention back on Gaara. His eyes shined brightly...It looked like it was green! My hands shot up and grabbed Gaara's face, he looked down at me with wide eyes.

Hmmm.. It's his regular color now.. But.. In the moonlight it's green. I turned his head up.. AH HA!

"IT'S GREEN!" I yelled. I grinned. Why am I so amused by this?

Gaara looked down with amusement.

"In the moonlight your eyes are green, in the sun your eyes looks blue and whenever your not in the moonlight or sunlight it's sea-foam green." I said clearly proud of my observation.

"Your eyes are always blue." He said. I nodded..well tried too. He looked back up at the sky. I studied his face.. He seems so peaceful and calm. My eyes found his kanji.

It looked black when he looked down but dark red when the moonlight shined on it. Isn't Gaara full of colors. Next thing you know his hair is actually pink .-.

I burst out laughing. Gaara with pink hair?! Oh my yama. I would love to see that.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"I was just imagining you with pink hair." I said in between laughs. He shook his head and looked back up at the sky. I poked his cheek. It's so poky.

In your arms (Gaara Fanfic) | Editing soon!Where stories live. Discover now