Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


"NARUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." I hear Rai yell. Ugh what does she want? I got out of bed..Bed? I looked around, I was in a small room.. Hmm. I think this is Rai's room.

"RAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" I yelled back. I heard her laughed and she came into the room.

"Finally you're awake! Go get ready or we're gonna be late!" She says rushing me out of the room. I yawn slightly before nodding.

"Hey was that you're room?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. Rai nodded.

"Thanks for letting me crash in your room." I said, Rai nodded again. I forgot Rai doesn't sleep.. Man that must suck.

"Hurry and get ready, I bought some Ramen." Rai said. RAMEN! I hurried up and went to the shower, in about 3 seconds I was done.

"RAMENNNNNN!" I heard Mao yell. I rushed into the kitchen seeing five bowls of ramen laid out. Mao already grabbed hers and was stuffing it down. We have about 15 minutes before the academy started.

"Hurry and eat." Sora said. We all nodded .

"LETS GOOOO!" Rai yelled putting all the bowls into the sink and cleaning it with some water jutsu.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" I yelled, Rai just nodded and ran out the door. The rest of us followed her.

"I saw the academy soo I know where it is." Rai said. We have about five more minutes.

"RUN FASTERRRR!" Mao yells. We all darted. I went in the front navigating everyone through the building to our classroom.

Mao busted through the door.

"WE'RE HERE!" She yelled. I follow in suit then Sora, and Kosuke, lastly Rai.

"Nice to see you all can make it." Iruka Sensei says.


"HEY IRUKA SENSEI!" I yelled while waving. Naruto already sat down next too.. Pinky? And this emo.. duckbutt hair dude. 0.0


"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" Iruka Sensei offered. I looked around seeing the class filled with people. OHHH FRIENDS!

"I'LL GO FIRST! OKAY SO.. MY NAME IS MAO YAMADA. URM.. I'M 12! SECOND OLDEST OF THE LEAF SIBLINGS.... I LOVE RAMEN... NARUTO IS MY TWIN BROTHER... AND... YEAH!' I yelled jumping around. Sora, Kosuke and Rai sweatdrops.

"The names Sora! ^-^ I'm 12... Oldest of the leaf siblings! Naruto is my younger brother. Kosuke is my lover... andddddd thats all." Sora says while giving everyone a closed eye smile.

All the guys were drooling over her. I looked around seeing a dude with glasses and his coat covering his mouth.. Ohhh. HE'S SO.....ADORABLE!!!!.. NO... DO I HAVE A......CRUSH?!

He looked up at me and nodded, I felt my face heat up so I looked down. Rai shot me one of that smirk she gives when it's like she knows all your deepest secrets o.o

"Hey! I'm Kosuke. 13. A member of the leaf siblings.. and Kosuke... Plus Naruto. Sora is my babygirl. Urmm. Hurt anyone one of these people,  I'll kill you." Kosuke said while smiling. All the guys glared at him. And all the girls had hearts in their eyes. Ew...

"Rai.. 11. Youngest of the leaf siblings." Rai said waving and smiling.

"THAT'S THE BABY OF OUR GROUP!" Naruto yelled smiling at Rai. Rai just rolled her eyes but smiled back.

In your arms (Gaara Fanfic) | Editing soon!Where stories live. Discover now