Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

Right now Sasuke and I are chasing after the Sand Siblings.. Never realize how fast they were.

"Rai you alright?" Sasuke asked. He was still holding my hand.. Fangirl moment.. JUST KIDDING YOU STUPID .-.

"Yeah, and yourself?" I asked. He nodded.

"Temari, go. I'll take care of him." I heard Kankuro say. I frowned.

"Kankuro." I called out. Sasuke and I stopped on a branch.

"Rai!" Kankuro looked surprised.

"I won't let the brat get near him." He said. Sasuke glared at him.

"Why? He can help!" I said. Kankuro shook his head.

"He wants to kill Gaara."

"I don't want to kill him. I want to stop him." Sasuke said. Kankuro was looking between us.

"Let me battle him." Shino said. Huh? I looked behind me to see Shino on a branch.

"Shino what are you doing here?" I asked. He shook his head.

"We have a battle to finish." He told Kankuro. Kankuro smirked.

"Alright bug boy let's go." He said. I transported Sasuke and I behind Kankuro.

"Don't kill each other or I'll kill you both you got it?" I growled. They both gulped but nodded.

"Good." I said. Sasuke and I started running again.

We finally caught up with Gaara... where's Temari? o.o

"Hey Shukaku wanna fight your other half?" I asked.

"No, not really." Shukaku said while sighing. I grinned.

"Good get ready." I said.

"Shouldn't you use Isobu?" Matatabi asked.

"I'm not trying to kill him." I replied.

"You humans are all too soft and cowards." Kurama said.

"That's exactly why you're sealed inside of me." I said while smirking.

"Ha! You just got told!" Son Goku's laugh ranged through my mind.

"I have no idea what scheme you sand clowns are planning, but no matter what I'll stop it whatever it is." Sasuke said.

"Besides I'm dying to see what you're really are." He added. Gaara glared at him before holding his head and screaming.. His sand armor cracking.

"Gaara no!" Temari yelled.

"We're so alike Unchia... I don't have friends as you have. But they're not what makes you strong. It's your purpose that does it.. In that way we are alike. But for me to really show I existence I must kill you!" Gaara said.

He then started screaming, he kneeled down and held his head.

"Gaara!" I shouted.

"Rai no!" Sasuke said. I groaned. Dammit.

"Rai." Gaara said he lifted his head, his eyes met mine before he started screaming again.. His sand armor cracking more.


"I don't care anymore! YOU ARE MY PREY!" He yelled. Half of Gaara started to transform.

"GAARA NO STOP!" Temari yelled. I cursed under my breath.

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