Chapter 24

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(Rai's mask is picture attached. Credit goes to owner. I do not own.)
Chapter 24:


"Oh my god. What the fuck?" My jaw dropped at the sight of Mao. We finally got to the village, it wasn't far at all. But Mao had bright yellow noddle colored hair, exactly like Naruto's. Also, she had purple lines all over her left side of her body.

She told me that it was because she had finally entered the final stage of a shoton. The lines represents the crystals in her body.

"So those lines just appeared out of no where?" Sushi asked. Mao grinned up and nodded. "It mean's I'm finally a fully develop shoton!" It started forming when we were walking to the village.

Like one moment she's clear of purple lines, next she has a bunch all over her left side of her body. Also, her eyes turned bright blue.

"When you finally get to the final stage of a shoton, you're appearance may change a bit. Sometimes people hair color changes, sometimes their eye color changes, or lines appear on their skin to represent the crystals flowing through their body." Mao explained.

"That's very interesting." Itachi said. Ookami nodded in agreement. "You look just like Naruto it's crazy." He said. Mao giggled. "It's weird isn't it?" She said. I nodded in agreement.

"Hey Sora, are you done yet?" Ookami called out. We heard some rustling behind the door to the dressing room.

"Yeah! Almost done!" She called out. She was washing out her hair and getting dress into new clothes.

"This is weird." Mao giggled. I nodded. "You look weird, yet awesome, but weird at the same time." I laughed. Mao started twirling around, she still had her old clothes since it still fitted her. I didn't really get anything change. I just change my outfit a bit and grabbed a mask.

"Alright. I'm done." Sora called out. We all looked up, Mao gasped, Ookami's jaw dropped, Sushi grinned, Itachi just nodded.

"Whoa, you look weird." I exclaim. Sora rolled her eyes. "Thanks Rain I really appreciate that." She said while sticking her tongue out at me. I laughed and shook my head.

"Don't worry it's in a good way!" I said while throwing my hands up and laughing. Sora grinned at me and laughed.

"Now that we're are done, we should get going." Itachi said. We all nodded and grabbed our mask.

Mao had this blue and white one, the only thing that would show is her eyes. Sora had this purple and white one, again the only thing that is showing is her eyes. I had this black clothed one, similar to Kakashi's. We all put our masks on, Itachi nodded and we hurried out of the village.

"You guys look different, it's weird." Ookami mumbled to me. I laughed and nodded. "New appearances, new place, new life." I said back, Ookami gave me a wolfy smirked and nodded.

Itachi looked back at me and smiled, I waved at him. He couldn't really see me smile so.. Yeah.. Itachi slowed down a bit and let Mao and Sora pass him, Sushi and them two were sprinting away.

"Rain." Itachi said, I looked at him and nodded. "Itachi." I replied back, he smiled at me. Ookami speed up a bit probably knowing that Itachi and I wanted some bonding time.

"When we get to the base, we're going to have some bonding time. I want know all about you." Itachi said. I laughed and nodded. "I wanna know about you too." I replied. Itachi smiled slightly and nodded.

"It's crazy, how I finally found you." Itachi said, he shook his head. "You look just like mother." He added. "How was mother? Was she caring and nice?" I asked. Itachi nodded. "She was caring and nice, she always knew what to say at the right moment. You would've loved her. You got her personality and how protective you are over everyone, she used to be like that too. She sang to Sasuke and I. She had a beautiful voice." Itachi explained with a small smile.

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